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May 2017 · 252
Shi Em May 2017
I wore the label, but darling she wore your heart. I know better than to play a losing game but dear, loving you makes me sane.
Apr 2017 · 208
Shi Em Apr 2017
she was a puzzle in a piece of art
painted down on an empty canvas
as splatters of different colored ink
completing a masterpiece  that cannot be understood
by all **** means
and yet there he was staring,
a tear falling from his eye,
as it pierced through every little parts
of his broke down soul
Apr 2017 · 143
Shi Em Apr 2017
and so she imprints it on a paper,
desperately wishing that it would seal the time,
where she lived, and grieved,
as well as loved,
hoping that in her next lifetime,
she would stumble upon that book again,
innocently scavenging through the pages,
and having it touch her soul,
oblivious to the fact that
it was her memories all along
Apr 2017 · 264
I am contented with myself.
Shi Em Apr 2017
I say over and over,
as the demons and insecurities
swallow me whole.
Mar 2017 · 201
Shi Em Mar 2017
but I know,
that the only reason that we're together,
is because you see her in me,
but I want you to remember,
i'm my own person too.
Mar 2017 · 216
Shi Em Mar 2017
and i find myself asking,
*why do we love?
but then I stop for a moment, smile and then answer myself,
why don't we love?
Mar 2017 · 167
Shi Em Mar 2017
but this is reality,
it does not matter if I love you this much,
because in the end - I can only look at you from afar
Mar 2017 · 188
Shi Em Mar 2017
i could be the sun,
i'd burn myself just to see you shine,
but a love like that is toxic.
Mar 2017 · 264
Shi Em Mar 2017
I give up.
Mar 2017 · 642
Shi Em Mar 2017
But I have built my walls so
high and strong,
that I can't seem to find a way
to break them down.
i'm guessing this is my karma
Mar 2017 · 214
Shi Em Mar 2017
it's ironic to realize that it is actually
the happiest moments that carves the
deepest scars.
Mar 2017 · 132
Shi Em Mar 2017
the words that are left unsaid
are the ones that mean the most
Mar 2017 · 154
Shi Em Mar 2017
sometimes giving up
pushes you to start moving
Mar 2017 · 169
Shi Em Mar 2017
we take too much of very little things
just to satisfy our never ending cravings
we give too little of what we have too much
because that's how we work,
*us, selfish human beings
Mar 2017 · 185
Shi Em Mar 2017
and such painful truth is that
the greatest stories are the most tragic ones
Jan 2017 · 201
Shi Em Jan 2017
and he loved her more
as he watched her listen
to the stories the moon
Jan 2017 · 119
Shi Em Jan 2017
and i didn't realize how
destructive this love was;
until i found myself missing
all my parts just to make you
Jan 2017 · 132
Shi Em Jan 2017
i wonder if someone ever
bothered to put back
the pieces of myself that
i've left behind.
Jan 2017 · 125
Shi Em Jan 2017
and so everytime I stare
at the mirror;
all i can see is a remnant
of who i ever was.
Jan 2017 · 410
Shi Em Jan 2017
And now I feel like a bottle floating around the sea.
But there’s no message or letters behind,
it’s only empty.
Jul 2016 · 300
Shi Em Jul 2016
but then they push you so hard and then wonder why you fell and got broken
Jul 2016 · 222
Shi Em Jul 2016
i'm sorry if i can't live up to what you expect
i tried so hard to be close to your 'perfect'

but i can only handle so little,
so i am sorry if all i can bring you is a lot of disappointments that you can't handle
lol ahahahahahaha so dramatic pft
Apr 2016 · 254
Shi Em Apr 2016
"Don't fall inlove with an angel, they were never meant to stay."

No, fall in love with them.

Fall hard, cry hard and then learn the hard way.

That way, they'll always be in your memory.

That way, they'll always be etched on your heart.

That way, they'll always stay.
Mar 2016 · 369
Shi Em Mar 2016
but there will always be a painful story with every what used to be...
Mar 2016 · 506
Shi Em Mar 2016
I was in the edge of losing my mind;

Darkness tried to swallow me wherever I hide;
I lost everything including myself.

But there was one thing that remained;
The memories.

and though they were blurred, and weren't the same;
It was more than enough to keep me sane.
Mar 2016 · 362
Shi Em Mar 2016
these are what remained from the war her heart fought;
these are all what's left and the others crumbled down a lot harsher than you 'atta thought;

these are the ruins of her heart;
shattered and broken and yet still beautiful.
May 2015 · 834
Eyes talk
Shi Em May 2015
"I'm sorry." was the word he could not say. Regret painted all over his face.

"I still love you." was the words that he could never say, because he knew it was already too late.

He was smiling.

But his eyes,they talk. And they spoke every emotion he could never show.

"How do you know all this?" she asked me one day, because I spoke to her. Pleading she'd take him back.

"Because  his eyes did talk. But maybe they couldn't really function well, I guess. Because...."
I tried to smile at her, but I failed. gosh I was so pathetic.

"Because he never saw me."
Lol its not really a poem but I decided to post this still hahaha. I do hope you all like it?
May 2015 · 1.1k
Shi Em May 2015
"Goodbye." she said and nothing more. Because most of the time, good bye is all there's left to say.
Mar 2015 · 2.1k
polar opposites
Shi Em Mar 2015
we collided like stars on the vast night sky;
like the skies every time they cry;

but we were two different poles;
each one on a different stand;

you were the angel
and I was just a human on Earth's land;

as sinful as human can be,
all I really wanted was to love you for more than eternity;

and to love you with no boundaries;
but I guess that is just all but a possibility because really?

like they said we were never meant to be
lol idk about this but yea
Mar 2015 · 3.1k
Shi Em Mar 2015
gone are those times that you spent nights
crying on an empty bed;

gone are those times where the demons took
over your head;

gone are those moments because finally you
realize and see;

that gone is that sadness and finally it's time
for moving on sweet serendipity.
Mar 2015 · 1.2k
Shi Em Mar 2015
i missed the times where we used to
just watch scary movies and laugh through out it all
instead of being scared;

where we spent late nights on phone calls
and text messages where we
talk about everything and nothing;

where we even notice the small things,
where I paint our moments with a pen and a paper
and you capture it with your camera;

where we can just be happy by doing nothing as long as
we were together;

but we get caught up in the moment of our fights
and misunderstandings;

we started to focus on our differences and
mistaken beginnings;

then just like that our fantasy

c  o  l  l  a  p  s  e  d

with you walking away,
leaving me behind with nothing;

while you walked away with everything.
Mar 2015 · 428
Shi Em Mar 2015
somewhere behind that never ending darkness,
is someone who wants to be loved
and treasured;

someone whose waiting and waiting,
despite of the fact that it's slowly
losing it's last ember;

you can't see it because it's always behind
the shadows,

waiting for the time that you'll gradually
discover its

w o r t h

but can't you see?
that someone is


your heart has been waiting for far too long
to love yourself for once that
it's slowly covered in bruises and scars;

far too long that it's almost covered itself in
a labyrinth of pain with the hopes of
what could've been and
what could never been;

and maybe,
it's finally time to give yourself a
little rest.
Mar 2015 · 1.9k
Shi Em Mar 2015
I was addicted to his smell,
but I couldn't help it, he was intoxicating;

His words got me drowning,
not only in thoughts but also in feelings;

He was like a drug.
and I could stop.
I couldn't stop


it was like a feeling of adrenaline;

they keep telling me to stop.
that I should leave him be.

and I should've listened, i should have.
because like all other drugs, he was dangerous and wicked.

and he turned out to be toxic for me.
Mar 2015 · 1.1k
among the crowds
Shi Em Mar 2015
she glanced at the way he looked at her;
so full of love;
of hurt;

she envies her;
she's jealous of the fact that she can catch his
attention without an effort;

whilst no matter what she do;
he will never notice her;

she wishes to take away all his pain;
but how could she?
she's just another girl from the crowd.
Feb 2015 · 447
Shi Em Feb 2015
I love.
I weep.
I stumble and fall.
and I rise up;
and experience it all again.

— The End —