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Lefa Mzondi  Mar 2019
Lefa Mzondi Mar 2019
You want to know what's unfair?
Unfair is having diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis at the age of 22 despite never having smoked a single cigarette your entire life.
Unfair is having to take 3 months unpaid leave because you're "not safe" to be around anybody.
What's not fair is the inability to walk 5 steps to the kitchen without running out of breath.
What's not fair is the never ending painful coughs at night and having neighbours complaining.

You know what's unfair?
Unfair is losing half of your lung in a battle you never started.
What's unfair is hearing your family members talking behind your back claiming you have Aids, despite never been with a woman before.
What's unfair is fighting so hard to get back on your feet, to get back to full recovery only to get the news that you are now diagnosed with Bronchitis;
Hearing that you will never be able to run like you used to.
That you will never be able play soccer again.

What's unfair is the constant fear that follows after.
The fear that no girl would ever want you.
The constant fear that you might never be able to satisfy any girl.
The fear that, what if you get someone sick despite being 100% cleared?
Now that is unfair.

Unfair is whilst other people take few days to heal from cold and flue, you have to take weeks of antibiotic treatment, just to rid off the same cold.
What's unfair is people constantly thinking your TB is back everytime that cold starts.
Unfair is constantly having to explain why you breathe so heavily.
Unfair is always trying to act "normal"
You really wanna know what's unfair?
Unfair is having your brother lose the battle against the same TB you won against 3 years ago.
What's unfair is having him leave behind his 3 year old with no one.
What's unfair is that you didn't choose any of this.

And Unfair is writing all of this with a broken heart and a tear rolling down my cheek, because this is a true story.
It's My story. And regardless, I'm Still here.

Look at my LOVE
Do not look at my looks

And please tell me
What is going on in YOU?

Are you still thinking?
May I tell you not to think

Are you still evaluating?
Can I ask you not to...

When it comes to LOVE

It is unfair for the clouds of LOVE
Not to rain on YOU

It is unfair for the breeze of LOVE
To not carry the fragrance of LOVE to YOU

It is unfair on the dew
Not to form on your grass

It is unfair for the bees
To not find your flower to **** honey

It is unfair for the birds
Not to find a BLUE sky
To soar wings in flight

It is unfair for the Lioness
To cajole the Lion to LOVE

It is unfair for water to be dammed
And not flow into your ocean of LOVE

It is unfair to my skin woolens
Not to cover you with LOVE warmth

It is unfair for my blood
Not to flow within your veins

It is as much unfair for my breathe
Not to be oxygen for your lungs

Is not the silence of your being
Narrating a tale of LOVE?

The looks in your eyes
That shines rays of LOVE
That brings sunshine to life
Shows your tender heart within
Which is so overflowing with LOVE

It is unfair to imprisoned your LOVE

I took a second to tell YOU
"I LOVE YOU very much"

Now please give me
A million life-times
To be with YOU
To prove to you
How much I LOVE YOU

It is unfair for life not to LOVE
It is unfair for me not to LOVE YOU

You are unfair
Unfair to your words
Unfair to my heart
Unfair to your eyes
Unfair to my mouth
Unfair to your promises
Unfair to my beliefs
Unfair to your lies
Unfair to my truth
Unfair to your lustful self
Unfair to my righteous self
Unfair to your hypocrisy
Unfair to my vulnerability
You are unfair for lusting after me
I am unfair to myself for loving you!!!
Do you ever love so hard, that you realize it isn’t worth it?
The search for sound ends in silence
The search for silence ends in wisdom
When I seek you, you dressed up in clouds
And disappeared forever

Unfair, Unfair, my good moon this is completely unfair..
Unfair, Unfair, my good night this is completely unfair..

I patiently waited to see the pearl in the clam
I patiently waited to smell the new bud blossom into a flower
Even before I could taste the nectar,
You withered and fell on the land
not my own work, this is translated from a Tamil song, "nallai allai". It was a beautiful write so I had to share it here
riri  Mar 2021
riri Mar 2021
it's unfair it's unfair
she has a heart of gold
but they treat her like she's just like anyone else

it's unfair it's unfair
she pours her soul into everyone she cares for
but they just leave her to rot in the flames

it's unfair it's unfair
she still has a heart after being wronged so many times
but they just keep doing it to her
maybe the universe is telling her that she should just turn cold.
ln  Jan 2015
ln Jan 2015
It is unfair how the girl who died of cancer is given more recognition than one who died of heartbreak it is unfair how the boy who died because he was bullied is given more recognition than the boy who died because everyone around him was too blind to realize how alone he was feeling it is unfair that the girl who choked on bleach was given a memorial all across the globe and the girl who choked on years that September night still remains a Jane Doe to most of us it is unfair that the woman who died protecting her son from her abusive husband is cared for more than the woman who died trying to make sure her baby gets out of her womb safe and sound it is unfair that the father who died being stabbed by his son who wasn't mentally stable is given more recognition than the father who died trying to make sure there was food on the table for his family it is unfair how the people who die with a sad story are made famous compared to the ones who died trying it is unfair how we select who's death goes viral and who's doesn't it is unfair to judge a dead person based on their status, materials, wealth and everything else that is temporary

But most of all?
It is unfair to serve justice to someone only after they are gone, forever
Austine  May 2014
Austine May 2014
and it’s always unfair
to count upon
the promises he built
only to find yourself
the only one
in the end.

it’s always unfair
to be left alone
with only fractions
of who you used to be
as the flashback of memories
flooded you
drowned you
left you
and all the while

it’s always unfair
how he believed
that it’s just fair
to leave you
hanging and
seeking for answer
because for him
it’s what
will hurt you lesser

it’s just so unfair
to have yourself
give all you’ve got
and not be given
even just a tiny bit

it’s just unfair
so unfair
that you ended up
that you stopped
longing it to be fair
it’s always, always going to be
Maxine Rosenfeld Jan 2018
unfair, unfair
life is unfair they say,
it will all be okay they say,
They Turn.

****, ****
you wanted it they say,
you should have known they say,
i Cry.

Quiet, Quiet!
shut up leave me alone i say!
make it stop i say!
i screamed.

pain, pain
i just want to feel something i think,
NO ONE even cares anymore i think,
i’m gone.

sorry, sorry…
we didn’t realize it was that bad they say,
we didn’t mean it they say,
They deceive.

good, good
she did this to herself they think
We did what we could they think  
They make excuses.
Unfair, unfair
Life is unfair i said...
Ary Jan 2014
How things started to be unfair
This isn't a complaint,grievance nor grumble
This is the voices of people whose hearts
are crumbled.

How things started to be unfair,
where looks are preferred while hearts are ignored.
Money took over when capability was before.

How things started to be unfair,
where society started to judge
with grudge
without thinking how those hearts feel.

How things started to be unfair,
when the unlawful lawful
the lawful is banned.

How things started to be unfair

ajit peter  May 2016
Unfair life
ajit peter May 2016
Moments in life seldom fair
destiny to some unfair
luck to some coins toss
fate to some never to end loss
a few do bear the unfair pain
the rest doth await for spoils gain
vultures circle a dying prey
human life an unending grey
hurt were the innocent and simple
pains of time lines of old age wrinkle
where doth tis unfairness end
a few till grave in turmoil spend
poor and rich in life unfair
sickness and health in life unfair
many hath asked the question why
yet the answer elusive and shy
held in the heart truth despair
silent tears life unfair
Rebel Heart Jun 2018
It's unfair
How when people leave
Everything that reminds you of them
Tends to stay
It's unfair
How I can't just move on
Without dying a little everyday
It's unfair
~It's unfair how much I miss you and
it's unfair how much I really shouldn't
(Haven't posted in a long time and probably won't be posting for a time after this week is over so here's the beginning of a 6 page long rant of the most hypocritically written piece of RH's that I've ever read.. Happy Writing ~BM)

(Front Page 6/5/2018)

— The End —