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Zywa Apr 2023
Closing time, the farewell
almost over, the seats free
the table full, the glasses empty

I have to go, I'm leaving
Don't look at me like that, you
old singers in old frames

It's quiet on the street, I'm going
The moon is shining, we are turning
back to the sun already

The dogs stand
The scent of our love
has evaporated

The sheets are cold
Put an extra blanket
over your memory
"Restless farewell" (1964, Bob Dylan, album "The times they are a-changin' ")

Collection "Great Flow"
a man sits
at the bottom
of the steps
not blocking the path
but he cannot be missed
begging alms
from the myriad
who climb and descend
in droves
the cup he holds
is barely weighted
by the meagre amount
he has received
he patiently wishes goodwill
to all who pass
despite their lack of offerings
even though
the majority will ignore
purposefully averting their eyes
or apologetically decline
to part with
any lose change
instead saving their coins
to pay their entry
to marvel at
the gilded interior
of the church
whose teachings include
"love thy neighbour"
Expanding universe
Plant some seeds
See the fruits
That our world needs

What we plant
Will surely grow
In spirit above
Or soil below

Week by week
Our visions appear
From our intents
When thought is clear

Be choiceful with
The seeds you plant
For yearly growth
Will surely grant

The endful fruit
Of seeds that grow
So sow today
The truth you know

In faith and hope
Plant tiny seeds
That surely grow
And fill our needs
You can see this poem on a background here
Shivani Nashier Dec 2022
I learned how to wake up without his voice,
Somewhere deep down , I still doubt my choice.  
I am trying to Heal myself, but at great cost,
no matter where ever I go, I will always be  lost.
SpiritHeart67 Nov 2021
When you let
people places
and things
around you
be themselves
Rather than
your will
upon them,
This then,
is when
we finally
find peace.

It Feels
Really Good
  To Just
   Let Go...
Timmy Shanti Oct 2022
when the time is right
when your heart is healed
you embrace the light
searing truth to heed

when the moment calls
when your conscience's clear
beauty to behold
you protect what's dear

when the angels sing
when the die is cast
you are everything
make this moment last...
SpiritHeart67 Sep 2022
"Everything can be taken from a man
but one thing.
The last of human freedoms
- To choose one's attitude
In any given set of circumstances,
To choose one's own way."

Victor Frankel
Zywa Aug 2022
I need strange hard hands

to plough me, tearing apart --

your roots inside me.
"Harte fremde Hände" ("Hard strange hands", 1951-1953, Hilde Domin)

Collection "VacantVoid"
Kelly Mistry Aug 2022
Interlocking concepts
But rarely as simple
                                     as cause and effect

We always have a choice
To act
           To react
                          To endure
                                             To survive

Choice is a source of power
It can’t be taken away by another

Don’t believe them when they say
“You have no choice”
Even if they
are you

But our choices alone
                                       are rarely the only cause
                                                           ­                        of our circumstances

Other peoples’ choices
The systems we must navigate
Our environments and ecosystems, human-built and beyond
All contribute to determine
                                                  the fertility of the soil
                                                                ­                         from which our range of choices grow

In fertile soil
Choices abound

But even in barren soil
You still must choose
To act
To react
To endure
To survive
While holding onto hope
                                              for future change

Through intention
Through community
Through action

To believe that your choices alone
Are responsible for an outcome
Whether fortunate
Or dire

Is the height of arrogance
Born of a need to feel in control
Of the world around you

We all should be held accountable for our choices
But take care
How you parcel out responsibility
                                                              an­d blame

To yourself
To others
With awareness of the state of the soil
                                                                ­     from which those choices grew
Nicole Aug 2022
Have you ever heard your truth
Echoed back to you from another's lips?
Like a droplet into still water
Their words reverberated through my soul
They mirrored back my struggle with trauma
With their walls of fiery anger
Holding onto rage like a lifejacket
We've been floating in similar waters
Preparing for battle in every moment
While we're the ones aiming the guns
Grasping so tightly to our secret truth
That one day the pain will **** us
We're acting like we're already dead
Before we ever learned how to live
Inspired by an essay
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