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Colm Apr 2018
I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't come back. Why? Because I'm here, and I'm a most formidable threat to contest.
Short and honest in nature. And I'm not the least bit surprised. Life doesn't have to be a surprise party afterall. I'd actually prefer it not to be.
We clamor for the answers
On why Poetry always takes a back-step to everything else
We've lost all the components of the belt
It's still beautiful and heartfelt
But it fails to implement welts
Inside the barriers
That refuse to be our carriers
For any more to be in public print
You better have the green eqivalent
To enter this contest
That you might not even win
No wonder why we're so vulnerable to throwing our work into the trash bin
Why should I lose money I worked so hard for
To be circulated in the financial parkour?
I'm not trashing them
No disrespect
But after a hefty inspect
I think we can do better
I'm so used to rejection letters
I'm just not opulent or sophisticated enough
I don't have a yacht like Billy Collins to splurge about
I write purely what gives me an urge about
Don't care for the money and the clout
It won't make me pout
I can tell you what Poetry is about
No need for the textbook explanation
That's not your destination
It's about who you are
How you feel
How these thoughts reel
What happened in your tri-optics
And how we can solve it
The world has churned out a campaign to ignore and omit it
And they're almost successful
Almost is as useful as a horseshoe against hand grenades
Let me drink my Lemonade
Writing line after line
I know I'm not Elitist enough
The edges of these words are kind of rough
Or as the Poetry Foundation says vague
Then explain why these poems almost always become trending?
I guess I'll buy my seventy-nine cent pen and express myself
Sit down and be laughed at the ones with their prestigious titles
Looked at as another wannabe
Even though I have the spirit like Ken Wantanabe
I guess what will be, will be
I'm just another bee in the Harvest
Trying to be Independent
Another lost soul in the forest
I take pride in my work but I'm considered the poorest
By the highest of the contempoaries
With their personal Secretaries
Thank you for your submission
But it puts you into the Obiutary
That they'll forget about

I'll make my own way
Starting today
Or was it many years ago?
It's hard to truly decipher.
That Billy Collins quote about buying a seventy-nine cent pen and express yourself has always ****** me off. This is why we haven't gained any serious traction amongst the decades.
Kilam TA Feb 2018
Rotting flesh bathes under the sun's unrelenting waves

Our prey has felt the reapers touch
repossessing its soul
so we may harvest the remains

The scents invade our nostrils
luring us into a state of blissful hunger

We dive
We feast
We leave none to waste

He picks up the microphone -
The switch is already on
He pushes the button anyway
And that turns it back off
He starts into his maiden speech.
Nobody hears a single word
But he keeps right on talking.
I’m in the sound booth at the back
Visible in the window
The audience turns and looks at me.
There’s nothing I can do.
The mic has been turned off.
So I am forced fake a smile
And take the blame
For his stupidity.
I can never turn down a challenge.
I told the speaker before he took the stage that the mic was on and all set for him.  Nerves got the upper hand.  You'd be surprised how often it happens, but most realize they are not beng amplified and check the mic.
sadgirl Jul 2017
in the la summer,
the heat doesn't whisper
it swells

and the hottest of the places
were the buses
big greenhouses on wheels

but i rode them,
for i had no car
and if i did

it would've been stolen
even though
i moved away from hidden hills

and now lived
on the face
of the sun

after a while,
i found my own
ways to rebel

drink gin out of
my water bottle
on the trip back home,

sit in the elderly
and handicapped

and that was what i was
doing when she entered the

she was obviously ancient
and walked with a cane
so of course i moved to the side

as she passed me
the first thing i noticed
other than her skin that was almost purple

was the tattoo of the number
across her cheek

and no, this wasn't a young
not the type to spend late nights

recording raps
for soundcloud in the back
of a crack house

we looked through each other for a
and then she said to me

do you see it?

i shook my head
i didn't know what she
even meant

then she extended her hands
and still, nothing
was there

do you see it, she said again
i said no
she sighed

i have so much to tell you,
young woman
so much you need to know

i nodded
because when a crazy
old woman says things like that to you

you nod and smile
so much you need to know
her eyes were misted over

like lakes in the winter time,
cream in the bowl of
a tabby cat

we sat in silence
for a good while,
and then she looked at me again

in the summer, back home she said
when we left school
me and my friends would go drinking

there was a place called the golden shovel
and they had a huge pool table
me and mary would play, smoke cigarettes and

listen to jazz
it was the only time i
felt like i was alive

but when the cops came
mary was there, and i wasn't
they shot her dead

they said the bar was a hideout
for everything good and black
that my mother told me i should stand for

seven died,
and they said the golden shovel
was used to dig graves

i got this last year
she raised a long, peeling finger
to her cheek,

pointing at the seven

the bus ground to a halt as she
put her finger down
i looked at her

this is my stop
she said
before giving me a folded piece of paper

this is a poem i wrote

i took it and opened it, but by the time i
read it, she was already gone

*We real cool. We
Left school. We

Lurk late. We
Strike straight. We

Sing sin. We
Thin gin. We

Jazz June. We
Die soon.
None of this is true. I just had a stroke of whimsy.
And yes, the poem at the end is We Real Cool. If you didn't already know.
Mary-Eliz Apr 2017
I long to know what I'm up against,
my competition,
those who will win silver cups

while I sit longingly

those whose words will find
the ordered spaces
of a published piece
fall in place
as if meant to be.

At the selling table
I exchange dollars
for a glimpse
into their thoughts.

What I see does not
surprise me,
what I knew already.

Their words caress
the page
make it smile.

Their screams slash it
make a gaping hole
through which
pour their souls.

Sounding weak
my own words
in my head.

I want to take them back,
that I ever set them down
gave them to be judged.
My love how can I and my soul be at rest
When the entire city has opted to contest
With open chest I am ready for this test
Being frank and good soldier I am the best

Weak in faith, lack sincerity to challenge
How can jackals dare to take any revenge
At times they do aspire to search scavenge
But who dare they do not bother to plunge

Let me tell you I will take them one by one
I will take them and burn like blazon sun
I am the one who can be assaulted by none
People are like small fishes I am the ocean

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
Jack Jenkins Jul 2016
I hold the last picture of you in my hand,
gently caressing my thumb across your face as if the glossy texture would give some extra warmth on this freezing night.

Your beauty is tantalizingly flawless; not just of your physical exterior, but also of your warming character that beholds exquisite charm.

I fell for you that one day at the fairgrounds where I failed to claim that fuzzy pink penguin for you. Somewhere between the cotton candy stand and the mirror house I got lost in the tranquility in your eyes
In a moment time itself stopped to witness the miracle of two racing hearts standing like statues for an eternity before I moved my lips to yours and we finally, for the first time, kissed.

The world began to move again, not that we cared or noticed, simply grinning as we held each others faces, locked in embrace...

That was the only time we had ever kissed and I know why.
But the arching of this dream across the years hasn't spent me yet; your reflection is etched into my heart deeper than any scar could ever hope to reach.
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