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Rasha Feb 2019
Ever laid outside, still?
Staring at an empty sky..
Ever fixed your gaze,
at nothing but a single star?
Feeling the tender breeze
warping you up with silence..
And you grow big; You grow tall..
Getting too close to a single star..
Giving yourself away
to a silent moonless night..
Full of air.. Full of life..
And you start floating in empty space..
Flying like a butterfly……. No..
More like a huge hot air balloon..!
Driven with the warm flame inside of you..
Carried by the cool soft waves of air..
You grow big with every blow of wind; With every inhalation..

Ever felt like flying?
Moving up so high?
Lifted by an inverted gravity of heavens..
Slowly drowning into the sky..
Ever felt sedated and light?
Ever felt free, in no need to fight?
Out of mind, out of sight..
Out of earth, out of light..
Nothing but you and the darkness of night..
The limitless sky and a single starlight..

Ever opened up?
Letting the whole world in?
Growing bigger and lighter..
Letting in your loved ones and haters..
All your wounds and your scars..
All the joyful reasons to smile..
The good and the bad.. Happy and the sad..
All the fears and happiness tears..
Heaven and hell, and all that’s in-between..
Just let it all in..
Let them impulse you and grow you big..

Ever felt full…. But light?
Growing bigger, but younger..?
Taller than the mountains..
Wider than the oceans..
Higher than the highest you have ever reached..
Sublimate into a white transparent cloud..
Cover the sky along the horizon..
Above everything and everyone..
Above the little weak helpless you..
For You are no longer You..
You and the universe have become one..!

Have you ever let go?
Surrender.. Peacefully.. Willingly.. And let go..
Expand… Explode to tiny grains,
and rain down on the world..
Like fairies dust.. Glow and sparkle..
Fill the atmosphere with sweet magic..

Let go…
And let the wind spread you around..
Let it spatter you upon the hills and fields..
The deserts and seas..
On a playful child skin, and a shy young lady’s hair..
On the high held noses of the reckless youth,
And the wrinkled palms of the olds..

Let go…
And rain down on the restless you..
Fall down softly back to your skin..
Back to your limited small and still body..

Let go…
And let the wind that carried you away once,
let it now lay you back outside..
Under the empty sky,
watched by a single star..
Allyssa Feb 2019
I could almost breathe you in,
The way you glided easily through my heart.
You knew the ins and outs,
Twisting and weaving your way up from my ankles,
To my abdomen,
And even though you squeezed,
I could feel my lungs expand and take you in like an intoxicating breath of fresh poison,
Engulfing every part of me.
Leaving scale imprints on my body as if I’m yours
Jaxey Feb 2019
he always took
her breath away
and he still does
just now
it involves his fingers
around her throat
Lemonade Feb 2019
"When the sound of his warm breath was not enough
to fill the emptiness in our conversations,
I knew it was over."
Reese B Feb 2019
Long walks takes steps.
Long life takes breaths.

-Reese B.
PoserPersona Feb 2019
How sad the trees be
when winter comes as fall leaves
and the flowers die

What consolation
is Venus’s forsaken
yielding spring to rise?

For once staring death,
summer fastens by a breath
and the flowers die

Yet made to know doom,
trees tither the chance to bloom
yielding spring to rise
Naomi Firestone Feb 2019
The anxiety I feel is a thunder storm brewing in my stomach
It looms like dark heavy clouds,
wringing droplets of sweat from my forehead like a tightly twisted towel of wet hair
My thoughts are as agitated as a swarm of locusts in their gregarious phase
stuck inside my body
They beat against the curvature of my ribs like paranoid mockingbirds repeatedly warding off their reflections on windows

Fear feeds off the burning acid surging around the pounding fist between my lungs
The tunnel entry to my throat is dry
my breaths short and shallow
I’m drowning in my own inward tears frantically waving my paralyzed arms
I have only myself to save myself
Then, a split in the clouds snatches my attention focusing on searching for safer ground
I methodically breath deep and slow to find my onward way
I look back, exhausted, with a sense of close call, a narrow escape...
Wondering if next time I’ll make it
Ash Young Feb 2019
I relived a moment once.  
It was only a few seconds, a puff of breath stolen from a machine and pumped into lungs that shouldn’t still be moving.
But I lived it and then relived it once more
Now I Think I’ll forever be playing catch-up
Kaylee Ann Feb 2019
The joy of your touch leaves me breathless
Your warm air leaves me gasping
The ecstasy of your presence leaves me high
Yet now you are gone
I'm left alone in a cold room
No warmth to embrace
Though the thought of you still leaves me stupid high
My mind is making up for you
All of our wasted
I imagine your
Then I am back in the moment when I am wrapped in your love
Cheesy love poem
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