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Richard Morris Jul 2020
Life is bookended by nothing.
Grasp what nothing truly means.
Nothing is not another form of something.
Nothing is — nothing.

Where were you long ago?
All that time before a tot.
In some distant god’s château?
No. Not there. You were not.

Perhaps a soul in surplus stock,
A spirit not yet wrought.
Dressed in some heaven’s frock.
No. Not there. You were not.

Then came a twist of fate,
***** and egg were now one.
In this way did they create.
Your life had begun.

So began your book of life,
That in volumes three.
The past, the present,
and the yet to be.

Life is always in the now,
Presents itself as a choice.
Many matters to disavow,
To others, you give a voice.

Life is more than career,
Love is much more dear.
To love another earns its worth,
Makes your mark upon the Earth.

Take the time to stand and stare,
Feel the sun burst in the air.
Enjoy laughs and romance,
Work at love, at every chance.

And when the last word is writ,
There is no more, yet to be.
Life for you did quit,
Not something faced with glee.

At the end, where do you go?
To the place you were taught?
To some distant god’s château?
No. Not there. You are not.

Your Book of Life, a mere spark,
‘Twixt bookends of eternal dark.

This poem is also on Vimeo
Runs 3:39
It is difficult for us to grasp before our life, we were not. We have a  precious time called life to savor love and lust. When our final day comes, we return to where we weren’t.
Make each day a delight.
Ayodeji Oje Apr 2020
Shushed until now
Respecter of no status
Not even the blue bloods
Even men of timber and caliber shivers
Ha! Uncle Sam trembles at thy blow

What a time for the atheist
To raise both hands skyward
A time to trust the unknown
In the hands of the one
Made known by nature
Michael R Burch Mar 2020
Lean Harvests
by Michael R. Burch

for T.M.

the trees are shedding their leaves again:
another summer is over.
the Christians are praising their Maker again,
but not the disconsolate plover:
     i hear him berate
     the fate
     of his mate;
he claims God is no body’s lover.

Published by The Rotary Dial and Angle. Keywords/Tags: plover, skeptic, atheist, agnostic, Christians, god, creator, maker, fate, mate, berate, lover
N Mar 2020
She forced me to pray for a god
that never answered my prayers

When I told her that I wish to die,
she told me to recite Al-Ikhlāṣ

In her own eyes,
I was a sinner who didn’t worship
the same imaginary friend as hers

An imaginary friend that let her
steal my innocence instead of saving me
from her cruel hands and piercing eyes

How can I worship a god that
didn’t listen to my desperate cries
when I was abused,
abandoned, and bruised
Well, that was painful to write.
DA Bloomfield Dec 2019
None can defy what there is not
So why and how do you?
As Narcissus reigns, how can you contend?
Contentment with the norm, a shameful folk you are

As the faithless faithful preach
We remain steady,
watching through the distance
silently and inquisitively

So when the time arrives
Haste we do not
They, a pitiful bunch, consider us but shams
"How can the peasants rule after all?"
Oh, their gall

And so the farmers and the toilers march
March under the banner of revolution!
No faith to obstruct, no wealth to envy
'Tis but another evolution

Humanity will once again rule itself
Not succumbing, but becoming
its own god and its own master
Poet X Dec 2019
It’s funny,
For a person who does not believe in love
I sure do write about it a lot
The same way an atheist
Makes jokes about
Praying to God.

For a person who does not believe in love
I sure do write about it a lot,
They say you can not preach
what you do not know so
I guess I’ll find
something else
To write about.
kerri Nov 2019
are you there, god?
i’ve prayed to you for days,
i don’t think you’re listening,
because the worst has happened.

are you there, god?
funny how i only pray,
when my life is falling apart,
i expect you to fix it

are you there, god?
i’ve made you my scapegoat,
i don’t want to be at fault,
why’d you take him from me?
RIP Malfoy, my good boy. If there’s a heaven I hope you’re playing with as many strings as you like.
Hope Nov 2019
Sleepless night, endless
Again and again
Never to be forgotten
Night terrors renewed
Eternal sleep paralysis
Stuck in this repetitive cycle
Infinite nightmares, deadly
You love was timeless
But the timing wasn’t right
You were my person
Why did I have to be selfish
I wake up screaming
Thrashing around in my sweat
Permanently in this nightmare
Never enough nicotine
I miss our nights alone
When there was only you
To have and to hold
Until death do us part
But death came early
And I’m living in fire
Missing you forever
When is the right time
To tell you I still love you
Or to kiss your soft lips
Again and again
Immortal sparks and
Hopeless feelings
That never seem to just
Disappear, like those before you
Everlasting heart and a smile of grace
Who gave you the right
To love me in the first place
Come back to earth with me
You are heaven sent
And I am Bub’s best friend
In a black hole
With no way out
You are the first blossom of spring
The never ending ring
Of constant matrimony
I keep in my heart
I miss you and everything
We never got to do
If only two could hang
From the same branch
We could love continuously
In the river of Hades
And I would know
The choice I had made
Was one to last a lifetime
You cut off your wings
To be with me
Remove your halo
Color your eyes black
Let me introduce
The things you lack
I’ll never let you go again
Through our continuous sin
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