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Ken Pepiton May 2023
Tolstoy, read as mere words, no intonation,
mere elements of presence, sensation-ibility.

As the wares we learn to form from raw
mater-iality, whenever ifity, brings a bubble.

We, in these times, we all have laughed
as and with, children, in our own times, seeing

bubbles form, and laughing at the rainbowing,
spectral show, this is the basic form, watch it pop.

As spheres and bubbles differ,
so do ideal expressions attempted, as it seems

we be drawn to spend a minute or two per use,
as each thinks each word, and wonders if use,

were not power, what power must be? Knowing
not, we dare guess, as when an old gentleman,

teaches a child, the truth about right and wrong,
first guess, right, aha, sweet… but, what's wrong,
no candy here,

so my reward for seeking must be knowing
this is it, finish the thousand and say,
nothing that feels like answered prayer,
costs more than your time to listen
to lessons learned in Russian winters. So there.
Telling you I planned to tell you... is better told after I finish these thousand doors into summer, through which winters find ways out of hell itself. I hope it helps. Tolstoy lived on earth, but in a far different world.
Dark lover Feb 2020
Oh what a man among men.
What a creature among creatures.
Like a tree He remains never changing from his good ways
Even when stones where thrown at him by the very ones that enjoys It's fruit, still, it remain, even when piled from all part of him for their own purpose still he remain. Though,  the tree had no choice but this man had a choice yet stoic he was
During the day and night he stood still..
Comes rain comes sunshine he was never changing, brought fought fruits and other endowment not for his own benefit but for those around.  he was friend to all and enemy to none he was, aware of every phenomenon and occurrence around him yet never said a word of it, just allow it to pass,
Even axed down or cut down by the very once it shades from the scorching sun rays and from the rain drops and while thought they that never will he rise again, he sprung up again with the love of all, never concerned by the past records, he lived a life of absolute serenity, he never complains about anything to anyone external from his being, but the wisest of gazers will understand the complaints from the strand it form on his branches, blissful his he for even the universe appraises its good deeds, during the wind  that carries away the roof of others blow, it stood still to protect it's very own..
He his my dad
The way some mates
Most times use their brain
Helps to ease my pain
Whenever I feel deranged

Their poetical way
Could be describe as sane

People like B_ViRGE
Who keeps me inspired
Every time I feel mentally tired

Or great minds like Muhsin
And the quote-master HMC
And my StreetPoetry cliques
Who doesn't seem
To need a war machine
To rescue or ****

No protective barbed-wire
Or an heavy gunfire
To fight an empire

Cos' their style of war;
Is lyrically pure
Their battling style;
Is well designed;
In poetic lines

Their artistic rhyme;
Could help invert;
The hate-filled mind;
To the rightful path;
Of love and light

And touch the lives
Of those whose life
Are filled with strife

To help ordain
The lost and strayed;
To find their way;
To the rightful place;
they're destined to reign

Their thoughts are gold
The type not-sold

Their words could bring joy
And sometimes a sword
To conquer war
Or break the jaw
Of those whose talk
Are filled with bluff

They're masters of words
Whose art will ever soar
Till forever exhaust
To the buddy staring at me on the wall
This is an appraisal to keep you up
Wow; it’s been long you’ve been on this work
It’s been Nine years since you sat upon the rock
Sitting there taking stock; of things of this world
And things of the next.
In form of written text
At first into music
But never make it; even with deuces
You’ve got a poet’s heart since you were young
A brilliant brain with a musical tongue
A god with the words
Whose wordplay is the sword that fights against his odd?
You’re exceptional among every men
The written word delivered by your pen
Lives on forever in the heart
Of those who've read; to never part.
You ran the race with no disgrace
Inspired others to take their place
They are meant to lead their race
You hype their morale to the core
Assuring them they’d make it to the shore
As long as they d’ believe; to heck with the red sea
And so you fill the hearts of all you’ve see.
tobi Oct 2017
you are worth way more than their initial appraisal
find your worth, no matter how much you have to dig
me again Jul 2017
i practice a speech,
so maybe you'd hear me
contorting my words
so they sound more appealing;
endlessly awaiting the appraisal
of my phonics
while, on the inside,
you struggle with responses.
Acknowledgment being
the first step to healing,
i tear open old wounds
by internally seething..
grieving the losses of
speech never spoken,
we utter different dialects;
our English is  broken..
scared to speak up,
and most likely start choking
we dissipate tension
by laughing,
and joking
originally written on the 5th of May, 2017.
Jack R Fehlmann Feb 2016
Awoke today,
    a stranger's face
Staring back
    in a familiar way...
Mirror Glass,
Should I smile back?...
   Or shoo away all new,
again today,
   all I long to be?

Familiar lines traced
   lead with glimpses back
Reminding the child I used to be...

Upon light so intense
   time's winning hand
casts me back,
   Out played I fold
No fire and no flame
   Just an ember left...

A Long forgotten man
   Awoke today,
a strangers face
   who i want to be.
He looked at him,
   I looked at me
And He asked questions:
   Do I ever decide?
Did You like my chances?
   if ever there could be,


Another one that  I've come across in my old laptop that I do not remember having written
Brittany Wynn Jul 2015
Silent and alone, I flow through shops with so many
windows, but I see nothing except the faces around me, the ones
who might believe I'm more gossamer than the shawls and tunics
meant to disguise us all as ethereal hippies in the New Age.

Silent and alone, I stand by the fountain, waiting
for something to break the sleepiness of solitude when
two men spot me: mouths parted, eyes appraising, judging, appreciating my physical worth. Rooted in place, I smile.
Only when they look at me do I have purpose.
Chano Williams May 2014
More than a cloudless sky filled with falling stars
More than a s­unny day while driving in my car
More than standing at the tip of­ a waterfall mist
Perhaps, even more than my very first kiss,
You­’re still more amazing than any of this
Out of everything beautif­ul, you the top list
More than the sight of a haloed full moon
Mo­re than a great date not ending too soon
More than a cool breeze ­on a hot, sandy coast
Maybe more than giving the perfect wedding ­toast
Thoughts of having you bring me even more hope
Enough so fo­r me to discard my telescope
I know I’ve found my star I was sear­ching for
Confident I’m the water my flower’s thirsting for
You f­eel better than relief from an open sore
Your sound is superior t­o a faultless music score
I can’t imagine you not filling my ever­y thought
You’re everything that anyone has ever sought
You mean ­more than anything I’ve ever bought
Some would dispose of you wit­hout knowing the cost
I’m so glad I’m not them; I know greatness ­when I see it
A king is only a king once the queen has been seate­d
Yeah, I know my place, but I won’t remind you of yours
Though, ­I will remind you of what our future has in store
Our destination­ can be whatever we think it should
We can discover countries or ­explore our backwoods
Whichever course we choose, as long as it’s­ together,
It’s still perfect enough that only heaven could be be­tter

— The End —