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"im lonely, so lonely."
the saphire cries.
"the moon is dark, gone frome the skies."
she glistens and sharpens in her hue.

"if only, if only"
the gemstones reply
"you would be moved, we could see your eye"
they believe a change is due

yes only, if only, the change would come
being left out when others did want to include you hurts.
i once knew a boy
who talked with his fists
but during classes
he scratched at his wrists
i didnt understand
i never knew why
so i chose to help this guy

he didnt like me
he made that clear
a punch to my chest
didnt shed a tear
i bandaged his wounds
gave them a kiss
i pulled my sleeves up
showed him my wrist

he didnt look away
he did the same
bandaged me up
and apologies came
he told me he loved me
then went away
never seen him again
to this very day

if a person hurts you
dont take it too far
their unkind words
stem from a scar
bandage them up
share your own wound
maybe they need help
they could get it from you.

a poem for a lost boy
hope you read it one day
yours, harry (now sunny)
Obie Feb 15
Dear Bully,
How come life is harder for trans people then cis people?
Now, I’m not complaining, but why?
Is it cause’ we aren't a ‘true man’ or not a ‘real girl’?
Who’s to say what is real or not?
Who made you the boss of my identity?
How come 50 trans and gender nonconforming people were killed in 2021 alone?
How come 41% of the transgender population has attempted suicide, when only 2% of the world population has attempted suicide.
How come when a trans person shoots someone the title of the article is “Transgender person shot someone,”
but if if a cis, white man shoots someone the title is just “another shooting,” as if it’s normal
How come the pledge of allegiance says ‘justice for all’ when there really isn’t
justice for all?
How come in 2023 there have been 417 new plans for laws and bans against lgbtqia people?
In 2022 there were only 180
Now, trust me, I am not saying 180 is any better.
How come almost 400 new laws have been introduced ever since a transgender person killed 6 people.
So, then
How come we haven't made 5 million laws against cis white men?
How come when I meet someone new they ask me who I am, and I say i play basketball, and I’m transgender.
All they can focus on is how I was born
How come when a cis man meets someone and they say they're into basketball the same person would say, oh who's your favorite player?
How come people believe that it's their business where I go to the bathroom?
Or how I was born?
Dear Bully,
IT is not my fault that I'm trans, so then why do you hurt me?
Why hurt anyone at all?
I lost my best friend, one of the most supportive people cause I had to leave my school
I HAD to leave. I didn’t have a choice.
Why would I stay if I would've just gotten beaten up even more than I already had.
Now, my best friend refuses to talk to me?
Why is that?
Because of you,bully.
And because of all the homophobic, transphobic, idiots out there.
I’m not saying I'm mad at you.
It's not like a middle schooler can choose to be transphobic.
I’m mad at the person who told you to be transphobic,
the person who told that person to be transphobic.
Just ask yourself;
Why hurt others
If you don’t need to?
Obie Feb 15
They're weird,
they help you,
they hurt you,
they love you.
My two friends. They call me strong.
I like it.
They call me tough.
I like it.
They say I have high pain tolerance.
I like it…? No, ***** that.
When they say that, all it brings back is the years where I was beat every day.
They mean well.
But it haunts me,
the fact that I have a high pain tolerance but I grew it.
I didn't have it naturally.
I grew it. Because I was beaten to the point where
That's what happens.
You just get beat enough to the point where you don't feel it anymore.
This can’t happen anymore.
We need to end it.
This can't happen anymore.
Hurting people is easy.

like throwing a *Rock

into a still pond

the glass *-breaks-

r i p p l e s




youll never know.

                                             how deep it went.
this isnt about rocks.
Anonymous Feb 5
You told me
my sweater was ugly
but it's you
who's ugly
on the inside.
Written in the Notes app on my phone.
Miss Masque Feb 5
I go out of my way
to make people laugh
went out
of their way
to make me cry.

I Will Combat
Every. *******. Time.
In My Way.

Saying Nothing
Encourages the
choking vines
to thrive,
nurturing Silence.

I heal hearts--
Ignorance took
a running start
to push over
My resolve.

Rip up the page,
Start again.
Another person
Stopped Listening.

I go out of my way
to brighten someone's day
Shared Laughs,
Shared Smiles.

Made You Feel--
Is what
You remember.

Do I need to
Be Remembered?
I would like to be.

If I have only
ever touched
your life
I hope
You Remember
I made you feel.
~~Don't Let the ******* Get You Down~~
Archer Feb 3
The words that you’ve forced upon me are sad
I’ll take them anyways but you should know
That you can’t take them back
polina Jan 25
She’s soft and beautiful, kind and gentle,
But pushed so hard she’s over caring
Each new insult, a sliver of the mask cut away
Revealing the primal anger that
slumbers in us all.

Her eyes are gentle, bright and open -
Or at least, they used to be. They say eyes
Are the windows to the soul, but what if
Rocks and screams have shattered them
And only jagged glass remains?
It hurts to look at her now, to see the gaping
Holes where her soul used to be.

And that brave, beautiful heart of hers, the one
That  had an overabundance of love -
It’s closed off now, from itself and others,
And all the blood collects inside until it’s
Ready to burst.

And when all of it comes exploding out, a fountain
Of pain laid bare before you
There’s nothing left for you to do.
Look what you’ve done, this princess you now call
Struggling in school everyday,
Feeling like I'm behind.
Struggling with basic math,
teachers making fun of me.
Hurting deep,
Not receiving any support I need.
Why does my brain work differently?
Teachers, students bullying me,
Is it my fault?

The pain runs deep,
With no one to understand.
Why does my brain work in ways they can't see?
Am I broken? Am I stupid?

Laughter echoes when I stumble,
Words like knives, they cut me thin.
I wonder, is this my fault?

Students, teachers bullying me,
How long will it last?
actual story i have to go through everyday
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