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Beyond Drab
And Feeling Sad
You found YOU

©  Debra Lea Ryan & ?
The Heart Knows.  Thank You.
When midnight embraces the skies,
When desolation sits in,
I can hear silent bellows,
She screams for you,
She drowns in torment,
For no words can define the grief,
For the rain brings agony,
For she was left with nothing--
but a cold tombstone with an epitaph etched beneath your name.
What a world to live in--
without you in it.
Lost you forever.
In this life, we will never again encounter.
I miss you and still ache for you.
The tears never dry, mi amor.
Kenshō Dec 2024
We met once again,
In an instance
Outside of time.

You reminded me
You hadn't gone.
And, we caught up
On moments lost.

You explained,
It was just
A misunderstanding.

You had hid away,
To make us all
How much we loved you
When you were

The solace I felt
At your return
Filled me up.
Just like old times.

Until, you needed to go
Leaving me wondering,
When I'll see you again.

For, you had many
Loved ones to visit
That night;

And you were the
Shared connection
Between us all.

As I wiped the
Sleep from my eye,
I got ready for the day
Without you.


Yes, my friend, my heart has enough space to carry you a thousand times, back and forth from here to there. And, I know there will be a space for me in yours when I see you then.
I love you forever!
Odd Odyssey Poet Dec 2024

My skins are woven in verses; this lyrical matter
I may not blend in everywhere; but it doesn’t matter
Don’t anticipate a fragrance of always being blessed,
I’m not exactly a gift from the skies, or a heaven sent.
Even if I’m used, don’t brand me as useless,
just use me less. And if I appear distant from love,
don’t label me heartless, I’m just choosing to use
my heart less…

Constructing barriers along the streets of life
even though I doubt foundations as concrete,
Coming in to complete a sheet of my worth -
still finding the chords; I seem so incomplete.

What are my labels:
lost, confused, hopeless, & odd
But correctly said, "these labels aren't all
I'll be - still I be, yond a star, a beauty nestled
within the clouds, to know I must always look,

RustyHatchet Oct 2024
After Lucky Dip Beliefs

Lucky Dip Beliefs by Spicy Digits
You say there’s nothing beyond,
Even though I seem so bright,
You’re right.

Life pulls me to and fro
While I struggle to interpret
Its enigmatic values.

Am I the king or the jester?
The soldier or the citizen?
The predator or the prey?

All I know,
Is that I don’t.
Àŧùl May 2020
You shine on my horizon,
Like a nascent rainbow,
After the shower of invisible tears.

To your wrist, I want to hold on,
May I never see you go,
Now that my love towers.

Mares & studs run amok,
In my mind, they so do,
And they sprint around in circles.

Enthused by the falling droplets,
Even peacocks dance,
In my mind, I am all smiles.

The beautiful aura of yours,
I see it with inner eyes,
That of a Đévī it closely resembles.

In your eyes, I see a infantile glint,
Not many get it, darling,
You are my first baby girl.

All the beauty in my world,
Now shines 'cause of you, and
I try to summate it in written word.
My HP Poem #1851
©Atul Kaushal
Ram Varma Aug 2024
Man predicts
Earthquakes, Cyclones,
Hurricanes, Tsunamis
But in trying to stop them
He becomes the shinigami.

Knowledge is fine
Controlling is divine
But Nature is still
BEYOND man’s confines!
Bekah Halle Jul 2024
no, don't stop.
go. go farther and further than you've ever been before...
don't stop,
Jeremy Betts Jun 2024
Nothing can rise
Beyond the clouds in the skies
As long as we demoralize
Every imaginative spirit that tries

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