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Tanisha Jackland Feb 2018
Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. This is another paradox: what is soft is strong. *

― Quote by Lao Tzu

You touch me
from the depths
of my broken

You move me
gently to mend

what bold
alchemy is this

Turning my skin into
fine silk

I am renewed
by your fingers that
lightly tickle me into

You are water
I am the stone
Where there is softness you'll find strength.
Bryce Feb 2018
I do not understand this poet
Nor the glimmer in his mind,
and no amount of persuasion
Will ever make him mine

The great poet the world has known
The English Soul, the Bard of olde
Speaks little but of jests,
and not a word of happiness

But who am I,
forgot to time,
I all but simple words I leave,

I will never have
Shakespeare's memory
K Eaglechild Feb 2018
Of course I do miss you, why would I be lying about that?

I just try not think of you as much.

I do lay awake at night and try not to respond to your texts. Pretending I'm asleep; headphones in, music blasting and my mind does travel back to you sometimes. You're there. More so than I would like. It is distracting at times, but I think I am learning how to occupy my mind more and more.
The more I do, the more you disappear.

Yes, it does sadden me; for I have forgotten how your voice sounds; from your lowest whispers to your abrupt laugh. How your muddy eyes look. Your stupid foxy smirk. The way your hand caressed mine. Running my hands through your hair, entwining my fingers through the tips. Tracing your tattoos on your body like a roadmap on a page.

Yeah, I do   reminisce, jus not as much. I shouldn' be saying any of this since we both are with other people and we love those other people, and we don't want to do anything that'll hurt them. But this is a process for me.

It is just a part of me that is moving on from you.
Things I will never say to you.
Colm Feb 2018
Polish a coin until it shines
A coin it still remains

Scratch the surface, smash the matter on the tracks
And yet the etching still ingrained  

Flattened to the edge of flat
So the world around remains

As a coin which flips is falling fast
With fate less interchanged

No bounce determines forward path
Which wasn't first ordained

Mere steadfast midst matters of the past
For we all in life break change
Just started writing on a whim and the reference made me think of an old acquaintance from a former life. Ember Nickle.
Quinn Jan 2018
He reads clouds in the sky,
sees wind's great works of art.
Bobbing gently through each wave,
While he floats and dreams in a lake,
secretly seaweed wraps around his body.

Foggy underwater waves make his mind,
body, and lungs set desperatley fighting
in a breathing brought war of water and air.

The boy is drowining, an idyllic dream
landscape lake turned into a nightmare.

Slowly as seaweed and currents bring
his body to the dark depths of the lakescape,  
malice endrapes itself through
one ear and out of the other; fate.

The bubble blood life force of the boy from air,
turns slowly to liquid, and his ghost dissolves.

Coldness lingers and clawing weakly
through frictionless water,
lake bottom hits and frozen fingers.

This boy's brain beginningly starts
disentigrating as it processes
the trickle drip
flow and ebb of
lake currents that sound
and surround each thought.

He remembers each
whispering wave
telling him to get in,
with the sun beating down,
the enticement to drown.
And his mother's voice
yells to him from a
heavenly place,
but he knows his watery
tomb will become ear muffs
for his mother when the
finally win:
will his life force to its bitter end.

Back on black lake mud,
and the sun framed in waves
in the glowing waters above.
And the tangled arms of seaweed
beckon those that leasure
on the surface.

Childhood faces and
feel good places
dissapear from his mind.

At the bottom of the lake,
this boy becomes himself,
with the world's first hinting
of trauma, he let his naivity die  
in a dramatic show, body blows
and a new manifesticity to sit by.

With each inhale of water,
this kid's childhood dies.
And by the time he resurfaces,
he has lost what it means to be alive.
Drowning is scary
Rosà Jan 2018
Do heavens really open;
And greet everyone with a smile
Or with a thunderous laughters
That may destroy humankind?

Will oceans depart
When worse become worst
And allow people
To pass the crossroads?
Or will it devour them to be buried underneath its hidden shelters

Where demons linger and abode?
Do you think it's worth believing
That your religion
Shields you from harm?
Or will you accept everyones beliefs to avoid
The destruction of the world you fond?
Questions that fulfilled my curiousity with more curiousity.
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