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When you feel
like you want to scream,
or run away,
like you want to disappear,
or when you feel completely lost,
all you really want is to be found.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
 Sep 2017 Stan Gichuki
Dear Daddy,
Do you know what these men say to me?

With their
eyes and their mouths
when I walk on the street.

With a grin and a nod
and a look up and down.
A wink and a kiss
and a cat call heard from downtown.

With my skirt short
and my top
It’s a cold world daddy
and no
doesn’t mean no.

Daddy do you know
how these men look at me?

Like I’m a piece of meat
strutting down the street?
With my head buds in
and my favorite song on.

I’m asking for it Daddy,
I’m in the wrong.

Do you know how it feels
not to wear what I like?

To walk a little faster
when I’m alone at night?

Daddy the world is my predator
and I am it's doe,
Daddy what happens
when I can’t say no?
 Sep 2017 Stan Gichuki
Through your poems I finally found you,
prints of soul in your tracks led me to you ,
your raw heart stripped mine open and bare,
exposing these emotions that I now have to share,
my demise began when I introduced her to you,
erasing my destiny that was written for you,
I wander in misery,settle in denial ,live in daze,
striving to unravel the clue to this maze.
How do I recite metaphors in verses of a poet?
How do I sing rhythm in the lyrics of a singer?
How do I draw color in the brushes of a painter?
How do I guide him in this different channel?
How do I tell my best friend that for him  I've fallen.
 Aug 2017 Stan Gichuki
Jorge Diaz
When you face obstacles and trouble
Your faith starts to crumble
You question is if God is real or not
Your lead into doubt


The righteous 7 times may stumble
They get backed-up and become stronger
By Dialing Jeremiah 33:3
That special number

Once we become His
Internally will become rich
Externally we still go through bad things
Just need to remember not to quit

He delivered His people from the pharaoh
With His mighty hand
He points His bow and arrow
Against your enemy, so they fall no longer stand

He parted sea
So they can walk across dry ground
His miracles they got to see
Don't forfeit for your time is now

They were 40 days in the desert
He protected them from their neighbors
Continue to trust in His Word
So by this world, you won't get hurt

To quench their thirst
He provided water out of the rock
Your needs He places first
In faith step outside your box

When they were sick
They were healed
No matter what you think
A doctor He is, to how you feel

When they failed to listen
They were placed under his discipline
His love for his children serious
From start to finish

Moses climbed the mountain
40 days to God he was speaking
The people all the gold they counted
For an idol Chaff, they started worshiping

They were placed under judgment
Believers and non-believers were separated
To the non-believers, death was sent
To the Believers life for their repentance

To the promise land
They graded towards
That the plan
Into eternity you shall s

On the way
They encountered war
Just like today
The struggle is not over

To the doubters
Stayed outside the gates
The sinners and cowers
Shared the same fate

To the faithful
He gave the promise land to
Yes He is able
To finish line He will carry you

When in doubt
Worship with lifted hands
His name you shout
The impossible He does and can

Understanding this walk
Is not done in your own straight
It’s a daily sit down talk
A relationship with Him
I have many people in my life, Some I miss more than others.
I have met many women hoping that they would become my wife.
Some I have only met for an hour or so , in our real life meeting.
Christ has shown me that everyone is very Special to him indeed.
Others I have know for years, for they were put in my life.
As friends, family, childhood friends, even friends co-workers.
Some I have met on the internet, those people all of them.
Have touch my heart, I shall join them later in the Heavens.
So yes I am thankful for everyone that I have met here too.
Friends, Family, Co-workers, school hood friends both men and women .
You say I'm running from myself
I guess you're right
Maybe I am
All I know is that the reason
I hear my heartbeat so clearly
Is because my chest is hollow

I am made up of layers
Too many layers
As if my skin
Was preparing to survive
Out in dead winter at the South Pole

I'm annoying
  I'm distrustful

    I'm stubborn
       And I'm doubtful

           And secretive

Maybe downright manipulative

   But most of all I'm exhausted

Exhausted of the nothingness
   That I float around in
Exhausted of everything
  That comes and goes
    Ensuring chaos
Exhausted of everything and nothing
  And all things in between
         Exhausted of
Too tired to live too important to die, guess the story keeps repeating doesn't it?
(Front page 8/14/17)
 Jul 2017 Stan Gichuki
you & i
 Jul 2017 Stan Gichuki
you and i
we'll move on
and forget all of this.

and maybe we'll even
find whatever it was that
we were looking for elsewhere.

and perhaps
we'll understand
why it ended the way it did.

but what we had
was precious and it'll
always exist somewhere.

in dying leaves and
the silences we shared
and maybe, the moon too.
 Jul 2017 Stan Gichuki
there is poetry
in the way the tongue
falls in love with the body

and there is poetry in
the way the body yearns
for it every time ever since then.
Don't judge me by my looks
And don't read me by the books
I am brash and I am kind
I am hard to define
I am bold. I am shy
I am grounded, but I fly
I love, and I give
I cradle, I forgive
Though soft I may feel
I am thunder, I am steel
I am smiles and I am laughter
I am happily ever after
I am tears and I am ache
I am a mess when I break
I hold tightly, but I know
When it's time to let go
I am dove, I am hawk
I am the rose and the rock
I am rain. I am sun
I am I. I am woman

Thank you all so much **
Dearest everyone, thank you so much for your likes, loves, reposts.  Thank you so much for all your wonderful and encouraging responses. This is a small,  simple poem and I wasn't certainly expecting all the attention it has received. I am grateful to all of you talented poets and readers. I am so happy that it was chosen as a daily - it's a wonderful feeling. Love to all.

I am also very thankful to Conrad Druger van den Bergh, an excellent poet and wonderful friend who inspired this x
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