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Ed C Apr 2019
I feel like a clown
makeup running down
my face, from the rain,
the pain of feeling clouds
blocking my sunshine dreams
ha ha haaa.....
Elena Apr 2019
The values of our relationships
and the commitment to our virtues
inspire and open our eyes.
emru Mar 2019
No luck with love
I'll admit it.

I commit and dive in,
sort of stuck.

All in or not at all,
that's my premise.

Awe-struck always,
if it's not working.
Melany Felix Mar 2019
She has commitment issues.
So she'll wake up one day, shaky hands and all, and tell you she doesn't need you, much less wants you.
You can't fathom this idea and won't want to leave
But she will pick at your insecurities until all you want to do is get away from her

But don't fall for it
Don't listen
Don't give her more reason to be angry at the world

You need to reassure her that you didn't hug her broken pieces back into place
Just to let her fall again

You need to remind her that you don't want her "falling" in love with you because everything that falls breaks and you've been there before.

You need to show her that you love her and remember that she feels the same way. She wouldn't be with you if she didn't. So when she tells you she hates you, calls you an idiot and laughs at your attempt to be sweet, don't forget that's her way of saying "I love you".

She is a bird that hates feeling tied down; so let her fly, but make sure to always be there whenever the wind is too strong.

And when she throws all your clothes in a suitcase and tells you to get lost, empty it out all over the living room floor. Tell her to pick a hoodie, let her put it on,
and cuddle her fears away.
Lame thing I wrote a long time ago :/
Shy Mar 2019
Commitment is not something
I have found easy
The thought horrifies me
To the very core
I spent my life
Avoiding and pushing
The thought of forever away

I don’t feel that way
When I think about you
With you,
Forever does not seem
To be enough
Sabrina Mar 2019
Why won't you let me run?
Why don't you see my feelings are deadly?
My soul can burn brighter than the sun
Brighter than a sunset
On a summers evening
I'll give you all my love for a day or two
Then I'll run away
It's nothing new
I don't know what you see in me
Why you want a future with me
Can I be fixed?
Is that what you think?
I'm gonna try and run away
But you'll pull me back into yesterday
Hold me tight and never let go
I don't know what you see in me
That makes you shine so brightly
Feelings to others are deadly for me
I'm better off living in my own mind where I'm free
Can't you see
That you treat me too good
Too good for me
Let me run before I hurt you
Let me run before I burn you
With the fire of my soul
The ashes of my heart
Let me run
But hold onto every single memory you gave me
Debbie Brindley Mar 2019
I glimp fragments of you
while you sleep
This sad heart
it does weep

Perfect love
now in the past
A beautiful union
never meant to last

Eyes look at me
with an intensity
of things that use to be

Makes my heart yern
for the melodies
your fingers
once played upon my skin
drawn from deep within

I see you hiding
just beyond my reach
Confused eyes
Your beautiful mouth
Know with out speech

So sad my aching heart
every day we're togeather
Closer comes the day
when we shall part

Soulmate, Lover, Confidant, Friend
By your side I shall be
till the very end
This tunnel of vision
defies indecision.
To choose with precision,
I hide from derision.

The voices outside me
tell me lies to guide me.
With no one beside me,
I hear what’s inside me.

I can find my out.
I’ve always done without
others knowing my route
or what I’m all about.

Though the tunnel’s unlit,
dark and loneliness fit.
I’ve made myself commit,
Straight ahead, and don’t quit!
Instagram @insightshurt
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Buy “Insights Hurt: Bringing Healing Thoughts To Life” at
Connor Mar 2019
Two people come together and deepen their connection,
But love isn't just a feeling, and we can't make decisions
Based solely off of the level of dopamine or oxytocin in the body
At the current point in time.
Emotions aren't reliable.
Love is a choice based off of emotions.
If you no longer see that spark
In their eyes, love them and be with them,
Make the ******* choice to stay
Until you see that spark again.
Soulmates don't exist,
There is no perfect person.
Don't ignore their faults,
Accept them and acknowledge them for existing,
Appreciate that you have someone as
Amazing as them.
Is that so hard to
basically  an edited rant. I'm sorry.
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