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Malia Jul 2023
I believe in destiny, not fate
Because our lives are steered
By the choices we make
Left or right, right or wrong
Our choices, not fate, make us strong
And yet, a certain destination
Is the best-case situation
Left or right, right or wrong
Or any path we walk along.
Hmmm this has Shel Silverstein vibes
Glenn Currier Jun 2023
I can decide if I will let go
and enjoy the moment
with the crepe myrtle across the way
and swing in the breeze with the sunflowers
if I will pull the shade of fear over my eyes
and attach to my feet the weight of worry.
Ikimi Festus Jan 2019
A path diverged, splitting in two,
And alas, my beloved, you cannot tread both.
Choose one journey, yearn to endure,
It's an intimate voyage, a solo race to embrace,
Gaze far ahead,
Where it curved amidst the foliage, and witness how
Mortal society ebbs and flows,
Amidst an unchanging factor.
The masses conform to the transient norm,
Many sorrows arise from faith's inertia,
Idle and hopeful, they bear consequence.
Do not play the assigned role, for conformity persists,
As humans, we mimic one another,
Pride precedes ruin,
And arrogance leads to downfall.
They are shackled by their lack of freedom,
Drawn to those who flaunt their fluidity and uniqueness.
Tell this tale with a wistful sigh,
Somewhere in distant ages to come: that
Once, it was unfashionable to be rebellious,
Yet as multitudes assumed the rebel's guise,
It lost its distinctiveness, its defiance faded,
But two paths diverged, and you,
You chose the one less traveled,
And that choice has made all the difference.
Ikimi Festus Nov 2018
Father's counsel lingers, both friend and foe should stay in sight,
To trust the unknown, our closeness to those we despise,
Thus, my heart's embrace is withheld from those I cherish most.

Father's voice imparts, knowledge's lock shall turn enough,
Not all truths warrant attention, best left undisturbed,
Some deem them history, others tales spun by fanciful minds.

Father's caution whispers, our world brims with immoral ways,
Amidst entertainment, drugs, technology, and arms,
He lost faith in God, deeming such beliefs unnecessary.

Father's words unfold, before weather forecasts, prayers rose,
Unaware of its workings, men sought blessings from above,
They were mere fools, blessed by timely rains they yearned for.

Father's insight reveals, men's knowledge surges forth,
Understanding the mechanisms that govern our realm,
For him, God is replaced, all by the hands of nature.

Father's voice resounds, myriad knowledge fills our world,
The Bible, a piece among the countless truths we possess,
Whether believed or not, it remains part of our tapestry.

Mike's father speaks,
In his own words, he imparts his wisdom:
"My son, conflicting ideas arise, questioning both sacred text and documented science.
If you seek truth through faith, perhaps you should turn to God.
Yet, if science alone guides your pursuit of truth, my son, trust in your fellow men."

Choose discerningly, with wisdom as your guide.
Mark Wanless Apr 2023
future is people
both scary and so hopeful
do we have a choice
Zywa Apr 2023
Closing time, the farewell
almost over, the seats free
the table full, the glasses empty

I have to go, I'm leaving
Don't look at me like that, you
old singers in old frames

It's quiet on the street, I'm going
The moon is shining, we are turning
back to the sun already

The dogs stand
The scent of our love
has evaporated

The sheets are cold
Put an extra blanket
over your memory
"Restless farewell" (1964, Bob Dylan, album "The times they are a-changin' ")

Collection "Great Flow"
a man sits
at the bottom
of the steps
not blocking the path
but he cannot be missed
begging alms
from the myriad
who climb and descend
in droves
the cup he holds
is barely weighted
by the meagre amount
he has received
he patiently wishes goodwill
to all who pass
despite their lack of offerings
even though
the majority will ignore
purposefully averting their eyes
or apologetically decline
to part with
any lose change
instead saving their coins
to pay their entry
to marvel at
the gilded interior
of the church
whose teachings include
"love thy neighbour"
Expanding universe
Plant some seeds
See the fruits
That our world needs

What we plant
Will surely grow
In spirit above
Or soil below

Week by week
Our visions appear
From our intents
When thought is clear

Be choiceful with
The seeds you plant
For yearly growth
Will surely grant

The endful fruit
Of seeds that grow
So sow today
The truth you know

In faith and hope
Plant tiny seeds
That surely grow
And fill our needs
You can see this poem on a background here
Shivani Nashier Dec 2022
I learned how to wake up without his voice,
Somewhere deep down , I still doubt my choice.  
I am trying to Heal myself, but at great cost,
no matter where ever I go, I will always be  lost.
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