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Feb 2024 · 194
Roman Pavel Feb 2024
You are neither the stars
Nor the sun
Or even the moon

To me, you are everything.
The distance between it all.
Feb 2024 · 388
Roman Pavel Feb 2024
Guided by the starlit night
A new moons waning light
Painted colors of green and gray
Patiently wait till the break of day

And in the twilight, darkness breaks
Comprised of combative colored flakes
Golden sands mixed with amber gems
Light blue sky, and earthly stems

Sitting perched on mountain tops
As the light creeps and crops
Calm winds gently nudge
As the chorused birds sing and judge

Pathways brighten to twisted trails
Gypsies jumping from misaligned rails
Subtle lovers come and go
Timely teachings of passions show

And now, to stand amongst the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore.
Brave, because fear is ever present
Bold, because boring is not pleasant

Burdened by bi-polar thought
That the horizon cannot be caught
As if to capture a moment of a flame
That even the gods could not tame

No place to call home
To be infrequently alone
To sing and dance, with strangers still
To give love a chance, with serendipitous skill

The last trap of a wondering soul
To try and consume the world whole
When they corrected all the wrongs
That’s, when traveler finds where she belongs

And yet, she travels still
Looking for life’s thrills
One day, she’ll know peace
Maybe after travels cease

Wether being conscious or not
One day the flesh will rot.
And turn into Stardust once more
So she may guide others as they explore
Feb 2024 · 526
A lovers Challenge
Roman Pavel Feb 2024
Challenge me intellectually
Inspire me spiritually
Support me emotionally
Excite me physically
Feb 2024 · 103
Painted. A series
Roman Pavel Feb 2024
I was born, a blank canvas
Propped up, on an unstable easel
Outlined in black, by a myriad, of life’s choices


And then, you colored me in
With magnificent hues
In places I dare not know were empty


And then, i found color within me
Made of magnificent hues
In places I previously feared were empty


And then, the world colored me in
With magnificent hues
In places I never imagined exploring before


Filled in with magnificent hues
And then, society stripped me clean
Bleached my colors, and left me empty
The first 3 lines stay consistent

And then “painted” in 4 ways
Jan 2024 · 640
(Song) Nobody wants you
Roman Pavel Jan 2024
She told me “nobody loves you “
(Well, she’s wrong)
She said “nobody needs you”
(To leave her alone)
She said “nobody wants you”
(Around… and to go back home)
But hey! that’s why I stay , I only hear what I play, live my life on display

Because out there “somebody loves me”
(More than you)
“Somebody needs me”
(To get them through)
“Somebody wants me”
Oh This I know, and. I’ll let them show. Just How far in life I can go

For someone “to love me”
For someone “to need me”
(In every way)
For anyone “who wants me”
I promise I’ll stay! At least for Today
And Ill give my heart away

To someone who wants me.
Nov 2023 · 227
Perfect for me
Roman Pavel Nov 2023
How mundane the world must be, if everything was in perfect symmetry
How boring is life, if you never encounter a moment of strife
Please try to explain, how perfection is not mundane
I much prefer to see, only one floppy ear on a collie
As if they can hear, better from only one ear
And all the perfectly pretty people, well they look like sheeple
I like the way the branches grow on a tree, as if it was made for only me.
And only the tree knows, where it’s branches goes
I love how your socks never match, how onto my right arm you latch.
I like your left eye far more than your right. Because when we lay, that’s the one that looks at me at night
For all your imperfections, you may think I don’t love thee, but the truth is, you’re perfect for me
Nov 2023 · 103
(Song) My Search
Roman Pavel Nov 2023
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

I think back to the time when my search first began
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there
I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere

When the summer sun is shining
Shaking the sails of my heart I know

When the world that had been hiding
Has opened up its doors for me to go

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Is what I aim for!

And though I traveled far from where my search began
Over seas of green and shores of sand
Through the endless everlasting world out there
I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere.

As the cold clouds are colliding
Starting the storm of my journey home
All these feelings that I’ve been finding
Now I have to let them show

Yeah yeah yea yeah
It’s the start of my WOAH!

I think back to the time when my search first began
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there
I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere
Nov 2023 · 105
(Song) Stoner Life
Roman Pavel Nov 2023
I smoke a joint in the morning
I smoke a joint at night
And somewhere in the middle
That’s where I live my life

Verse #1
I get high on expectations
Of the experiences that I find
I rejoice in jubilations
As I’m reminded of the climb

Verse #2
So Take a journey with me
And you can help me find my truth
And if you’re open and willing
Maybe you’ll find yours too

Verse #3
I believe that the essence
Of living a meaningful life
Is being purposefully present
In joy and in strife

I smoke a joint in the morning
I smoke a joint at night
And somewhere in the middle
That’s where I live my life

Verse #4
And one day, my children’s children children
Will eagerly tell my tale.
Of the hopes that I inspired
And the dreams that I set Sail

I smoke a joint in the morning
I smoke a joint at night
And somewhere in the middle
That’s where I live my life.
Nov 2023 · 150
(Song) No Mystery
Roman Pavel Nov 2023
It ain’t no mystery  
Making music throughout history  
We just get together! Jam forever  
And let the music playyeahYeah!  

Feeling alright, gonna dance tonight  
Shake my body right, and let my soul take FLIGHT!  

It ain’t no mystery  
Making music throughout history  
We just get together! Jam forever  
And let the music PlayyeahYeah  

Feeling fine now, and life is so wOw
I want to have you statyeahYeah  


How did we get here? Really slow  
Where are we going? To a magical show  
When will we get there? When we all go
Who will we meet? Everyone you know  
What will we Do? Go with the flow  
Why are we here? to try and grow  

Cuz It ain’t no mystery  
Making music throughout history
We just get together! Jam forever  
And let the music plaYeahYeah
Sep 2023 · 554
The Fool
Roman Pavel Sep 2023
The only thing that can surpass the grandness of my intellect, is my unrelenting naivety
The only wisdom I lack, is that of experience
I assume all the things that I neglect, in my late latency
But, lately I attest, I’m quit definitely delerious

I want to build grand monuments to loved ones, but I’ve never been an engineer
Pass down grand teachings to my sons
Yet I’ve never been a father, in any year

I wish to love a woman, like no woman has ever been loved before
To tell her irrelevant stories, and only store memories in the drawer.
To take her to places she hasn’t heard of before or even seen.
Create! The things that she can adore and make the chaos serene

I am no fool, I know what I want.
I desire commitment, I long for Freedom and independence
I decided her love for me; I’ll proudly flaunt
But, internally keep it secret, to nurture my own dependence

One day, she noticed that her love for me was gone
And all the little things she loved about me, all of the quirks, and unintentional foolery
Had turned into insufferable character traits, and puzzling conversations
She no longer loved me, and I love her still.

But, I could not love her, the way she wanted to be loved and cared for
And eventually she could not love me as well
She needed to be loved, but only from a distant shore
Her love, in kind, I could not compel

I need to say a million things to you, tell you how I feel, show you how I hurt, and imply what I desire.
I wish to scream, loudly and often, let the air wash away the bitterness from my lips, and try to rekindle the fire.

But, instead. I stay silent, and act benign
And when asked… I say : “I’m doing fine”
Sep 2023 · 101
Deep Cuts
Roman Pavel Sep 2023
Take a look at my scars, and I’ll tell you a story,
But not every story has a scar.
They may frighten you, even be a little gory
But I’m proud of them by far

They’re numeric, reminder of the time
A past hysteric, reminder of the climb

There’s no big hand, nor small hand, just ticks on the inside of the wrist
And in either past, or present I stand
The small hand still exists

With every tick and every tac, came a click and a comeback, and every time I thought I lacked, I came back, I came back

So the scars you see, aren’t the scars that hurt
The scars that bleed, aren’t that overt
And may I assert,
That real scars need to be pestered and picked, overtime they fester and restrict

One day the slice was slow, as I cut deep into the skin.
How I watched the blood go, as I fell into a grin.
Though you couldn’t tell at the time, But, that’s when I had total control.
In the youth of my prime, when my honor was stole.

Waiting for assurance, but assurance was delayed, expecting a fathers love, but Love was betrayed.

And now the blood is pooling, and the scar begins to clot, my heart begins it’s cooling, but the blood is still hot

There’s no fret, no confusion, nor panic
All what I Let, no dissolution, nor manic

For what comes next is easy and simple, of how to mend the ****.
After a thorough cleaning, it’ll heal up in a flash

But deep cuts take long to heal,
They’re a constant reminder of what’s real
There’s a constant reminder of the deal
Constantly restricting what you feel.

You have to restrict the scar from growing
The power comes from managing the pain.
Stop the mind from knowing
Restriction of the brain.

So which story would you rather Hear?
The one of Triumph or the one of Fear.
Because both start in the same place
But, one ends at the surface, while the other at the base.

And while my deepest cuts remain covered
A person is discovered.
Beyond the cuts, only skin deep
Deep into the secrets I keep
Cuts that scrape down to the soul
That no medication can fill the hole
But, now I can stand and walk
Even when those around stare and gawk
I shed the weight of the shackles of my past, and hope that this time it will last
No are tales told of a heroine a slave
For my story is brave. And in my story I save.
For if you knew me, you’d see.
That deep down, I just want to be, Free
Aug 2023 · 702
The Grip
Roman Pavel Aug 2023
My mind wakes me from a tormented sleep.
As I struggle to accept my unwavering reality
How dark are these thoughts that I keep?
Compared to my unrelenting eventuality

For Hope is a firefly, you wish to catch,
And be mesmerized by its luminescent glow.
To capture a moment underneath the jar latch,
Before it dies, and you must let it go.

Hope is fleeting, quick, and toxic
Providing a false sense of relief.
Illuminating a path, to a serendipitous salvation
Only to betray you, and leave you in disbelief

There’s a grip, that clenches my chest ever tighter, with each passing breath  
I feel bound, trapped, and suffocating in the darkness of this death
I’m paralyzed from my eyes down to my toes.
And can only think of sadness, despair, and my inescapable woes

Now, there are, sparse moments throughout the day
Where your essence escapes my mind.
I hope that this new freedom can stay.
For even only a few fractions of a second of time
I can feel the grip loosening, as my breath I can begin to attain.
For a brief moment the grip grants me hope.
… Before it strangles my heart again
Jul 2023 · 781
Roman Pavel Jul 2023
I have climbed the highest mountain tops, yet you were their peak

I have trekked the vastness of the deserts, yet you were their oasis

I have foraged in the deepest of forests, yet you were their smell

I have swam in the bluest of oceans, yet you were their melody

I have explored the grandest of cities, yet you were their light

I have designed the most decorative of art, yet you were their purpose.

I have conceived the craftiest of culinary plates, yet you were their taste

I have engineered the most complex of structures, yet you were their hearth

I have lived a hollow life, and you filled it.
Jul 2023 · 688
Roman Pavel Jul 2023
I stand alone in a crowded room
Surrounded by shells of beings, often calling me a friend
But, none of them know my internal doom
There’s not one, on this forlorn plane that ponders my end

And then there’s you, the one who always held me through
Through dark days, and stormy nights
For eternity is was just us two
Win, loose, and draw of our domestic fights

To be called beloved, is the nectar of mortal life
To love and be loved, in moments of strife.

And yet, I doubt your presence next to mine
Facing an ultimatum, I choose neither
Wishing our souls would intertwine
But, I know you don’t know me either

I’m continuously trapped in lessons I should have known
Empirically…  I compulsively, find myself alone.
Jul 2023 · 484
Someone, I once loved
Roman Pavel Jul 2023
I remember when I first saw you, standing firmly in the doorway.
Your hair glistened and glimmered in the air, as you, made it across your way.

You were beautiful and bold, but I could not bring myself to say hello.
You had my heart in a hold, I knew I could never let you go.

I spent an eternity thinking, of how I can lure your lust.
Until confidence came sinking, from a kind fellow, in drugs we trust.

We danced that night. And I made you feel excited.
Under the artificial light, we merged as one, our paths united.

The next several years became a blur, as we went on our world tour.
Diving into the depths of our emotions, we flew across the vastness of the oceans.

We lived through pain, and sorrow.
We grew through regret and shame.
Gifting each other our intellect to borrow.
Maintaining one another’s lit flame.

We prospered, dare I say it, we thrived.
Our souls fostered, our spirits, combined.


But, In the end, my heart was broken and my virtue shoved.
Those final words were never spoken, and now
you’re just someone, I once loved.
Jul 2023 · 1.4k
Roman Pavel Jul 2023
You’re charming, witty, and brave
You’re enchanting, magnetic, and strong
Everyone you encounter is saved
As your soul sings them a sultry song

You are beautiful
But, no one need tell you so
For your scent is suitable
To everyone you know

You’re intellectually apt
To the struggles of the world
And you keenly adapt
To the torments that’ve twirled

You’re humor makes my heart hum
As brevity being the essence of endearment
Telling jokes that end in “ Pa-Dum ***!”
Makes me spit out my spear mint. (Non-Paid advertising)

You’re enchanted ethics and magnetic morals
Inspire a life that’s dutiful
While your charming wisdom and witty orals
Makes you, always beautiful
Jun 2023 · 167
Hauntingly Beautiful
Roman Pavel Jun 2023
Your phantom touch wakes me from impatient dreams,
As darkness fills our hollow room,
And although empty my life seems
Your silhouette is vibrant within this gloom

My eyes stay fixed, till the break of light
My heart is nixed, my soul takes flight
As our apparitions float through the thick night air
We may dance again, and you can hold me with care

We may gaze into each others depths, beyond peering piercing eyes.
My eagerness of your Soft silk touch
Is merely an illusion in disguise
But still I rise, yet still I rise
In remembrance, of all that you comprise.
#love #loss #lost #phantom #ghost #dark #deep #depth #dreams #dance
Apr 2023 · 153
(Rap) Heat Lightning
Roman Pavel Apr 2023
In my all black Benz
There ain't nothing cleaner
AK in the back
I call it a street sweeper
Now I hear you talking smack
But you ain't talking to my Nina
Cuz that glock don't talk back
It just clap when it see ya
Listen up close cuz I don't talk a lot
And if you got any questions, you can ask my glock
Cuz I don't take extra rounds
I take extra shots
Pay attention, or I'll leave your body up in knots
And ya they call me the boss
Cuz the only one I answer to, is up on a cross
I stay with that white, like I'm working with floss
I really don't know how else to get this message across
Got your ***** in my room, turning a trick
Working for them dollars, better be working them quick
Cuz I don't got time for that **** boy ****
I be robbing that *****, now watch me hit a lick
Mind on point, I'm sharp as a dagga
And my Swag so hard, you'd  swear it's on ******
Go getter, go getter, go earn
***** Ill make you learn
GPS swag, ya It's my turn
Don't say nothing unless you mean it
This money, I stream it
Cuz I got a vision, so you got to let me dream it
And if life's a road then I'm taking the scenic
I just want to get at you girl
I'll hit it from the back, make her toes curl,
Make her ***** swirl, with another girl, *******, I'm out of this world
I push start the whip
I push start my chick
Wake her up in the night
With the push of this ****
I drive it, revive it, the periods. Survived it.
Ain't no one trying to hide it,
I'm the best, get excited
Now I'm about to go off
Like fireworks on July Fourth
I don't play these games for fun if you losing you better run
I'll take your 2K in 2K
In your face with a Rookie
Bronny James  playing hookie
I'm scoring eating cookies
Now tell me that you feel it
You're softer than play doe, and I mean it
You play a dope boy, but you're just a dope, boy can't you see it
No foundation to conceal it
No temptation, you don't feel it
No hustle, I believe it
Your ***** tell me she need it.
I give her that long pipe
In the day, and all night
Tell me she can't focus right?
Now do that mean I'm out of sight?
Now back to your ***** ***
I roll up on your ***** ***
Wether I drive by, and leave fast
Or a blunt filled with that heat grass
Let me say that again
Now back to your ******* ***
I roll up on your ******* ***
Wether I drive by, and leave fast
Or a blunt filled with that heat grass
Yea... I said it.
Take your debit and your credit
Your life's a written book, so you can watch while I edit
leave you praying for a medic
Boy these hands, you can get it
I hope your mom knows she raised a *****
Your mouth never close, you ******* snitch
You smell like fish, bet you got that itch
I open you up so you can not stitch
This ain't a glitch
You ******* *****
You belong in a ******* ditch
What's up?

Apr 2023 · 146
(Song) Wandering
Roman Pavel Apr 2023
Now I’m just wandering through
This called life,  I knew
And it is so **** new
I don’t know what to do

But I’m gon keep my head
Even the haters said
That one day you’ll go down
But still, I will not frown

Cuz I’m just wandering through
Only my shoes are new,
Still the same ole guy
Now, just, with a tie.

Wondering, where do I go?
What do I have to show?
Who in this world am I?
And When will I die?

No need to think about
I smoke, and lay on clouds
But I’m just wandering still
Looking for life and thrills

Tell me what’s the point.
Just let me roll my joint
And forget this now,
The past is up somehow

But, the future’s right ahead
Getting my daily bread
I feel so grown now
Responsible for what I’m about

So this is me now
This is me wow
We need love how
Understanding it… by understanding it… we have to understand each other, we have to look for more things that are the same in each other, than are different.

Your differences make you beautiful,
but your similarities makes you friends
In search for a life that’s dutiful
Our vision has to be open to amends

Let your vision be open to amends.
Wandering through life
Apr 2023 · 190
(Song) Find You Again
Roman Pavel Apr 2023
At the edge of the worlds loneliest ocean
On a distant beach in the sand
Amongst the tumultuous tides and Commotion
… that’s when I, find you again

At a dangerous desolate mountain
In the dark deep cave of despair
Amongst the snow and shadow fountain
… that’s when I, find you again

In the cold and hollow forest
On top of the tallest tree in the deathly grove
Amongst the dying birds who gently chorused
… that’s when I, find you again

In the steaming and scorching arid desert
In the dreadful dune of our mistakes.
Amongst the coldblooded creatures that can’t get hurt
… that’s where I, find you again

In the end, I find you again.
Apr 2023 · 154
A Terrible Parable
Roman Pavel Apr 2023
In a far away place, on a far away beach, lives a sailor by the sea
He built himself a hut, he built himself a life, waiting on bended knee

Long ago, and further away, the sailor met a girl, by the sea
He waved at her, and she waved back, and love began to be

But she was far, far far away, on a cruise ship, in the sea
And he was a sailor, that could not sail, no sea legs did have he

He just stood there, and felt his toes run over by the sea
Watched her sail away, to distant land, true sailor, he cannot be

The sailor stayed on a beach, in a hut, by the sea
Hoping one day the girl comes back, so he could sail, and one day might be free
Just a terrible parable
Apr 2023 · 319
(Rap) We’re fucked
Roman Pavel Apr 2023
I’m tired of the clapping, young kids a trapping,
No capping, same problems we attacking back when 2pac was rapping

Talking about illuminati and the super rich,
You Connect the pieces, through a panel stitch
We all slaves, quick to share the conspiracy link.
We all know George Soros, but not Laurence Fink

Black rock, black stone, black power.
But all we can talk about is trumps *******?
Not the people we empower, Bc we get our news from Matt Lauer?

Fake news just means thing you don’t agree with.
The Subjective facts, turn truth IN to myth
To much noise causes perspective to shift
Happens so swift, you think it’s gift
But really you just fell for the grift

Ronald Reagan is the devil. Ya I said it
The one that started the crack epidemic,
AIDS, he didn’t get it, and let millions die in the pandemic

But, all the presidents are crooks.
Even Clinton cooked the books.
We went from a vision for a globalized economy
To drone striking little kids with autonomy

WERE ******!!!!
and it’s hard to see, all the different ways that you’re no longer free. All the different ways, you ain’t got the key, fighting the daily struggle of just to be.

WERE ******!!!
You know what they don’t teach you in schools?
How to do your taxes, WHY!? They think you’re all fools
Meanwhile you pay all the taxes you owe.
And big corporations, well… you know.

But, ROME, we need the corporations, to survive, they give us jobs, while we’re alive. Don’t they pay for most of the taxes in the land? Well, kind of, that’s payroll. And that’s not the plan.
FIRST, they took pension plans, but here’s a 401k
We’ll lower the pension but, Mach what you pay
And PLEASE don’t ask us if the stock markets OK… that’s not my job, but be patient and stay.

SECOND, companies, unlike YOU!
Deduct all their expenses…
This company car, ain’t it expensive…
These company shoes, I like to expense it
Let’s all go to the Bahamas… the tax game commences

So you got 1099’s, well write off your ****.
Don’t let the man, charge you fines
Expense it.

You don’t even need an LLC
Just file a Schedule C
Take the standard mileage deduction you see
Then write off All the **** you be

Credit is a system of trust designed by the white man
You can’t play unless you stick to the plan.
We live in a world where the rules are set
And the rules are designed to make you upset
So you look around, and what do you find?
Someone different, that may have stepped out of line
Now they are the  focus of your loathing
Become the reason of why money, you ain’t holding.
But you took your eyes off the prize. You forgot the game. May I surmise, you’re the one to blame.

WERE ******
Rap about institutionalized issues
Apr 2023 · 1.5k
A Longing for Touch
Roman Pavel Apr 2023
Two sapling oaks, grow side by side, in the soft silt savanna swamp
The sun awoke, and shadows hide, their roots begin to stomp
The oaks move the earth, and stretch the sky, as they yearn towards each other’s touch
With their growing girth, and branches high,
Purposefully extend, to feel each other’s clutch

They grow, slow, and methodically
Taking their time, placing each leaf in the sun.
They reach, each other hydrologically
Sharing the wealth beneath the ground as one.

As decades turn into centuries, an exhaustive passing of time
The mighty oaks are living free, in the middle of their prime
Yet, still they yearn, for one another touch
To have their bristle branches brush in the warm wind as such

Though… a century more may need to pass.
For the old oak trees to touch
Patiently waiting in the soft silt savanna grass
The long time doesn’t seem so much
Inspired by the old oak trees in New Orleans. This poem tells a story of patience.
The rhyme scheme is designed to slow you down, breaking slight rhythm to remind to read slowly.
Nov 2019 · 258
I’ve been having dreams
Roman Pavel Nov 2019
I’ve been having dreams
Like long lost strolls on moonlit beaches
Where the waves erase past steps
To make you forget your way
Struggling to find a path forward
You’re guided by misaligned stars
They flicker in the distance
And blanket the world
Only the moon serves as direction
The water rolls to the tips of your toes
As It caresses the beach
I can’t stand still
As the sands of the beach
Slowly swallow my feet.
I must move forward
In the deafening darkness
Of the oceans tumultuous tirade
I only feel the sand loosening beneath my reality
I only see the moonlit path
Separating the waves from the floor
Shimmering of the tops of the crests
And Glittering from the reflexive gems
Sparse among the endless floor
I hardly know where I’m going
But know less why I started
And know nothing of where I began
In search of endless meaning
Gripping for due north
I float forward, or backward
On the river of time.
Foraging for truth
I wake up

And nothing has changed
Life is a lie, we live in a simulation
Jan 2018 · 267
The wealthiest graveyard
Roman Pavel Jan 2018
I like to visit it, every now and once again
Where the rich men lay, as there bodies decay, no need for mortal pain

For the wealthiest place on the earth that can be. Is a graveyard you see
For the dreams of the men, and the wishes and hopes
Lie buried below, trapped, in the forgotten minds of dopes

Like the one who's buried here
Abused his whole life by extinguishing fear.
Did you know he had the cure my dear?
The worlds sickness could've been gone and clear.

And the poor fellow buried over there.
Had the secret to a full head of hair,
Too bad he took it with him to the grave.
Lived a life of servitude, a modern slave.

But, not all died old, most left us quit young.
Kicking and screaming, to life they clung.

For these, are the men and women we remember most! Oh what a pleasure to host,
the ones who boast,
full of ideas utmost.
Compost of the greatest things that can be,
specifically tailored for you and for me,
well maybe not for me,
but you see
The possibilities of we.

Yet, these ideas and things,
Lay dormant and snuffed
Only pain it brings
To the ones who lived, cuffed

Cuffed to this mortal world, with their mortal lives,
Their mortal hopes, mortal beliefs, and mortal lies.

The greatness and potential of what was, they had, what not
Now forgotten, down they trot
Deep into the grave, their mind asleep
How the widow and the children weep,
Oh they weep, and weep together still
Till forgotten on a whim, or forgotten from the will.

All men die, but not all dreams live,
And this graveyard to which they give, those dreams, that never met hope,
The faith that never saw the scope
The belief down deep, never gripped a rope.

You must now forgive
The time has come for your life to come to an end
Don't struggle to live
Accept the pain
And in the ether you will give

Maybe the next generation will
Remember your ideals
But the one following, surely won't
So don't

For your dreams were always meant to die,
And here your body will lie
So, if you're looking for the agony to cease
Lay back and put your mind at peace
Mar 2017 · 3.4k
The Vastness of the Sea
Roman Pavel Mar 2017
I cannot help but glare into the vastness of the Sea
How it continuously keeps beckoning me
As the waves persist, crashing on bended knee
I ponder at all the possibilities that there can be

As each wave crests, one after the other
Making a path, no drop shall trudge back
But the wave moves forward, in a great pother
What a chaotic fate must await, as it crests past the horizon, black

And there are countless waves, all marching, stride for stride
Gliding through each other, as they change one another’s course of tide
There are endless possibilities, within my endless stare
For the whole sea is in front of me
The endless possibilities are all within my care
Feb 2016 · 2.0k
Chasing Shadows
Roman Pavel Feb 2016
Your shadow is proof, that glowing beams of light have traveled millions of miles
Racing towards the earth
Just to be stopped, just short of the ground, and landing on your smiles
You begin to question life’s worth

For a shadow is a silhouette of something that passed
The faceless form of grace
Holding on, and painting memories in the outline that does not last
In the deepest black I can see your face

Too often do I listen to the silence of the night
And peer into the gloom that runs across my forgetful room
Not often enough can I gaze onto a new face in the light
As the flowers bloom I stay locked within my tomb

I know we will see each other one day, I could not wish for more
For you were the only one that my eyes could adore

Wishful thinking, my heart blinking, this time I must be sure
My feet are sinking, confidence shrinking, trying to find the cure

But its not you, I cant go through, my heart I wont expose
With my hope gone, how can I go on? Continue to chase shadows
lost love, seeing the one you cared for in the shadows of others
Roman Pavel Jan 2016
I know why the little girl cries
Because there were so many planes, it blocked out the skies
The bombing and raiding of the island side
Where the planes and the boats and the people collide
A place and time where so many died
I know why the little girl cried

I know why the little girl cries
Running away from it all with a disguise
All of her friends and family, packed up and gone
Taken to a camp, never seeing the morning dawn
A place and time where so many died
I know why the little girl cried

I know why the little girl cries
Because the bomb was dropped with no denies
Two cities fell and not a soul survives
All to the purpose, that so the nation thrives
A place and time where so many died
I know why the little girl cried

I know why the little girl cries
Because the troops marched so hard that the ground subsides
Through the blood and the sweat and the tears they all fought
Destroying everything in their path with the entire world caught
A place and time where so many died
I know why the little girl cried

I know why the little girl cries
To escape all the pain and the struggle and lies
She cried so hard that the little girl died
And now the whole world knows why, the little girl cried
Jan 2016 · 340
Roman Pavel Jan 2016
As I walk
I slip and stumble
Going down I fall and fumble
Getting deeper and deeper I fall into despair
I reach for help but there’s no hand there
I don’t know what’s up and what’s down
As I’m about to lose all hope and die I land
Just to get back up again
And walk
Jan 2016 · 504
Web We Weave
Roman Pavel Jan 2016
What a strange entangled web we weave
Where we lie and deceive
Lie and hide from really who
When who you’re lying to is really you
When the world shall be reborn and angels flap their wings
You’ll still be hidden away concerned with all your things
With all the partying and stuff you did
Was it worth it looking back, pretending to be another kid?
For true happiness does not lie in numbers
But loyalty when you experience your greatest blunders
Take off the mask and show your face
Let people see your true beauty inside this place
I hope what your looking for you’ll find
And finally reach your peace of mind
For we live in a world where we all deceive
What a strange entangled web we weave
Jan 2016 · 391
Let's Just Say...
Roman Pavel Jan 2016
Let’s start small; let’s say you’ve found a picture
Is it something you recognize?
Or just another image in the collage that is your life
Does it ignite the fire of your imagination?
Or does it ever so slightly caress a long lost memory

Let’s say you’re talking to your god about worship
Does he tell you how to praise him?
In the day, at night, standing up, kneeling down, or not at all
Would he tell you who is wrong?
Could you tell them?
Or just not listen and go on living
Dismissing the words, being lost in the wind

Or when you realize one day the world will end
Would you try to stop it?
Or fulfill every dream you had
Splurging like a kid in the candy store

Or let’s say you read about an antidote that cured all disease
Do you think anybody else read it?
Would you go shout it at the top of rooftops?
And forward, email, face book, text, to everyone you know
Would you believe it?
Deep down

One day last month with nothing else to do
Did you pick up a book?
Or turn on the T.V.
For once watching the news and see what was going on outside your room

Or you’re in danger and you want to scream (but you don’t)
Because you’re just noticing that it’s all a dream
Do you go back to sleep
Or lie awake hoping that fear will fade
Will you dream again?
Of what?

And last year did you see how the people of the world came together
How man, hand in hand learned to overcome
Jan 2016 · 445
The Clown
Roman Pavel Jan 2016
Why do you put on the fake smile?
The green hair and big red nose
Immense checkered overalls and big floppy shoes
To entertain the swarms of children
On the playgrounds and inside the giant tents

When your own children
Pour real tears at home
Alone in the empty rooms of the tiny house
Longing for their farther
To come and put a smile on their face

But, you stay and not come
For the lure of the gold and the glitter
The spotlight beckons for thee
And you avert the needs of your own
To fulfill the desires of others
Jan 2016 · 352
1 Voice
Roman Pavel Jan 2016
Ten thousand swords can’t change a belief
Nor handcuffs reform a thief

But, there is one thing that can change it all
It can be either big and powerful or subtle and small

A beacon that has always stood
Guiding the minds towards the common good

The reason for every war
And the beginning of every lore

It’s not a weapon but rather a choice
It is the power of one voice
Jan 2016 · 528
On the Window Seat
Roman Pavel Jan 2016
I sit perched on the window seat
Looking out at the weathered clouds overhead
The streets barren of life
I sit perched on the window seat

Dew begins to from on the window seal
And the mist condensates on the window
In front of my warm breath
Blurring my sight
I sit perched on the window seat

The rain pounds on the glass
Shaking in a deafening tremble
Lightning flashes in the distance
And a roar of thunder follows
Scaring anything away that might have been bold enough
To stand and endure the storm
I sit perched on the window seat

But, as all storms must
This too shall pass
And light will return
To this dark empty street
Illuminated by sun and rainbow

So this too must pass
But, for now

I sit perched on the window seat
Looking over the barren street.
Jan 2016 · 360
Where the Lights are Dim
Roman Pavel Jan 2016
Let me take you to the place where the lights are dim
Where there are no smiles, though nobody’s grim
Where the faces and colors are not what they appear
Nevertheless, the sight is perfectly clear
Where the kind little waitress knows perfectly well
The wonders and details of heaven and hell
Where she sits you at the regular bench
With that odd somehow familiar stench
Where friends dwell, though you’ve never seen their face
And the band plays your life while you drift into space
Where the drink is nectar only held by the gods
But, only attained after overcoming the greatest of odds
For the cool, they mark, and the old men, they know
Where the walk is slighted and slow
So take the plunge, and go for a swim
And follow me to the place where the lights are dim
Jan 2016 · 1.8k
The Lawyer
Roman Pavel Jan 2016
This is a story of a peculiar fellow
Known to get rowdy but often mellow
He graduated, top of his class!
Harvard law, was the school he passed
Didn’t work hard, kind of a slacker
But, he had the look, whiter than a *******
Quickly started his own practice, as the story goes
With plenty of clients, that nobody knows
He began, quit good-hearted
Champion of the poor! As he started
But, that all changed so quick
The poor can’t pay; it finally clicked
So he went for clients, whose pockets were much louder
And often times, noses filled with white powder
He now worked less, and golfed a lot more
Representing the banks that originally off he swore
But, this is just as much of a story, of dear old poor Louie
Who never had fortune, misunderstood and gloomy
When one day, he caught a big break
The bank had made a terrible mistake
Their negligence, was due to pay millions
Especially to Louie, along with other civilians
So Louie hired the best attorney in town
A peculiar fellow, he made no sound
So the trial went on, and the judge presided
At the end of the day, the jury still was divided
Because the lawyer, got an offer he couldn’t resist
The banks gave him more money, so the trial he dismissed
Dear old poor Louie, again was left with nothing
No turkey for thanksgiving, not even the stuffing
He turned to the lawyer and let out a great yell
“You haven’t helped me the slightest” he tells
But, the world’s not always fair people often get cheated
Defeated and mistreated, depleted than deleted
The lawyers might help, but not much
Blinded by money, they often loose touch
So the lawyer turned and responded to dear old poor Louie
“What are you going to do? Sue me?”
Jan 2016 · 294
I Will Stand
Roman Pavel Jan 2016
I stand united in a crowd of my brothers
In the streets where “every man is created equal”
On a righteous path in the presidents city

No longer shall I fear the hose of the hydrant
Or the bite of the dogs and twirling of the batons

No longer shall I sit
Sit with my head bowed
On the backs of the buses and the bottoms of society
In my designated place in the land of the free

No longer shall I run
Run from the crosses of the south
And the ropes of the oak trees

No, I shall stand and overcome
Nay, we shall overcome

Guided by the light of our dreams
The hopes of our forefathers
And the vision of our children
I stand united in a crowd of my brothers
Jan 2016 · 512
The Prayer
Roman Pavel Jan 2016
I'm a man of little faith, but I often pray
I pray for health, I pray for wealth, I pray for these all day

I never worked hard, not at all
It was simply given, all I had to do, was call
I have a lovely life, and a lovely wife, I cannot ask for more
But still I yearn and try to earn the things that I adore

So I pray to the old gods, and pray to the new
Ill pray to Suez, if he gets me through
I shout and I shout, towards the skies aloud, even at the ground
I pray every day in every way, for riches to be found
One day my wife left me, and my son died in the war

But still i pray, I pray and pray, I always pray for more
One day I caught a disease, and it crippled me to the core
But still I pray, I pray and pray, I always pray for more
I'm a man of little faith with an empty safe, and I have nothing left now

I never did right, not one night, and it hangs upon my heavy brow

So I prayed again, to whoever listens, for what I should do

"Please god, please tell me, how to make my life a new

I want to be happy, please o please show me how
For the hole in my heart grew bigger and bigger, from once until now
As I expected, I heard no reply
So I carried on with my day, by and by
One day a man asked me to spare him some change
All I could do was look upon him estranged

Because he had a smile on his face and filled with delight
Though he hadn't had a position in sight
I asked him, "Dear fellow, how are you filled with such glee
He responded through "faith, faith in humanity
That good things will happen, you just have to wait
For we are all judged as equal at the heavenly gates.
So I gave my new friend all the possessions I had
And went on my way, slightly more glad

I am now a man of great faith, but rarely I pray,
Not for wealth nor health, nor to see the light of day
I pray for others, so they may be well

I pray for the moral, and I pray for those in a cell

I have no money, no clothes on my back

But my burden is lifted, I'm happy, on life's track
I sit on the corner, quit often, and beg for bread

And often I sing, different tunes that come in my head
I asked a bold man for some food one day
Hoping my kindness will be returned in some way
The man just stood there, then said, asking me to stay
People won't just give you things, poor man, I suggest that you pray"
Jan 2016 · 425
Did Not A lot
Roman Pavel Jan 2016
It was a beautiful day as it started
The sun was up as I departed
I went outside and to my surprise
Stood a man in mid-town with gleaming eyes

Like the wind the man just blew into town
With not a name he made no sound
As we all gazed at the man dressed in black
Nobody said a word of respect for his plaque

He opened his mouth, the man finally spoke
“I am here for the blacks” he said standing next to the oak
I did not say a word for I was not
Turned the other cheek and did not a lot

I turned away relieved and went home
With a smile on my face, I was sparred and I wasn’t alone
So I lay in my bed knowing full well
For more than a second on the matter I dare not dwell

I awoke the next morning good as the last
Quickly got on my clothes and went outside fast
Once again to my surprise
The man stood in mid-town with puzzling eyes

We all looked at the man with a deep stare
And asked “why are you back aren’t we the ones you’ve sparred”
“Wasn’t it the blacks that you so heavily eyed?”
“The blacks, oh no, not them,” he replied

“If it wasn’t the blacks than you are here for who?”
To which he replied “none but the Jew”
As he stood next to the wall with a cross to his side
Most were relieved, but several cried

I once again was thankful because I was not
Through the whole ordeal I did, not a lot
As I turned away relieved I went back home
With a smile on my face, I was sparred and I wasn’t alone
So I lay in my bed knowing full well
For more than a second on the matter I didn’t dwell

The Chinese he came for the next day
Standing next to the rails where the bodies decay
So it came with each passing day
He blew into town and took more away

With each passing time I stood there because I was not
From all the misery witnessed, I did not a lot
And every day that I went home
I had a smile on my face because I was sparred and I wasn’t alone

Finally one day that I woke up
The world was bleak all around me, while I sipped from my cup
No one in the streets, not a soul there
I stood all alone in the town square

Then the man in black came once again
“There is no one left, for who are you here to obtain”
“You, my humble servant” the man said
“I am no puppet of yours” I answered with my face turning red
“Ahh but, who has served me more faithfully
Than you with your cowards hope” answered he
“And where are the others that might have stood”
“Side by side in the common good”
“Dead” I said amiably
“Murdered” the man corrected me
“First the blacks and then the Jew
I did no more than you let me do”

“With your denial and your false hope
You’ve reduced mankind to nothing but a joke
Enveloped in your own selfishness and greed
You were blinded to your own misdeed”

As the man in black spoke that’s when I knew
That all of his evil, I let him do
And as I felt death’s sweet kiss
I thought to myself that ignorance is bliss

As the world crumbled all around me and turned to ash and debris
I just let it go by, with a nod and an agree
Submerging myself in a fake world of hope
I too late realized that I was the dope

For a long time I was happy because I was not
Turned away from it all not doing a lot
And now with no one to help me, I realized that I’ve always known
Truly now, I am all alone
Roman Pavel Jan 2016
They love me when I sweat
Sweat pools of anguish onto the grass
And staining it with my blood

They love me when I push
Push for the extra inch breaking my back in immense pain
And screaming till my voice gives out

They love me when I give
Give everything I have for the team
And not ask for a drop in return

They love me as long as I work
As long as my legs work
And my heart beats

But, nobody knocks at the hospital door
When I can’t work no more
And have nothing else to give
Jan 2016 · 311
Twilight Hour
Roman Pavel Jan 2016
Step outside in the world of the twilight hour
And distinguish between the sweet and sour
Look upon the streets no longer crimson bright
And not yet engulfed by the darkness of night
It’s a time where heroes wear no capes
And evil finds a way to escape
Where the TV sits still, paused from its flashing lights
And you finally experience the blood, sweat, and tears of real fights
It’s a time where the sun doesn’t blind from the truth
Yet every alley and corner is lit for the youth
So step outside and look after the summers shower
And witness the world, clearly, in its twilight hour
Jan 2016 · 672
Head Coach
Roman Pavel Jan 2016
Practice as always
Long and grueling from all the running
The team’s exhausted
But, ready to battle

By a loss of one point
The game ended in overtime
For some, the last one

The coveted trophy
Remains shelved till next year
Collecting dust

Tears in their eyes
Dirt and blood on their face
Everyone chinned up and went home

The Coach reminiscing of what was
And hopeful for what could be
Pulls back and kicks up
Sinking into the Lazy Boy

The wife as always
Comes late to the dinner table

She ran sprints all night
Jan 2016 · 318
Beyond the Horizon Line
Roman Pavel Jan 2016
I look upon the horizon line
And wonder what lies beyond the pine
But, before the sky and earth align
Is there a place that holds divine?

I begin my trek and venture there
Ever more approaching the place of my glare
But, my heart fills with despair
Is there nothing past my stare?

I reach the place to a brand new sight
The horizon line, now at greater height
But, all I hoped, is now, just trite
Is there still a place that may excite?

The divine is simply hope
To look upon, within your scope
It’s not in your stare, but in your mind
Where fantasy and your future align
Excite? Oh how it will
When dreams, you will fulfill

So dream beyond the horizon line
And life you will define
Better yet, you may design
Beyond the horizon line
Roman Pavel Jan 2016
I once heard about a great Labyrinth built upon cheese
Where the rats scampered around spreading disease
They bicker and squander and take as they please
All fighting and searching for just a taste of the cheese

The Great Labyrinth was crafted some ages ago
By its own inhabitants, who all too well know
That despite their choices and where they choose to go
The cheese, they so desperately seek is merely a show

But the stench of the cheese fills every crack in the walls
So the desire grows unbearably to search through the halls
There’s an endless amount of signs and directional calls
The constant cornucopia of white noise leads to perpetual falls

Some believe they have the answer, where cheese you may find
Some only pretend, to simply toy with your mind
Others give you advice, to try to be kind
But most lie, so they can take what you’ve signed

The ones who quit searching, are the ones who have found
That the cheese is buried deep below ground
But, these same rats dare not make a sound
For, if they ALL knew, the Great Labyrinth would crumble all around

I once escaped a Great Labyrinth built upon dreams
Where everyone believed, but nothing was as it seems
And try as you might to calm the deafening screams
Everyone struggled and schemed for just a taste of their dreams
Jan 2016 · 399
Crack the Shell
Roman Pavel Jan 2016
Crack the shell and break that which confines and bonds you
Seep onto the cold, hard, unforgiving ground
Absorb all that is around you
Grow, but do not discard the shell from which you came and heard that first sound

Instead use the yolk and wear as your perfume
And the shells to build your house in which to live
Then, set your own curfew
And wait for the ground to crack and give
Jan 2016 · 270
I Know
Roman Pavel Jan 2016
I know why we want to fly
To soar above the clouds so high
To fly like birds with no care at all
And look down on earth while we fall
Not knowing where we’re going, just trying to get by
I know why we want to fly

I know why we want to run
To escape our problems that we shun
Leaving the past behind and the future ahead
Just hoping to get our daily piece of bread
For we are all facing the trigger of a gun
I know why we want to run

I know why we want to hope
To try to achieve the things we think are dope
To believe and wish in dreams to come true
And indulge in fantasies that we brew
To reach for the fruits of life and hear the word nope
I know why we want to hope
Jan 2016 · 396
Where A Memory Lives
Roman Pavel Jan 2016
To the left of the television
Beyond the gold and black rug
Across the couch in the living room
Lives a memory

Enclosed in a silver frame behind the glass
Sits a naive little boy playing with his new toy
In the arms of his father
Both gazing the same gaze

The flash was too bright
And the background is faded black
But the father and son are in perfect focus

They’re wearing grey sweaters
It’s cold, probably winter in the photo
The boy is resting on his father’s chest, loving him very much

In my living room
Behind the glass
Lives a memory
Jan 2016 · 2.0k
Yellow Brick Road
Roman Pavel Jan 2016
As I put on the sandals made of red
I embark on a journey where the past I’ve shed
I follow the yellow brick road

It twists and turns, windless and winds
Around the bend and toward the skies
Over the seas and into a new land
With my family hand in hand
I follow the yellow brick road

And on this road I find a ball
That entertains me through it all
I share and play with those around
Through the air or on the ground
Kicking, hitting, bouncing, throwing it up and down
I follow the yellow brick road

As I walk I meet a fork
And don’t know which way to go
But which ever way I go
I know I’ll find
The place I want to end in space and time
So I take a left and keep my course
As I follow the yellow brick road

I encounter on my voyage there
People that can help me bear
The burden that I care
Of all the deaths I’ve seen
On the path that I have been
I follow the yellow brick road

I reach a high and reach and low
Nevertheless I know where I shall go
I hit some bumps and fall right down
But always get up and never frown
I follow the yellow brick road

As I see the road comes to an end
I look at myself as an old man
Searching this whole time
To find my place, to find my life
To do what’s right, to claim what’s mine
I’ve been on the road this whole time
On the road of my life

And on this road I have found
The person I am on this humble ground
And as I dig my grave so deep
I know I cannot go to sleep
All the unfinished things I still have to do
The questions, answers, and all things new

So I put on the sandals made of red
As a new road appears where the past I’ve shed
The sins I’ve gathered
I follow the yellow brick road
Roman Pavel Jan 2016
Father why hath thee forsaken me
And cast me down in the depths of misery
Why must I carry the burden of this daunting cross
Why must I be held responsible for this loss
Why is it my duty to save the world from it's Sin
Why must I have thorns dig so deep in my skin.
The pain of the cross and the burden of man
Why is it me in demand?
As I receive  lashes, over and over without rest
While I walk Through the scolding sand deflating my chest
The burden of the cross grows heavier with each single stride
How am I suppose to guide
And now I'm at the end of this terrible path
Perched up on the cross for wandering eyes to stare and laugh.
But it's not done, they finish me with a spear
Please father isn't their anything you wish me to hear
As I was waiting to die, bewildered and bonded
The skies opened up And god responded
"Oh Child, your burden is merely a physical one
And once it's past, you'll cure their curse my son
As your penance will strip the evil from their souls
But it's them that must bear the tolls
It's them that will live with the grief
That one of them embraced the burden of the belief.
So the others can be free
It's them that will struggle with humanity.
And in their minds you'll constantly be there
To remind them of the physical burden you had to care
But the burden of being a virtuous man
Is upon them and the rest of their clan
They must live, knowing they're flawed
To constantly fall short of the glory of god
Yes, the passion to suffer was dedicated to your deed
But the burden of the cross is their to heed"
Jan 2016 · 409
Looking For God
Roman Pavel Jan 2016
I'm looking for god, but I don't know where to start
Perhaps he lies dormant in the vastness of my heart
A seasoned man advised me to consult an old book
Within the back pages and footnotes to look
But with what I found, I wasn't pleased
For within even a thousand pages, god can't be squeezed
Too many rules, and laws commanded to obey
But the word of god doesn't command to stay
Perhaps god resides in a holy house
I heard of it's extravagant windows and the holy mans embroidered blouse
But What need does god have for buildings such as these
Or the monuments erected to appease
For the entire universe is the house of God
He can't reside in a confined quad
What of the poor, the sick, and those full of despair
Surely God has to be there
To lift there hopes, and to set them free
From the shackles placed on them by society.
But alas, my efforts are to no avail
For if god where there, they would prevail.
How about with the wealthy, The ones who are doing well
Does god network with them? From heaven to hell.
But god is good, benevolent, and full of joy
God does not judge nor employ.
I'm looking for god, but where can he be.
I can't see him, but his will keeps beckoning me.
He's not in a place, but alongside  the flow of life
In the people you meet, and the moments of strife.
He's along side the birds, the fish and the trees
Alongside anything eager to please.
He is the collective will, of the universe in motion
But it's hard to hear him amongst all the commotion
You must silence your mind, and pick your body apart
Then allow God to resonate from the vastness of your heart
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