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brandon nagley Jun 2015
Any man canst treat his woman as a sleeze,
But canst thou treat her as a queen?
David Nelson Sep 2011
****** Factor

old Ralphy McCalister they all called him Chubs
he was a one of kind ****** ball even rooted for the Cubs
he thought he was slick yes he thought he was cool
only thing wrong was most thought he was a tool

greasy long black hair combed high on his head
various sized zits on his face all puffy and red
he still wore high heeled boots to make him seem tall
always trying to impress saying I have to take this call

when everyone knew it was most likely his mom
he'd wink at you and say loudly hey hi there Tom
who was supposed to be some famous music man
working on a record deal for Chubs and Steely Dan

it's funny cause he couldn't play, dance or sing
his best known talent was drooling over some young thing
with his black leather jacket and skin tight jeans
only tune he could play was after eating baked beans

he wore phony gold bracelets and chains round his neck
spent time in the pokey for kiting a check
always looking for an angle to scam off a buck
his made-up stories could fill a large truck

yes on the sleeze meter he scored a staggering plus
there goes another of his pimples about to ooze ****
you know he might have had a chance at being an actor
one thing for sure was he had that special sleeze factor

Gomer LePoet...
Zachary Nov 2013
you took powerful women and made them powerless,
kissed each tongue as if she was a new flower sniffed
a treasured spelled question where its only found in bliss
a new girl for my hand now that's a cowards tisk tisks
spitting each one of there souls for your own self discovery
my menacing thoughts are hashed out as if each one was for her, you see
like i was a monster with an inner demon that counted our souls
that counted our souls as if i was the one stealing
right out of stock i rather fight then mock
im stronger then i look
most of mother ******* rather leave then look
you know leave comfort right outer your nook
its over booked
like a library over due
each one of my demons that over see
my shoulder they sneeze
and i only flu they breeze
my god he sees.
id rather respect him
then fall into a snare of sleeze
you mother *******
barely got a grasp of life
and see more then only I can
its a little watery for jam,
maybe you should open it
close most of those books
that never opened
or writ
or did i mean write
lets charge the read
not for the color
but only because
we seek for that lover
its or an
that searched more then what i have to cover
or more then me just wanting to brother
sibling or not
i will fight and naught
breathy cadence of her warm children
most of you mother are just feel ins
they are some what still-in(steal?)
no use reuse
you dont think God
(God dont you think)
will choose?
I belive it was in a rest stop outside of Nashville when I first discovred just what lost truely


The people moved ants to a hive.

Ghost's to the shell so to speak.

Looking up routes streching worn stiff leg's and existing in personal bubbles.

Affraid a seconds conversation would burst a moments ******* cast


But I only sat watching happy to be a viewer to many seperate acts in a bound for nowhere


Hey you have the time?

I dont even have a watch.

I replyed to some lost south bound kid more ******* up looking

than myself.

He said nothing more as he simply  faded into the herd.

They were all bound for somewhere  and me I was just killing time.

My home was wherever I could catch a few hours sleep.

And hopefully I'd be outta this state befor long.

I was a nomad most called me a ***.

A traveler of fate and a lazy ******* to caught up in my own personal gains to settle down.

The voices of reason would seem to echo through strangers.

Whenever I'd take time to speak like some twisted record player

they'd always repeat.

So where you heading?

Nowhere and hopefully it has  a bar.

Why you on the road?

Well really I just decided to take a walk one day.

Where from?

North Carolina.

Wow why you in Texas.

It's a long walk.

Man your weird!.

Arent we all in some way?

And with that the conversation would fade into my beloved silence.

And I would view the highway and it's ever changing landscape.

The mountian  sunset's ,the desert  in the moolight ,

A city slum to a rest stop outside of Nashville where you find me now.

I'd seen Americas watercolors and her sharp edges and still charming sleeze.

And from a shared ride to a cold park bench.

I was embracing the forbidden fruit spoken of by

far better  fools and writers than me.

For true freedom was seldom safe.

But I viewed this world a travller a stranger to all including myself.

And from strange looks to even more bizzar remarks from  thoose who couldnt fathom

someone existing with no true purpose.

The question always was asked

from so many forgetable faces.

So where are you going?

Im just taking a long walk home.
Gonz and Roses  Oct 2011
Gonz and Roses Oct 2011
Sweet rejection a simple pinch and slap in the face.
Drunken splendor  and a ***** floor.
Some woman I dont care to know why do I always
find myself in this ****** up place.

Puff Puff Pass.
Wild Turkey loud music im such a happy sleeze
with not a hint of class.
Lean of over the bar my dear you fill my thought's and i your glass.

I walked when I was ten.
Runaway in New Orleans dont belive I could do that one again
Two packs a day and a shakey hand.
Midnight drives strippers in arm bar's
with floor's of sand.

Im not ment for long but sugar im here now.
Drinkin till I die fields of my past been burried
long ago under plow.

Dance in happiness die without regret.
My friends names tattoo my thoughts.
Richard ,Rach,Baths,Lily,Paula how can I ever forget.

******* up perfection is I.
A perfect losser who could care less.
How could you ever shed a tear when I die?

Rearview babydoll backseat queen.
Stay crazy in this cold place.
Skeeter do you still dream in your beauty so tormented
and obscene.

Where all perfect for are flaws.
Barstool will be forever empty.
Im tried but always eager to fall down for a
half naked body or a fellow lunatics cause.

Gonzo do ya know how they see ya outside thoose glasses
so dark.
The partys jester  spirt of a eternal teen.
Empty cans hold court by the lake of lovers lane
where still they park.

Richard a bottle  and friendship forever i'll share.
Insane is a buddy but never worry.
Cause even a falldown drunk does care.

So sad is the fading light bitter the moment.
But perfect isthe ****** up song though.
Kids dont let em break ya you stay crazy.

And I'll forever be Gonzo.
Yanehs MagTa Nov 2012
My name is Aziz,
I am the one 2be up in your buz-nees.
what a pleasure it must be for you to meet me
i greet thee!
so treasure this
to your measure.
I am the one,
who knows the one,
who is not the one to be re-done.
she is this girl
stuck in a whirl
who thinks in a swirl,
that girl
my friend, who was born totally bent!
Tis me she kissed and i couldn't resist
for i am Aziz,
one ******* enough to be all up in her buz-nees.

My name is Aziz
I'm like a venereal disease
not your average menstrual bleed.
One taste of me and you'll be screaming 'Yes please!'
I'll bite into your neck like a sucker with a sore leg
as you beg for more at my door,
te amour.

My name is Aziz
I'm like a contagious disease
not your average ******.
******* puurrlezz!!
I kiss girls in my car and watch them shake it like it's hot. All over the parking lot
dot dot dot

My name is Aziz
grand master of saying thank you and please with easy e. ****! she was not meant for me...what did she mean when she leaned in
Aziz! Aziz! Aziz!
yes? Thank you?? Please *******, FREEZE!!

my name is Aziz
I've got her heart on my sleeve, so I'll make like a tree and leave this to be, as it's not meant for me.
She likes sea shells on the sea shore unfortunately not more, what a bore. I don't care that she's not sorry, but why do i feel so sore.

My name is Aziz
i miss, Miss.
I miss her in the morning i miss her on the phone i miss  her cause she ran all the way home.

My name is Aziz
i think i know that lady!
she'd always call me baby
she hasn't rung me lately.
She no longer goes to the beef she doesn't eat
Do you know why maybe..
Is it cause she hates meat??
Whereas i love eeet.

My name is Aziz can i talk to you please?
I wanna say all these things
like ring a ling ling
where did she get that bling
My ******* knee hurts cause it's in a sling.
I wish i was a Saudi king
if i was would you tell me why you wear that ring??

My name is Aziz
can i see you please
or are you no longer for lease... Is it because you think I'm a sleeze?
I'll beg on my knee and say please (-) the thank you
i promise not to prank you.
There's all these things i wanna say.
I understand that you may be gay,
i don't need a lay.
I just need to speak to you Shenay nay.

Your name Aziz.
wala, you said you love me, wala, i said i love you too. I'm sorry i wasn't meant for you.
See, it's nearly a full moon and I'm still so blue...
I really wanna see you.
But I'm too stubborn to actually talk to you.
Even though our love was enough i'm not sorry i played bluff.
but now, this all feels too, much
Don't you see, i was in a rush.
I should have hit you over the head with your crutch.
But instead i kissed you, your lips, they were so lush.
They even made me blush.
You weren't my crush, but now I'm crushed. Because of us my brain's gone to mush.
I wish i was still your baby and we could pretend that it's all groovey, maybe even watch a movie.
But in the perfect world my frnd I'd be stryt and u, u'd be my perfect m8.
A story of love I suppose.
Wrote this for ***** and giggles initially but they've open wounds so deep all of which i thought were meek even non existing but it was only my internal emotions resisting.
This must be my favourite one that I've ever done, thus far.
CommonStory Apr 2019
We aren't friends
We're just cool

Theres no reason i can't give kindness
And dismiss you like I'm mindless

I don't mind it's
Just something

I do to make me feel a little better about living
Through my anxiety and pain

Anxieties and pains
Crush girlfriend wife migraines

Eating disorders
So now i eat junk because it rots my brain

Maybe it's insane
Maybe i don't feel like myself when i express these thangs

These rack my brain while i rack these weights

**** now im going to be late
That's another 15 that i wont be paid

Now i have to look at my supervisor say
This is why you won't get a raise
At same time another mans chick is on my brain
I just want to see her taint
No not that one
That **** stank

In the meantime im ******* with a chick that's twice my age

And another with 6 kids to date
**** I'm in a pickle
Few can relate

This is the **** that I hate

With my third eye strife
This is my life
And when i dig my grave its gonna to be very nice

With my cake
And my bed
Made it
Laid it
And ate every slice

If i do right
Can i just say that I'm kind
My egos bind
Why am i lyin

This is why i Write
Its not for you this time
Copyright Matthew Marquis Xavier Donald
Zulu Samperfas May 2013
Most breeze through the Boardwalk Big Dipper Bling
Ocean Street Sleeze, and a walk on Cowell Beach and say
I've seen it all, that's Santa Cruz, as they cruise off on highway 1
or crash into the barriers or 17 but that's not all, at all
I love Santa Cruz on a bright sunny day in May as I
gorge on the Indian vegetarian buffet, available all day, by the way
And check out the O'Niel sidewalk sale, and then past the sweaty crowds in front
of the Cineplex and the sign in the window display at Camouflage that reminds:
May is National ******* Month, are you doing your part?
and at Pergolesi a homemade sign says "friends don't let friends drink Starbucks"
and there are two art house cinemas within 200 yards of each other
and there are lesbians holding hands and homeless people breathing the fresh air
with their shelter pets and I feel free
like anything can happen here, even me
Kenneth Gray Dec 2020
Who takes precious pearls and throws them to the pigs, I wonder?
Who considers gold and silver better off cast asunder?
Or who sees love as a fleeting thing? As if a crack of thunder?
All these questions lie inside as I sit and deeply ponder.

I have no doubt, folks choose these routes. A disfigured, battered blessing. Hate has wrought all love is lost. Our hearts need an assessing.
Humanity, as you can see, has backpeddled. Now regressing.
The world has fought for hatred to be taught. To love I am insisting.

For I remember a time so very long ago
When households stuck together, and in love they did grow.
When families basked in togetherness.
And each other they did know.
Now broken, battered blessings
This world has now bestowed.

Dont hug or touch. We don't get affection much. We all must keep our distance.
To be alone with hearts of stone.
Humanities resistance
A worldwide epidemic - not the flu,
But hatred is the menace.
Do not come near! Your presence is feared! For closeness makes us grimace.

Now here my plea, open up your eyes and see. Who it is, to be our true enemy.
Each and every one must flee - from hatred, lust, fear and greed.
For the devil has done his job. A job well done - a planted seed.
Dont embrace it or defend it! Fight back! Advice all of us should heed!

People act as if they think a vaccine might be the answer.
While hatred effectively grows inside like an insidious, smirking cancer.
People just don't get it because the truth
Has now been blurred.
Now all are fixated on the ruse -
A great deception has occurred.

This world has become manic and were caught up in the panic, but its our hearts that are diseased.
All in all hate has to stall. Our pride, our sins, must stop, must freeze.
We have to shed this wickedness -
This spiritually infested sleeze.
Come back to the LORD our God -
Come back to our knees.

Love inevitably is the cure, of this I'm sure.
You all have heard my plea.
Lay your sins down on the floor and sin no more and set your bound souls free.
For we were not made to live in fear -
But to be filled with love and filled with glee.
So let us all begin to love each other once again. I will start. I'll take the lead. Once you have revived your hearts then carry love and follow me.
Hope you enjoy.
Samlouie Nov 2018
I was a *** addict,
starting at seven,
no I didn't have *** then,
but the stage was set
and developing.

Disconnected at home,
parents speaking Chinese,
with no language for love,
I found it elsewhere,
in a stash of sleeze.

make-out scenes,
lingerie ads,
**** scrambed on tv,

my young eyes transfixed
on what I thought was love,
on an illusion,
a fake,
a counterfeit,
hooked on intensity,
longing for intimacy,
a boy devoured by sexuality,
a boy yearning for so much more.
Linguistic Play Sep 2014
I did always tend to shy
to the side of life hidden by shadows
guided by mossy, abandoned walls
stacking bricks of one untold story after another to guide this life I lead
and all my favorite people come here
the mad and insane, the villains and vixens
smoking jokes with the jokester
like you want to play a little game
adrenaline ****** riding through the twists and turn of your brain
past the sleeze and the tease that you tucked between your sheets
all the times you denied lust because love looks better dressed
for the rest of the guests in your life
down and around the time you tried to lie just to please
some made up story that made life sound a little easy
say cheese
on roller coasters they always did take ******* pictures
and you chose the perfect spot between what you want us to see
and what you've fooled us all into thinking that you've chosen to be

but what's printed in a picture
is but smoke of what's real
real smiles feelings laughter drift away
when our lips make way to fake a buffet of happiness
its just a rush of blood to your head
to project the ideal scene from your pupils
melt into this pixelated reality like hey it can be real
you just have to believe me
that all this scenery wasn't result of sketching my cutest dreams
but in my head, the cute is starting to get dim
as its drifting further away from this mischievous grin
the cheshire cat was always my best friend, magic
like sleight of hand in a grin, fading in and out and in
this reality can be intriguing, disbelieving, a never ending day dream
like every substance to touch my tongue dancing in my words
to paint the streets and trails under my feet
its the clearest sense of clarity, and indefinite reality of everything that your senses think is a tease
like risk stained lips
sentences laced in ******* of persuasion
bones that guide your latest fantasy to take to dancing
like your entire world lost to the madness of *******
RGB slinging and sleighing everything ticking around this clock
its a melting masterpiece, sinking into the core
but theres more, beating down the door, vibrating the floor
sending the ground to clouds to float on
I bet you never saw that the clouds were but the smoke of every worry we've let go
I always wrote tales laced in gold when it was an overcast flow
when the grass blurs to floating snow, its an oscar winning show
dancing on your chest, coughing out all of the mess
**** it, forget the rest

im always preaching of the same thing
because society has changed our reality to gasping screams
stretching the grasp of sanity to something that seems pleasing
but minds have lost their soul when ghouls take to slashing
the hopes and dreams from the pleas
leaving them to dress the headlines in other countries
like we have to do something if we tell all the people
in new york times san francisco,
we'll leave our impact in a chronicle to find home on a dusty shelf
with every other mistake that betrayed our trust
you see, i've read the books of our history and nothing is really a mystery
its the biggest scheme in the 21st century, hiding our undying hypocrisy
and I went mad in a rhyme because I frequently test time
because I couldn't find sublime in the latest headlines but with each passing day, my reservoir is failing to drought as all these thoughts are racing out
Arcassin B Aug 2016
By Arcassin Burnham

I don't know why it takes so long for me to get ahold
Of you,
Your soul is too lucid  laced with redness of rosary residue,
I have no choice not to be in your presence, this is the exact
I'm blinking my eyes and I'm going insane for these miles
That I'm entering,
To get to you,
You love is like a flute, and I'm ready to be serenaded,
Shouldn't I be the one singing,
I got too much on my mind,
Besides, I'm enjoying the tune.


Am I really good? Will I be alright?
Looking for a chance but a different fight,
You shot me down but I got right back up and you
ain't seen me In a different light,
Tell me where did we go wrong when the time came,
I was always down for you but you were insane,
You shot me down,
And you just ran off with your friends again , dang!

Always thought you were the love of my life though......
But you were like everyone else in this hell of a school,
I never was cool,
I wasn't a *** of pretty flowers , a puddle of drool,
Everyone was treating me like I was a fool,
Unloyal to myself like a plain used tool,

Am I really good? Will I be alright?
Looking for a chance but a different fight,
You shot me down but I got right back up and you
ain't seen me In a different light,
Tell me where did we go wrong when the time came,
I was always down for you but you were insane,
You shot me down,
And you just ran off with your friends again , dang!


Reds and blues,
I don't want the blues,
I was like heaven to you,
Cutting ties,
Done with all the lies,
When I say cutting,
Red like blood tombs,
Forget I love you too,
Dusting off my shoes,
Please! I'll stay with you,
Just make a move,
Check mate,

Fulfilling all your needs,
Like I outta' be,
Learn the birds and bees by myself
Through *******,
I digress,
Expressing through the trees,
Love was just a sleeze,
Picking enemies,
Swear that I was amazed.
brandon nagley Jun 2015
I heareth the hellion goblin's calling me out
They bite and spit
Caress me in doubt

I heareth their moans
As their burnt to the crisp
I rip off their appendage's
Buckle their lips

I rip off their wings
And taketh their masks
I cut them by holy water
And split them in half

This soul is not thine own
Thou brute of pleasure dome
This spirits not for thee
Thy dirtbag and sleeze

This soul is mine creators
And shalt return soon
Go back to thy flame
Thou mame of baboon!!

— The End —