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Lilly F Jun 2019
you looked at me and the sky turned pink
the groud turned peach
savoring the moment without a single blink
the colors become distinctive, aware of each
my knees began to shake
the walls turned blue
who knew you could take
my breath away again, deja vu

© L.F
victoria Jun 2019
I’m malleable
A Chameleon in heart
You can undo me
Is this a correct Haiku?
I find I always change myself to suit whoever is around me to make them feel comfortable
Tøast May 2019
Well I guess this is me,
They say once you’ve hit rock bottom you can only go upwards,
Well I hit the rock and pushed up into my mind,
Revealed the sky and shot up into the night.
Though all the scars and torture I’ve trodden those that are tattooed on my skin,
The mud might have weighed down my boots but I’m stronger now than I ever have been.

A somewhat sober somebody, turning my life into something instead of melting into another nothing.
Glenn Currier May 2019
Why do I care what you think
or how you feel about what I say or do?
Should I, especially at my age?
But is not interaction itself the mutual influencing of behavior?
So when I speak to you and you to me
we are changing each other
just as the morning breeze bends the young Chinese Tallows
shaking each spring leaf as if to say, “Wake up tree, its time to grow!”
and the Tallow whispers, "Blow winds blow."
Caring just means I am human
and in spite of everything
I am glad about that.
arian May 2019
your eyes have been as blue as the ocean,
with thoughts that could break the walls down.
with your feet wandering backwards,
your hands reached the ghosts
which you got rid of once.
your tongue coldly murmured the curse
with no exceptions for those you held close.
wanting the sun and the moon to transpose
with mind wishing for creatures of doubt.
eric smith May 2019
if i’ve learned anything
after these
long and cold
16 years
of life
it’s that
is key
you can’t force
one to feel
the way
you feel
about them
and i know
you’ll be lost
and confused
it’ll hurt

you’ll wonder why
she doesn’t love
as much as
she does
“what does he have
that I don’t?”

you’re too afraid
to ask
because perception
is everything
you’ll constantly ask your self
you’ll try hard
to change
just to fit their needs
but you’d be lying to them
and yourself

you’ll change
only to be left
utilizado como un felpudo
stepped all over

then you’ll wonder if
it was your fault
your fault for falling in love
your fault for being this way

you’re broken
and you’re tired
and every attempt you make
to change
is seen
as an act of
but i was never able
to understand
why it’s bad to be
desperate for
i need to stop changing for people who wouldn’t do the same for me.
things are changing so

life is happening so

from one thing to the next,
supporting friends, working
at the cafe and hospital...

and things will continue to
change. as long as we are alive
nothing will ever stay the same
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
but I ain't changing.
I am who
I am
and I am what I love.
You're gonna have to accept me
as is.
I'm not gonna be who you want me to be.
I am me.
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