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Zywa 1d
I live, I endure

the sharp sounds, I kiss the wounds --

then I cover them.
Composition "Drei Allmenden" ("Three Commons", 2020, Klaus Lang), for saxophone quartet and harmonium, performed by the Amstel Quartet  (saxophones) and Dirk Luijmes (harmonium and *****) in the Organpark on March 8th, 2025

Collection "org anp ARK" #101
They call it a gift,
this body of mine,
but every month it gnaws at itself,
chews the lining of my womb,
spits out blood like a sacrifice
to a world that does not care.

I step outside,
eyes crawl up my skin like ants,
like maggots,
like fingers that never asked for permission.
A whistle slits the air—
a razor against my spine—
I swallow the bile, keep walking.

Mother said, don’t wear that
Father said, boys will be boys
I say nothing—
only dig my nails into my palms,
so deep the crescent moons bloom red.

I dream of shedding this skin,
peeling it back like an overripe fruit,
scraping out the parts that feel *****,
that feel weak,
that feel like they do not belong to me.
I want to be new,
to be sharp,
to be something they cannot touch.

But even in dreams,
they chase me.
Even in dreams,
I run.
my body is made of pretty crushed stars
tiny tin cans
and older toy cars
my brain is fragmented
filled with sorrow and woe
my hair is woven
with silk and with gold
my nails are like tokens
prizes to be sold
my body an object
a toy to be won
my life is a mess
and im having fun
words dont always have to be positive. sometimes theyre nostalgic or sad and angry. a lot of our poems are sad.
althea Mar 3
I know I should find comfort in predictability
Haven’t I had enough of having my spine ripped out from behind me?
Yet the way you stare everywhere but my gaze
Midnight messages of what I tempt you with
The blatant absence of personality in the words you choose to describe me
All trademarked generically
by countless machine operated boys I have played with before
Bore me past the point of even fleeting interest
So I fantasize about the beginning of cannibalism
Gory eroticism in the form of utter consumption
Compulsivity unbearable to the point of obsession
Because skin against skin will never sate my satisfaction
Yet I will lower my necklines and gloss my lips for you
Pose, flash on
in the darkness of a shameful Saturday night
And respond emptily to your mechanical propositions–
the only way you can digest me.
Alice-Jules Mar 2
Daydreaming and Dissociating

Dissociation is a way of transcending one's own boundaries,

A feeling of weightlessness, of drifting in the viscosity of thoughts,

Daydreaming as a kind of state without space and time,

Lost in a Penrose triangle of emotions or feelings,

Nothing endures there, at the same time everything is there,

Like a library where the books only have empty pages,

A concert without music, without sounds, without lutes,

A meadow where no flowers grow or where flowers will never bloom,

A journey without a destination,

The body and mind reorganise, they change and adapt,

In essence, dissociating is a kind of daydreaming, only much less pleasant,

Daydreaming and dissociating fight for supremacy in me every day.
I was writing this when I was sitting in my favourite coffee store, while drinking a delicious coffee and experienced multiple dissociated moments.
The pen –
is an extension of my body, held by my hand, as it
beats with my heartbeat; it's my very breath between
words, the intentions of my structuring, the brush to
my thoughts, the paint of my imagination.

The pen –
is the mic to my voice, the scope of my eyes, the chorus
to my soul, the bass to my heart, the shadow of my skin,
painted by the night, and why my pen chooses to be black!

It is bold, it is wild, it is persuasive, it manipulates words
to invoke change, it is controversial, it is understood by
few, yet it speaks to all.

The pen is an extension of my body –  for we are One!
Maria Feb 18
I’ve got to pull myself together.
I’m loss.
I’m scattered roughly by the wind,
Back and forth.
I’ve fallen to the ground, and all crows
Are on top.
They’re circling, circling, restless devils,
And don’t stop.
Shhh! Fly away! I’m going to.

I’ve got to restore myself to this body.
It’s the right way.
My body's awkward, enfeebled indeed –
Just get away!
I’ve lived in it, learnt a lot in it.
I swear!
I’ve loved, created, broken and lost, but lived
Just anywhere!
Shhh! Right-on. It’s my body.

It’s time to go out. There’s nothing to do here
At all.
No need to catch emptiness or uselessly freak
For all.
Believe, disbelieve, wait or don't wait
Any more.
It’s time to go out. I don’t want to stay here.
What for?
Shhh! It’s enough! I've got tired of lies.
Lay dormant on my lap,
Hand on thigh,

You make my heart race,
Laying across my,
She's the sweetness at the end of a long day.
Jenny Feb 9
Sometimes I wish I never ate
Food became pleasure
It’s how I rest

Creeping into the kitchen at 3 am - making a crime
Emptying the fridge, pantry staples
Then pretending innocent when I’m called out

I feel so ashamed that my stomach growls
Maybe it’s a habit to want to eat more?
The resilience of a kind had I had
I’m sure, would not help

I swear to have just a bite
But if I start there’s no stopping
Until I’m full to a state where I can’t move my body

I fall asleep with a thought of
What I’m gonna eat tomorrow
And wait till I come home to eat
Sitting in a classroom

The pain and guilt after I binge ate
If only I could to puke it later…
showyoulove Feb 9
We have been given the greatest mission
In the greatest love story ever written
It's a call to love; it's a call to action
It's the spark that starts a chain reaction
It's a call to faith; it's a call to holiness
It's a call to arms and it's nothing less
It's a mission not hard to understand
And it boils down to one command:
Love each other sister and brother
Be the light of the world, the salt of the earth
You're special, you matter, right from birth

Everyone wants to be loved and to feel loved
Everyone needs someone to be there
To have someone who truly cares
Go into the world and live it out
People you meet will have no doubt
Of whom you are or what you believe
You have become what you received:
You have become the body of Christ!

His hands healing the sick, feeding the poor
His merciful heart that loves and adores
His feet that walked countless miles
His kindly face and his gentle smiles
His palms up, his arms outstretched
Embracing the world from east to west

Reflect on these
And hold them in your heart
Then, bless God and thank Him
When you start
Becoming the very Body of Christ
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