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21.0k · Aug 2015
Falling Star !!
Sumina Thapaliya Aug 2015
I am ready to be your star
who can fall for you
to make your wish come true !!

# your star
9.8k · Oct 2015
Its not your fault
Sumina Thapaliya Oct 2015
You cant save my life
I am drawn
drawn in my own pain

You cant make me happy
I am covered
Covered with my own grief

You cant read me
I am written in the paper
damped by my own tears
Sumina Thapaliya Sep 2014
Thank for adding 4 times of happiness in my life
I adore you for the extra 120 times of secure life
I promise you for 2880 times for togetherness
I pray with god for you for adding 172800 times of care for me.
Now I found the reason for happiness,
Meaning of true sensation for love
It’s been 4 month that you are together
And I believe it will last forever ...
3.8k · Dec 2015
In your eyes!!!
Sumina Thapaliya Dec 2015
One of the most beautiful thing
I have ever seen
Is in your eyes
3.7k · Aug 2015
Your Name
Sumina Thapaliya Aug 2015
If I have to describe
the love
in one word,
I will use
your name
for that !!!
3.1k · Dec 2015
Robot again !!!
Sumina Thapaliya Dec 2015
I have been programmed
Been tighten with the wires
Cant move and think beyond the limit
I am smiling as no sadness got place

I work, care and love
Dont have choice beside that
I make myself happy
Dont know how to express hurt

Can you please make me feel
That I can cry& share my problems
Can you give me time to feel the love
Want to do the thing you are doing for long

And poor me , he switched me off
Reprogrammed me
And make me robot again
:(  :(
2.5k · Sep 2014
Why we need??
Sumina Thapaliya Sep 2014
When we can’t do what we think
Do we need Mind anymore?

If we can't love whom we want
What’s there use of heart then after?

If we can't sleep when we want
What’s the meaning of goodnight then?

When we can’t take rest in illness
Can’t say the felling of care after that

If I can’t feel your love
Is then worth of kiss anymore?

If we can’t spend the money we wish
What’s the reason for high earning then?

When we can’t move for beautiful place
Explain me the meaning of freedom then

If we can’t live our life  
What’s the difference in dead or alive then?
2.4k · Nov 2015
Sweet Lies
Sumina Thapaliya Nov 2015
I am the one who
feel your love limit to sky


I am the one who proved
your sweet lies !!!
2.4k · Jan 2016
Prove you Wrong !!!
Sumina Thapaliya Jan 2016
If camera could capture the emotion
You would surely hurt me
To show I am mad for you
But I would makeup through smile
To prove you wrong!!!
2.3k · Oct 2015
My Life's Companion !!
Sumina Thapaliya Oct 2015
Ohh My life's Companion

It is better that I take my sorrows with me
Let me narrate the story of my heart
Let me douse you with my tears
Let the tears swab down to your feet
2.1k · Sep 2015
Me with Mirror !!!
Sumina Thapaliya Sep 2015
Mirror mirror !!!
Who is the unlucky in this world
The one who fails the thing in one
And no doubt its infront

Mirror Mirror !!
Who is the saddest in this world
The one who is here to ask
you have no money to buy all you want

Mirror Mirror !!
who is the happiest in this world
Go and asked with another one

                                                      Mirror Mirror !!
                                                      Who is the happiest in this world
                                                      Ohh didn't you notice care of  one
                                                      You­ are the one with bunch of love

                                                      Mirro­r Mirror !!
                                                      Who is the prettiest in the world
                                                      You are the queen of someone's hearts !!!
2.0k · Oct 2015
Alive in Canvass
Sumina Thapaliya Oct 2015
He painted me with the faith
Color  to make me as his wish
I was so glad he believe me
I would be real in his sketch

He hold me, croon for me
Dance and smirk with me
He comes close to share his emotion
I feel proud as I shine in his passion


Where are you going leaving me alone?
I could not be here without your shadow
I feel suffocation in this canvass
I would be scared in this dimness

I am so isolate without your hug
You make me smile blush me up
Now I can't be happy nor can cry
As the tears will take identity of my
The only thing you left for me
The only thing I can carry for you
That makes me feel alive in this canvass
1.8k · Sep 2015
Broken Dreams
Sumina Thapaliya Sep 2015
I wanna make a dream
wish to make them true
why can't I close my eyes
As I have bad dream so many times

I wanna be happy
want to have a big smile
how can my face be bright
As I have cried for whole night
1.8k · Sep 2015
Take a breath
Sumina Thapaliya Sep 2015
I can take a breath
but can't live my life
I am confused I am dead or alive

I have lots of things to do
will you please give some rest
I am now too tired
will you please clean up my bed

I want to see the moon
the clouds are dark
now its going to rain
can I now see it clear

I have lots of dream
will you please give me prefect night
I need to see my dreams
will you please make me alive
1.7k · Aug 2015
Gorkha Earthquake
Sumina Thapaliya Aug 2015
The world is dancing
shaking and dropping
Heart beats fast
Thoughts become worst
High mountain  touch down the earth
Heritage and temple  become the mud
Shouting and running  love of life
Mind and heart seeing ****** site

No fear of height no fear to drawn
Prepare and save  their own
The scary moment
see the death through open eyes
live with sorrow no feel of pain

Those days brings darkness but leave some hope
support of family and care of those
willing to help and blessing of loves
Busy in support and trying to cares

Build the building grow the faith
morning with shine sun that rise
walk with motive fear just tiny
help the other care like mother

Hands for pray, hands for support
heart for faith, hope for best
They said we can do,
They said we will do
know the meaning, show the meaning
We are Gorkhali & love to be Gorkhali
1.7k · Dec 2015
Never be apart !!!
Sumina Thapaliya Dec 2015
Like a sun with its light
Like a cloud with its rain
Like a moon with its coolness
Like a rain with its drops

Like a eye with its tears
Like a lips with its smile
Like a butterfly with its flower
Like a bee with its honey

I can never be with you
Coz I am alive within you
And  can never be apart from you
1.4k · Sep 2014
Its perfect .. :)
Sumina Thapaliya Sep 2014
His innocent eyes full of questions
looking my face, shaking his voice
Worried about the future and fare of losing
Asked me a question
You are cold as a rain and
I am hot as a sun
Can we be happy together?

I hold his hand, making him secure
Looking at outside
Making him smile
See its raining and sun is shining
Together they make beautiful rainbow
And believe me dear its perfect

I close my eyes, He Kissed my lips
We are together and its perfect
1.4k · Oct 2014
Sumina Thapaliya Oct 2014
I would have never expect that from you
If I haven't thought you as my own
1.2k · Aug 2015
Sleepless night
Sumina Thapaliya Aug 2015
The war between mind and heart,
Blood flows in form of tears
I should have done this
But what I did is right
I cant close my eyes
disturbing light of starts
The world is against you
but you should have your words
I cant control the others
But should care my owns
They tried to broke into the pieces
Where should I go leaving you
When I can't take breath without you.
1.2k · Aug 2015
Sumina Thapaliya Aug 2015
I cant close my eyes
except the night
You hold me tight
1.2k · Sep 2014
Painful Tragedy ..!!
Sumina Thapaliya Sep 2014
We met Suddenly
About to smile...
Remember something...
Move opposite direction...
Painful tragedy :(
Sumina Thapaliya Sep 2014
Yeah you are right, I should have forget them
Is there any reason to remembering them?
What if they had helped me?
What if they are only who are with me in my loneliness
What if they give me strength to tackle the problem?
I should have forget them now
Now I don’t need them as I have you
Now I should remove their name from my mind
What if I have lots of good memory with them?
We cried, we fought, we laughed and we danced
No matter now, I should be only with you
No matter if I want to laugh with them
I should be happy only with you
I should now forget these reminiscences
I should not be with them to help as they do
I should have forget them
And I am glad that I turned myself into selfish gal now
Thanks for making me selfish …….
:( :(
906 · Oct 2014
Confusing one !!!
Sumina Thapaliya Oct 2014
Am I missing something beautiful?
Or this is the most exquisite one that I might lose?

should I wait for better?
Or this is the heavenly best  one?

Should I be more confuse
or can make this good the best one?
901 · Aug 2015
Sumina Thapaliya Aug 2015
Thousands of dreams
Thousands of thoughts
Its just a time to blow

Thousands of signs
Thousands of shows
Its just a time to throw

Thousands of hopes
Thousands of wants
Its just a time to slow
856 · Aug 2015
Sumina Thapaliya Aug 2015
I am not sure which is true
But your voice and your eye
I am sure one must lie
849 · Aug 2014
Accost my love
Sumina Thapaliya Aug 2014
Full of acrimonious but always exquisitely reconcile with love
Anger for addle our love and apologies for rebuilt it back
Smiling face looking together ample for adore each other
Just as others desire for it, I have my love brings jubilant for me.. 
749 · Sep 2014
For the last time..!!!
Sumina Thapaliya Sep 2014
Ohh this worst feeling please leave me now
loneliness, afraid of unknown things, lack of attachment
sleepless night, suffering days and painful morning
Now I am afraid of happiness
Now I am tired of waiting for good
I am used to of this pain now
I am used to of these things now
If you have more to give
please give me more pain,
I feel alone without this now

Last time I am closing my eyes,
Last time I am asking this to god
Please give me courage to smile in hard time
Give me strength to hide my pain ...
744 · Sep 2014
My last breath !!!
Sumina Thapaliya Sep 2014
If this makes you easy breathing
I can happily take my last breath !!!
602 · Aug 2014
Our Love .. !!!
Sumina Thapaliya Aug 2014
Nothing to hide & nothing to show
I want a relation with smooth flow
Not that needs touch to feel
Not that needs time to heal …
Pure as gold, bright as pearls
Want a relation stay in the hearts …
His touch and my feel
His kiss and my smile…
Our togetherness makes time to stop
Our fondness make us alive
End of the world and feeling of the soul
Make us alive with keen and love …!!!
591 · Aug 2015
I don't need
Sumina Thapaliya Aug 2015
I wake up early in the morning
to make me perfect
eye liner with the beautiful shape
To catch my loved one and save
with red and glittering lips
Want to love with the kiss
Make my hair curly and shining
So that he could take time to arrange it

I look so happy in my mirror
My cheeks glow turn into pink  
Polish my nail to touch him softly
have a high hills to walk slowly

I saw him at a garden
the greenery can't impress me
when he appears
Ohh my god, I cant see this
my liner starts flowing with my tears
my lips start crying
ohh poor my soft hands
Just use to close my mouth

How can I watch him in her arm
Cant make it lose from my hand
I don't need my beauty any more
I don't need to make it more
I don't want to see him anymore
I don't need him anymore
552 · Sep 2014
The Most beautiful thing
Sumina Thapaliya Sep 2014
Open your window, here come the sunlight
Making you day bright and  warm
See your friend following on night
Making you clam and saying good night
Are you alone?
Feel the smell of rose
It makes you feel lots of love
If you are bored
Listen that bird singing for you
Feel the struggle made by river
Touch the cold water makes you better
Don’t make yourself suffering
It is following you every where
Take the breath it makes you survive
527 · Sep 2014
This time !!!
Sumina Thapaliya Sep 2014
Don't worry I am not feeling miserable this time
Of course you prevail for making your arrogance
You shouldn't worry  as it won’t hurt me
Yeah you got me right; I don’t have pain in my heart
No weeps can take my grief this time
You throw wind for me, but that won’t ******* now
I am not a trivial and frail as before
Yeah You are correct; I am now tough this time
525 · Sep 2014
In love !!!
Sumina Thapaliya Sep 2014
Its a fear of losing
Ohh God, I am in love with you !!!
Sumina Thapaliya Oct 2014
If you cant feel my pain
who will be the one to reduce that?
If you cant make me better
who will think good about me?
If you don want me to take rest
Who will be there to care me?

I am now confused if I am the one
who expect more ..
Or is that you who don't know
what should have been done?

I am now cant think others to do more
If I cant get more from you
I cant complain them for bitterness
If you cant be sweet with me
500 · Sep 2014
When You Are Old
Sumina Thapaliya Sep 2014
When you are old and grey and full of sleep,
And nodding by the fire, take down this book,
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;

How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true,
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face;

And bending down beside the glowing bars,
Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled
And paced upon the mountains overhead
And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.
by William Butler Yeats
477 · Sep 2014
To see you happy !!!
Sumina Thapaliya Sep 2014
I often close my eyes
To see you happy in my mind.. :)
477 · Sep 2014
Where should I be ...???
Sumina Thapaliya Sep 2014
Its my heart always searching for peace
Its my mind always guessing for alternatives
Not only me in this world need that
not only my heart waiting for that

None of this world are fully satisfied
None of them always smiled
This is true all have tears in their eyes
This is real all their lips move down

Where I think is happiness
May be empty in that place
Whom I think are satisfied
May have pain more than I have ...!!!
464 · Aug 2014
Please for me !!!
Sumina Thapaliya Aug 2014
That is you make me alive
That is you feel me survive
Just touch me to make me feel that I am alive
Just kiss me and make me believe that I can survive
See that darkness covering my soul
See that dryness making me cold
Smile at me to reconcile my body with soul
Talk with me for the air to make me blow
427 · Aug 2014
Want to start new…
Sumina Thapaliya Aug 2014
Leaving all the grief back
Hope I can make a new step
I now want to have a new life
All the apologies for my mistake
I am now excited for the exquisite life
And is Hopeful you will reconcile this for better
My trust you will help me to come out from this situation
Hoping that what we did may only be lesson for new beautiful start
380 · Aug 2014
What I want you to be ...
Sumina Thapaliya Aug 2014
It’s not that I am not aware of your pain
Not that I want to escape from my responsibility
What I want you to be is tough that no one can break you
I don’t want sympathy on their eyes when they see you
I don’t want rumor that you can’t handle little cramp
It’s not what you perceive, please let me make you clear
I just what you to be feel my heart and see the pain
The only what I want you to be unconstrained and unravel
373 · Aug 2014
Speaks ...!!!
Sumina Thapaliya Aug 2014

— The End —