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It's Just a Hop, Skip, and a Jump to the Madhouse is available on  It's raw and gritty, powerful writing.
Faith Cubitt Feb 11
Deep in my heart I knew you'd leave.
I knew I wasn't good enough, even though I tried.
but I wanna know how you left so effortlessly?
I gave you my all.... so fully, leaving none of myself for me.
I rooted my self worth in you, if you loved me, I loved me. (but I would always love you more)
so how? how could you just leave without a second thought, knowing I loved you? knowing I would have given you the world  if you only would have asked?
you told me to jump and I asked how high.
even now, if you came back, I'd welcome you with open arms.
saying sorry for anything I did to make you leave. because I loved you. and I always will love you.
but I know you won't. you couldn't, you chose not to.
I was a space holder, no matter the lies you told me, the loved you pretended to share.
I was a mere page in your story, but you were my book....
I loved you more than life itself, I gave everything to you, even though I knew you were gonna leave. what the hell am I supposed to do now?....
Mica Wood Feb 8
How many times must my life fall apart
I’m lying here in shambles
One day I’ll learn, and guard my heart
This pain I cannot handle

Immutable law: everything changes
But it’s all changing so fast
I try and I try to keep turning pages
But still I’m stuck in the past

This awful book I’m trying to read
Is corrosive to my soul
If I’d shut it, then I’d be freed
I was already whole

I’ll lay my heart down in a cast
And together we will heal at last
Shakespearean sonnet adjacent.
Zack Feb 6
Sunlight on my book
The clouds are gone — for today
This chapter is great
Reading brings me peace especially under natural sunlight
Heidi Franke Jan 29
How sorry I am
That's the title of the
Book I will write.
If I say,
I may write,
Where does my sorry go?
My son unintentionally caused the death of another man. There were and are so many victims. Four years on I remain bewildered it even happened. If you knew the story you too would be dizzy. If any of those involved had altered anything they did by just 10 seconds there would be no story to write. We are all so fragile. Don't let vengeance eat you up.
Chris Saitta Jan 10
All, thanks for the many years of continuous support from Hello Poetry, comments (both praise and constructive criticism), and continuing to share our mutual love of poetry.

I am pleased to announce the release of my new book, Poems of Ancient Rome and Greece (of course, what else), in both paperback and Kindle formats with many of the poems on Hello Poetry revised and several new poems as well.  These copies are available on Amazon so please visit my author page for the paperback and Kindle versions:

Anyway, much thanks, and here is one of the new poems.

To the Sky

Once more, comb your skiey streaks of hair,
Backbrush to sombrous chamber,
While the vanity mirror flares its celestial impulse.

The corner of the room is a privation like monastic air,
Its angularity, the ascetic to your fleshened curves,  
More fitting for a candle fasting itself bare,
Relinquishing shine to that spare resurrection in the panes.

So too your summers have flamed upon the windows,  
And autumn has fizzled in spurts of leaves,
So too the failed days are sublimely worshipping  
To a soul that is the glass between.

Love is this placelessness of sunlight,
Earth, the memento of where we touched once:
  Her haystack-gold of hair, his shy, straw whisper,  
  And the footpath that still dwindles there to sunlight's pebbles.
  So warm is the insubstantial, substance of love.

From these paths, the world wanders old,
Upon its crooked staff of trees, its absent-mind dozed into hollows:
  No more sipping at Christ's wound,
  Like a glass soul filled with wine,
  Or tasting his body's amaranth
  In bee-breads fabled to divide.

Where lovers meet, death comes to adore.
Every kiss should prove monument to the world that wastes in air,
Every love should spurn its centuries to that steeped exile of elsewhere,
And break time like shells upon the shore.


Shut the blinds to the duller desuetudes of sun,
Because evening itself is a falling in love,
Because moods are the seasons homespun,
And death's great measure, if it comes,
Will be padded upon hand-woven rugs.

So begins the conceit,
Spring its slippered caprice,
Subdued to the stairs, the down-turnings and creaks,
Until table-spread as the meadowed indulgence of the dining room,
Where mornings have had their honeys,
And the berries and creams were guilty pleasures past noon.  

From the china closet and its glass goblet fruit,
Pluck the pome of a teacup
And pour the brook of brews:  
  Within the china pattern of leaves,
  The forest-dark shades of tea
  Are wheeling with subtle complexion
  Of black-currant and grey and darjeeling,
  As if the world could sway so wholly under the thumb,
  As if the woods were a coercion of vapors sapient
  Over their fire-flared stratums.

In mute, cupboarded moments,
To learn the only sound of the soul,
Is rain along the glassings of bay windows,
Is April too lightfelt to hold, only to lose.

Like a nightjar, startle through the storm whorls and raindrop leaves,
Fluster from the ragged brink of Spring,
To presage the distance in shady inklings.
And so then sail to Summering,
Dry until vaporous wings leave cooled tatters like clouded light:
  To dry the sodden absence of a lover,
  Feel your frayed fingers through his sky-blue sleeves.
  Loop the tassel of hair through the collar,
  As before the looms with an armful of yarns to weave.
  Once more the windfall of hair,
  Like smothered lightnings to the static mass of air,
  In strike-soundings, a confession to the cloth,    
  For man to adorn what woman must bare.

Click the lampshade light, the yellowed Autumn of album leaves,
Thinking back is your lying down to sleep.
Fall is the seduction of the sky,
An innuendo of slight denudings,
To lure the human sun from its fleshened prime,
Into leering lusters and willowy fingers to writhe.

Make your skyward sleep,
Past the kitchen that keeps its silence of floors,
A bare reminder of what the snows are for:
Sleep is the only snowfall of the mind, heavy-worlded and pieced,  
Outlying the hushing deep of pines.    

To the sky, great remnant of Greece,
Which has of human lips their redness,
But of love, still its thought to speak,
Mouthing hollow as the wide-open world.
"Desuetude" means falling into disuse.

"Pome" here conveys the fruit and a small apple-shaped object.
Veritasism coming from latin Veritas meaning truth and

-ism meaning a distinctive practice, system, or philosophy, typically a political ideology or an artistic movement.

Veritasism is an ideology or a philosophy that says what we believe in is the truth.

-Core Belief: Each person's perception of reality is inherently their own truth. This means that what one person believes or experiences is as valid as what someone else believes or experiences, even if these truths seem contradictory.

-Living in Your Own World: Since everyone's beliefs and perceptions shape their reality, Veritasism proposes that each individual lives in their own world. The world that a person experiences is shaped by their thoughts, experiences, and beliefs. This could mean that two people might experience the same situation differently, and both experiences are equally real to them.

Key Tenets of Veritasism:

1. Personal Truth is Inherent: Every individual's beliefs, perceptions, and experiences create their personal truth, and that truth is valid for them.

2. No Universal Truth: Truth is subjective, and there is no single, universal truth that applies to all people.

3. Respect for Other Truths: Since others live in their own worlds of truth, Veritasism promotes respect for different perspectives, fostering understanding and empathy.

4. Open Dialogue: Communication is vital to understanding the truths of others, helping to resolve conflict and build mutual respect.

Practical Application of Veritasism:

Self-Reflection: Encouraging individuals to reflect on their beliefs and how these shape their experiences. Dialogue: Promoting discussions between people with differing beliefs to explore and understand each other's worlds of truth. Respect for Diversity: Encouraging tolerance and acceptance of varying perspectives, recognizing that each person's truth is a valid representation of their own ex

(It might seem stupid but the world is full of stupidity so it doesn't matter.)

Just as philosophies like absurdism and externalism have a different ideology yet different people believe in it and it's their own truth in life. Some believe life has no meaning some believe that we can make a meaning, but what humans need to realize is that everyone lives in their own life, having their own god(except money), their own world and truth. It's foolish to argue over religion and some other personal beliefs. Everyone has their own world that they are in control of. Some believe in god some believe they are god, so? It's none of your business. Everyone has their own truth and meaning in life just as everyone lives a different life. They have the full right to believe in their "truth"


How do we define real? What is real? I'm not sure and I don't care.

I don't care about anything at all, but at the same time I care deeply.



What is religion?

-Religion is a particular system of faith and worship.

-Another definition could be the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods.

In my belief, religions were either coming from evil people that wanted to control the world, some philosophy, or just something that was before science trying to find why are we here.

People worship gods that they don't know but get an answer based on their beliefs, some manifest or pray stuff into reality by just blindly believing. Some got answers from Allah, some from Jesus, some from Hindu gods, etc...

Yet they don't believe in the same god but get their answers. It's because they believe in it with their whole heart, creating something similar to what is called Placebo Effect.

The oldest religion in the world Hinduism comes from India. According to many scholars Hinduism is around 3500 years old. As I mentioned before, religion is an odd concept and we don't really know why does it exist.

Religions play a crucial role in the documented history. It played and plays a huge influence on people, good and bad.

What does religion have to do with Veritasism?


Well it has nothing to do with it historically but it can change perspective for some people that have strong religious beliefs (for example a strong religious people could **** someone for not believing in their god).

Also Veritasism can change the whole concept of religion and „truth" in general.

What i mean by truth is a personal belief of truth, not something like mathematics.

Religious Relativism:

-Veritasism rejects the idea of a singular, objective religious truth that applies to all people. Instead, it posits that each individual has their own truth about religion, meaning that different people can believe different things, and those beliefs are equally true to them. This can challenge traditional religious views that often claim to have access to the "one true" faith.

-Faith in Veritasism becomes a deeply personal journey. One's belief in a higher power or spiritual path may change over time, and that evolution is valid as long as it reflects the individual's own truth. For instance, someone may shift from believing in a traditional religious narrative to embracing a more non-theistic or agnostic perspective, and that transition would still be viewed as a valid part of their spiritual journey.

-A core element of Veritasism is respecting other people's truths.

This means that when it comes to religion, Veritasism would encourage tolerance, understanding, and compassion for those with different religious beliefs or practices. Rather than seeing a person's religion as "right" or "wrong," Veritasism calls for seeing it as valid within their own experience.




What is death?

-the permanent ending of vital processes in a cell or tissue.

The concept of death in Veritasism—given that each person lives in their own truth and world—can be a deeply personal and transformative experience. Since Veritasism asserts that each individual's beliefs, perceptions, and experiences shape their reality, this would naturally extend to how death is understood, approached, and experienced.

While each person's experience of death is subjective, there may still be certain shared truths or experiences that connect people when it comes to death. For example, the grief of losing a loved one may be universally recognized, even though how individuals understand that grief may differ.

Death is a really big concept. It isn't connected that much to Veritasism, but it can help an individual on how he perceives it or even calm an individual.

"Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss in life is what dies inside us while we live."

-Norman Cousins



Thoughts and Thinking

For truth seekers like me it is possible you may suffer from extreme anxiety because you want to know the truth.

In Veritasism it can change your perspective on how you view truth and it can calm you.

I was thinking for a long time about Veritasism so I decided to finally write about it.

I feel like I have failed. But that still doesn't stop me. I made a phrase

"If you don't try then how will you shine?"

-So here I am trying.

"Take a chance, and you may lose. Take not a chance, and you have already lost"

People don't realize how much power we have. Our thinking shapes our reality, so be careful what you think about.

"Conquer your thoughts and you shall conquer the world."

Your perspective is important in life. How life is depends on your perspective.

Veritasism has 2 big teachings.

"Love is the frequency of existence itself. It means that you are always unconditionally supported, no matter what you choose."

"All causes of action are risky, so prudence is not in avoiding danger, but calculating risk and actin decisively. Make mistakes by ambition and not by mistakes of sloth. Develop the strength to do bold things not the strength to suffer."

-I hope the teaching is clear.

Everything is a vibration. We have an entire universe within us. That is my belief and my truth. Everything depends on you.

Everything is frequency. Everything vibrates, your thoughts, everything. Moving your mind into a higher vibration, state or frequency (however you want to call it), you can attract anything you want.

Master all laws of universe and you shall attract what you want.

(my truth, my belief. It may not resonate with you at all.)

"I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing and that is that I know nothing."


"The mind is a place that can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven"

-John Milton

You are so powerful. Your mind is so powerful. Be careful how you think.

For me religions are very hard to comprehend so I decided to calm myself by Veritasistic thinking.

My beliefs change rapidly just as my personality does. I'm not sure why it happens. Sometimes I'm spiritual sometimes that, sometimes that... So if anything confuses you based on my thinking, know I'm confused too.

It's a short book about my philosophy, in the near future I will make an extension of it and make it more organized. I like to share my thoughts with the world, hoping I can make a difference. I am currently spiritual instead of considering myself religious.
avalible on wattpad Ksenija Ostojic Veritasism
Arcassin B Dec 2024
By Arcassin B

**** it all depends,
If we all divide or we all in,
Better repent the sins,
This ain't no religious pen,
Think you tryna' help me?
You think i need new friends?
Maybe it all depends.
The world ends , from me pen,
Multiverses from my head to shins,
The light within,
Wanna' hang with me?
Think i need new friends?
Odd Odyssey Poet Dec 2024
Tearing up in the most peculiar of ways,
I’m merely another chapter, unfolding with each
new page for every dawn—my narrative, born from
an unexpected prologue, leaves me pondering the

It should be an inclusive story,
but it's often so exclusive to the author’s constant habits
of being a reclusive – my eyes could narrate ten thousand
muses; yet the art of writing these days, has become so

I was once a pen, transformed into the very letters
that compose each sentence, and crafting a narrative.
And with every sunrise, I pen another page in this
Book of I.
Maria Etre Dec 2024
poems read
when you're close to the poet

run your hands
across my pages
caress the dents
feel the depth in some
and the lightness in others

come closer
place your ear
on my papers
listen to the waltz
my pencils do
with every
stride, every curve
Full poem here:
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