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 Sep 2015 loveinquandary
i am a paradox
i am a contradiction
i am an oxymoron
i am a hypocrite

i am a walking talking
"yes, no, maybe"

black one day
white the other
lingering between the two
because I have no morals
and I speak of fake values

never choosen a side
never made a concrete decision
my grand words oppose
my petty actions
and yet, still overshadow them
i sugarcoat them
with lame excuses for excuses

my faults are the night sky
the twinkling stars are but airplanes
polluting the purity
mistaken for a force of beautiful nature
when it is indeed
the good
the holy
with its very existence

i leap
from one pond
to the other
politically correct
depending on the situation

i am the northman
claiming to belong to the south

i am the liar
i am the lie

neither here nor there
never here
never there
*never anywhere
selfish, taking what i want & call it mine
you meet her,
and all the wars inside you grow silent
you love her,
and that's when you realize,
she's the only thing
worth the pain of ****** hands
Sadness has eyes
That never stop leaking
And two lips that tremble
Whenever she's speaking.
Don't let her find
A tear in your heart,
Because if she does
You'll drown there in the dark

Fear has two hands
That fidget and shake
With a voice like knives she whispers
All the risks I shouldn't take.
She closes all the windows
And stands watch at the door
To make sure I'm not tempted
To go out and explore

Loneliness is shrouded
In a suffocating cloak
It's heaviness she often shares,
It smothers me like smoke.
She shivers, aching in the cold
With arms outstretched and yearning
For a love that never lingers
To leave a fire burning  

Happiness is fickle
She seldom comes to stay
Her light once filled my soul but now,
That glow has gone away.
With all these faces that I know
I tell myself I'm fine
But through the glass I see the truth:
Their faces mirror mine.
 Sep 2015 loveinquandary
Iris Nyx
It's scary when you find
These thoughts
These emotions
So extreme

And you've seen them represented
You'd think you would recognize them
But you don't
You don't

And then you start to think
Thoughts that aren't rational
Things that aren't real
But you think them anyway

And you start to wonder what blood
And death
And true peace
Tastes like

You wonder
They wouldn't miss me
They would move on
But that doesn't make me sad
I'm going
 Sep 2015 loveinquandary
I live in my own world
Inside of this cruel world
Awaiting the next world

Never. The answer is plain and simple and it has been staring you in the face this whole time. Love will never cease to hurt because love cannot survive without pain -- because love is sacrifice. There are days when it will hurt less and days when it will hurt more. There will be days when you forget what love is like and days you’ll feel every inch of your heart fill with it. You cannot run from love nor can you hide from it. It will find its way to you whether you like it or not. Pain is the same. Sometimes it is there simply to hurt you, other times it is there to remind you that you can feel something.  Love and pain are meant to coexist, one cannot be without the other.

*- a.b.
Minecraft calls
And gta parties
Horrible races
Repetitive insanity
Midnight laughter fits
Midnight promises of forever
Midday I love you's
3 o'clock it'll be okay
Daily please don't hurt yourself
Weekend need
Constant no interest in what I look like
Even if we were on video calls constantly
Sentence finishing
Food envy
Parent envy (at least you had one good one)
Horrible cry-fests
Constant panic spamming
Insane laughter with horrible puns
i'm done with references
Why are you ignoring me
You are the love of my life
Alex, why you gotta be like this
 Sep 2015 loveinquandary
My parents warned me about the drugs in the street
What they didn't tell me though,
was about the other kind of drugs
The ones that come stumbling into your life
Hazel eyes and a heartbeat
That make yours almost
Forcing you to realize
why they name hurricanes after people
 Sep 2015 loveinquandary
I'm not eye catching
I do not turn heads
I'm no more special than the next
For somebody else is always better
Prettier, smarter, stronger, wiser
That I would be moronic to believe
Anybody would stop to stare at me
I'm exceptionally ordinary
But then again
There is probably somebody
Who is better at that too
Uni got me like
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