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Derek Leavitt Dec 2015
The suns goin down... and it's beginning to get late...
I take her hand now... stare at her eyes and tell her she looks great..
I get lost in her gaze... fighting to find my way out of this glorious maze..
Her hand brushes my cheek.. and I can smell her hair... so tender and sweet...
I take her hand in mine and get on one knee...
I reach for the box and a tear begins to creep...
I show her the ring and she falls to meet me...
I kiss her lips with mine...
and in that moment we can stop time...
She's everything perfect.
Not just physically but mentally, emotionally, healthy and we just connect.
I can't quite explain it... it's just something you need to experience...
Samuel Hesed Dec 2015
I fell in love with a girl,
With no hope on my side.

I fell in love with a girl,
With twinkles in her eyes...
Copyright © 2015 Paul Forbes All Rights Reserved
melli7 Dec 2015
Chubby cheeks! aww
www like a chinadoll so
pinchable cute adorable --
Amanda Dec 2015
"Stop, you're tickling my heartstrings."

"Don't ******* over there-
You'll feel a half-moon smirk and laughter in your left shoulderblade."
ryan Nov 2015
It's been a long time since I told
You just how beautiful you are,

Not because you ceased to be,
But because nothing equates to you
Anymore --

The seas of metaphor ran dry and
The mines of simile caved in,

And only you remained, my
Warm quilt, my gorgeous
Wonder, my one and only, my
Siren angel, my
Dearest sweetest love --

So forgive this lazy *******,
For forgetting you needed
He is very low to the ground
He snuffles and sniffles and waddles around
He makes his home in a tree
What on earth could this creature be?
He has spikes and stickers and quills galore
There's a hint if you didn't know before
If you really stop and search your mind
You'll realize he's a porcupine
Dhaye Margaux Jun 2015
You're so amazing
Always adorable for me
When you move,
It always makes me smile
When you talk,
It always touches my heart
Looking at your angelic face
Makes me happy all the time
My adorable angel,
In this lifetime, would you be mine?
Say yes!
when she kissed him, she could taste
the coffee on his lips,
and the hints of nicotine on his tongue.
she could smell herself;
her perfume buried deep in the lines on his body,
reminding her where she'd been.
as they kissed she heard their breath
combine together in time, as one,
no longer separate. the same person.
behind her eyelids, stars collided
over and over again, psychedelic patterns
tracing themselves deep in her skin like scars.
and the butterflies in her stomach,
the tingling of her lips and his hands on her back
drew her back to reality - drew her back to him.
Myriah Mar 2015
I will not play at tug o' war .
I'd rather play at hug o' war,
Where everyone huhs
Instead of tugs,
Where everyone giggles
And rolls on the rug,
And everyone cuddles,
And everyone wins.

By Shel Silverstein.
Drifter Jan 2015
why are you so cute?!
i can't breathe
i used my last
on saying "hi"
and "how are your classes?"
and can i kiss you?
which i swear
i almost said
but *******
do i want to
to feel your hand again
brushing mine by accident
hot ****
i remember that
and oh i can breathe again
to say "bye"
and "see ya around"
hopefully tomorrow
and the day after maybe
hopefully always
i miss you already
a tribute to a ******* adorable unedited stream of blotchy, nervous thoughts
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