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What's with this fixation on isolation
During the coronavirus outbreak
Is isolation such a bad thing?
I think it's a great thing
Maybe it's because I'm introverted
Maybe it's because I'm gifted
My house is locked and loaded
Want food? I'll gift it to you
Not just you
But your friends too!
Because that's just me
Giving to those in need
Anything for humanity
I ain't letting some Chinese virus
Take away the good in me
Do I look like some Winnie-the-pooh looking fool
Who kills those who speak the truth?

Nah, my names Anthony
You may have never heard of me
But let me tell you how  I'm feeling
About China's president
I'm frustrated
I'm devastated
I wish I could help those in tragedy
You know, the ones who are forcefully locked away
By those that be
He sent people to **** those who spoke out
"There's no virus!"
But people kept speaking out
No more hiding
Now it's all over the world
All because of Xi Jinping's silence
During the first couple of weeks
And for that
He must pay

Such an awful president
How many deaths are on your hands?
How many people suffered?
It's all your fault Xi Jinping
Should be charged
For crimes against humanity.
Guess I'm CANCELLED in China. ah well, Japan number one anyway ;)
Mark Toney Mar 2020
Crazy COVID-19 has us all in a tizzy
Too much information making all of us dizzy
Most who’ve been exposed self-quarantine
Running out of toilet paper making us mean
“Social distancing” is the phrase du jour
Scientists now scrambling to find the cure

COVID-19 apolitical
Proper testing so critical
Slow response hypocritical
Naysayers hypercritical
Division and strife
Don’t take my life
Give it back!

What started out in China as an epidemic
No respecter of nations totally pandemic
All around the world countries shutting down
Even New York City looks like a ghost town
Is there no end to this viral mess
As our way of life’s forced to evanesce?

COVID-19 apolitical
Proper testing so critical
Slow response hypocritical
Naysayers hypercritical
Division and strife
Don’t take my life
Give it back!

© 2020 by Mark Toney. All rights reserved.
3/14/2020 - Poetry form: Lyric - © 2020 by Mark Toney. All rights reserved.
Insomnia, Insomnia, I really hate ya
you make me wanna call a terrorist
So he can blow you up after shouting Allah
hell yeah, America
It's either that or call Russia and China
so together they can obliterate ya
You understand, yeah?
how about the secret weapon
A secret weapon where I call up Yoda
so he can slice ya, yeah?
Insomnia, Insomnia, goodbye
I really really hated ya.
Created by me on January 10th, 2020
Nah, Insomnia isn't so bad. if I didn't have it, then I wouldn't be posting all my poems. Insomnia, Insomnia, I really really like ya. but not that much....
nick armbrister Feb 2020
1 A Dog
There was a small black dog
He lived in Red China
Just a normal dog
No different from the rest
But he became notorious
Due to his fate
Before then he was fun loving
And loved to run and play
Being a street dog by the market
He was well know and fed
The stall holders gave him food
So he never starved
He slept under the stalls
And was stroked regularly
The locals saw him as a friend
Many looked for him
Each day part of the scenery
This was until he disappeared
nick armbrister Feb 2020
2 Dog Caught
There was no more playing
Or being seen by the locals
One man saw the dog
He made a plan and acted
He stole and kidnapped the dog
Taking him to his house
To cook alive and eat
A nice meal for him and his clan
The best most tenderest dog
Cooked alive while terrified
Full of adrenaline
What a yummy taste!
A weekly meal every Sunday
But this dog was different
He did not want to be eaten
Being boiled alive was enough
They pulled his fair off
So tender was the skin
Already half boiled for serving
But he was still alive!
And nozzled the lid of the cooker
And leapt out into the frying pan
Full of cold water which hurt
It brought him round
He jumped and ran off
But was chased by the chef
Come here you naughty dog!
We want to eat you...
nick armbrister May 2021
3 Dog's Fate
The dog hid in a doorway
But was spotted by the chef
Come on now boy
I won't hurt you
Such were the chef's evil lies
He would catch the dog
Finish the act and have his meal
The dog has out smarted him once
There would be no second time
Look there he is!
Come here boy it's ok
We won't hurt you
We just want to eat you
The dog saw his enemy
And bolted for freedom
Would he live or die?
If he escaped what of his injuries?
He'd been half cooked alive
The chef kept calling
And looking for him
Will he live or die?
He was one of many
Poor little doggy
Shofi Ahmed Jan 2020
The Great Wall of China
goes on mile after mile.
Keep walking high
rise onto roofless towers!

We have day and night
a coin has two sides.
There are here and hereafter
hell and paradise
a mundane earth
and a heavenly sky!

Walking on the wall
one might wonder
to take which side
left or the right?
Both look same now
but was built
to save only one side.

Choice is yours
turn on to either side.
There are good and evil
for the chosen better you
see what’s pops up?
Meet the sun rises high
in the silhouette of a great wall!
Mark Toney Dec 2019
Hong Kong China crunch
clash of ideologies—
iron mixed with clay
12/4/2019 - Poetry form: Senryu - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2019
Mark Toney Oct 2019
China charges 1 million annually
For each panda in our zoos
If we won't pay in full
Then the pandas we will lose
Nasty Panda's the exception
No one wants him here or there
He was paid 1 million dollars
To abscond and disappear!

Here comes the Nasty Panda
     ~He's much more than you can bear
He's such a nasty panda
     ~He leaves cooties everywhere
Beware of Nasty Panda
     ~He do anything he please
Stay clear of Nasty Panda
     ~He eats shoots and leaves

I smelled him 'fore I seen 'em
That black and white pariah
Slippin' slidin' in my kitchen
On smooshy mushy pulp papaya
I yelled for him to stop
And I told him where to go
Wink and laugh was all he did
With a Homer Simpson "D'oh!"

Here comes the Nasty Panda
     ~He's much more than you can bear
He's such a nasty panda
     ~He leaves cooties everywhere
Beware of Nasty Panda
     ~He do anything he please
Stay clear of Nasty Panda
     ~He eats shoots and leaves

He hasn't bathed in ages
Masked by quarts of cheap cologne
His furry skin sweat-sticky
From the surface to the bone
Smelly cigar and ***** breath
Plus an air of upper-crust
Please keep your kids away
Cuz that nasty bear can cuss!

Here comes the Nasty Panda
     ~He's much more than you can bear
He's such a nasty panda
     ~He leaves cooties everywhere
Beware of Nasty Panda
     ~He do anything he please
Stay clear of Nasty Panda
     ~He eats shoots and leaves

If you meet up with Nasty Panda
Better turn around and run
You're bound to lose your money
And your wits before he's done
Don't shed tears for Nasty Panda
Cuz he likes the way things are
Don't forget to hide your keys
Else he'll drive off in your car!

Here comes the Nasty Panda
     ~He's much more than you can bear
He's such a nasty panda
     ~He leaves cooties everywhere
Beware of Nasty Panda
     ~He do anything he please
Stay clear of Nasty Panda
     ~He eats shoots and leaves

Here comes the Nasty Panda
     ~He's a scoundrel and a ***
He's such a nasty panda
     ~He's as nasty as they come
Beware of Nasty Panda
     ~He's gonna raise a stink
Stay clear of Nasty Panda
     ~He's much nastier than you think
4/27/2019 - Poetry form: Light Verse - This is what I refer to as a flight of fancy.  Only this panda is nasty. The other pandas are cute :) - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2019
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