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Dec 2019 · 180
sarah kayy Dec 2019
I am here
You are here
we are here
The future scares me
do something
don't just leave
i want a story
make this something
a 2 line story
is still a story
Dec 2019 · 199
sarah kayy Dec 2019
Where do i live?
Where do i base my reality from?
Am i in love with a fictional character
yearning to hear your voice
dying to know more
what did i love
if i am filled with ignorance
jealous of  those that know
Will i ever be able to swim in your eyes
Will i ever be able to say hi
if my ego would die
i 'd buy your attention
i live in a fiction
i wish i can try
i am simply a stranger
with a memory recorder
of every encounter
seeing everything as a sign
deep inside i know i am just blind
feeding myself sweet lies
they get me high
i live in the clouds
drifting far away from the burning  light
the sun will one day shine
melt me down
to the ground
i will still be found
if it was ever bound
if i still did not drown
i will then be crowned
enjoying the sounds
that i always dreamed to hear
Nov 2019 · 328
sarah kayy Nov 2019
I just need to write
I just need to leak
I won't say what's on my mind
I'll have the words search and find
Since when was opening up a crime
Only in this day and time
I want to speak
My tongue is locked
My eyes open wide
To flood things out
Stupid .
In a time where no one reads
No one reads the eyes
No one reads people
No one looks enough to care
If one doesnt listen , would one look?
Oh how foolish!
Teach my words to find contentment
Teach my thoughts to rest
An  escape does not exist
Only in unseen space
Mar 2017 · 293
sarah kayy Mar 2017
projectt of. time

let me taste it
smell it
visualize it
make it as a play
its not like ill delay
ill then be ready to 'slay'
Nov 2016 · 1.1k
bird of joy
sarah kayy Nov 2016
bird of joy forgot to pass by
atleast to come say hi

behid every loud laugh
is long cry
or a cold heart
were a bird of joy is dead
died with silence
without any realization or recognition
maybe cause of the given hard mission
it was un breakable un shakeable

new birds are still born
let our nest bloom to their wants
to get them breading and growing  in there.
Nov 2016 · 892
without love
sarah kayy Nov 2016
how does a soul breath
without love
would it just inhale and not exhale
wont it burst
or are some peoples souls made like that
how does a soul function
without love
do its eyes ever open
or do they ever close to blink
are they cursed if theyre too blinded not to see the beauty
or is the curse when they just see beauty of others and want it
how does a soul sleep
without love
does nt it cuddle
doesnt it feel cold
or has it pointlessly adapted to the stiffness
aug 17
Nov 2016 · 622
sarah kayy Nov 2016
the higher u rise
the harder u fall
no matter how tall
nomatter how strong  
no matter how sturdy
no matter how solid
your wallis  built
even a little rocket
barely spotted  
would be highly unwanted
lots of little problems clotted
will easily get you wounded
how could it simply just be valid
how could it simply be unfair
Mar 2016 · 468
how long are your "nails"
sarah kayy Mar 2016
long nails do cut
scratch and tear
wish i could see what power of theirs that i  would fear
and  the type they ve got
but secrets are locked
cause if revealed never forgot
Mar 2016 · 586
why men why
sarah kayy Mar 2016
eatin up by creatures
more like monsters
with similar structure
faces and traces
along with races
but its just about the gender \
so you tryna cause some ******  
well we ll invade all towers
with the almighty 's power
maybe they hadn't known
how hard the can be torn and blown
mean , gender inequality  , happy womens day
Mar 2016 · 339
sarah kayy Mar 2016
fear burnt bright
too bright it shines
into the eyes of my divine
let thy know its not alright
not willing to bring upon fight
i may confess
i wasn't wise
but to precise
it all about what prize you ll get in life
yes it varies in size
yet no matter factor
we then show gratitude
in its best form
so blessings wont be torn
hidden gone
far beyond  what our tiny doll eyes see
oh god let us free .
Jan 2016 · 285
explosive star
sarah kayy Jan 2016
What happened to the star that I threw deep in that sea.
Did it explode , erupt and  provoke fear
Or is it waiting for my last drop of tear .
Nov 2015 · 458
its waiting ....
sarah kayy Nov 2015
death out the door
knock knock
it waits and waits
wanting to help
we ll face it with faith
it ll take us to place
with a better taste
no worries no fears
no heartbreaks or tears
Nov 2015 · 288
through my blood
sarah kayy Nov 2015
Tears run through my blood
if they drain , they ll dry
if they dry ill die
only then ill be alive
soul rising up high
to somewhere never seen before .
Nov 2015 · 477
leaving the cage
sarah kayy Nov 2015
As you step out of  your cage
Erase the rage
guzzle  the sorrow
Swallow the flame
Act calm
And claim the” fine”
Spread the smile
Hide your dust pile
Un fold  your spirits
Paint  your stony pith
Crush  the grim
never record a flim
smite the drama
conceal  the devil
in your moist eyes
let it fly
or dry
or die .
Nov 2015 · 382
s o r r y
sarah kayy Nov 2015
Did the lake evaporate?  
Is it too late to compensate ?
Are  my amends helping
Or are you testing
Maybe you are
But Im melting
you would have gone so far
Cause I really can t
Not when my purity is came back
My heart grew  fat
And not in pleasure but in pain
Brain gone insane
Should I run away
Or stay
I ll try
Or fly .
Nov 2015 · 346
hold back your stones
sarah kayy Nov 2015
Hold back your stones
Let me admire your tones
Running my water in your soul
As you pause into the cold
Craving for gold
Acting like a dolt  
Knowing its fault
Deceived by the heart’s salts
When will it stop
Is it when trust is chopped  
Or when hope drops

— The End —