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If eyes are windows
to the heart and soul
an inkling of what
lies beneath the skin

Then thank goodness
for locks that veil a face
and hide in waves
what lies within

If eyes are windows
to the heart and soul
then welcome shades
dark or rose tinged

A screen between the I
and the world at day
where none can see
the core within

If eyes are windows
to the heart and soul
a glimpse into fears, tears,
when a heart cries

Then thank goodness
it takes but a moment
to draw down lashes
and close the eyes
 Dec 2016 Robert E Moore
Lonely, like the ancient ocean
flooding fast upon the sand

past a fading line of footprints,
ankle deep in surf she stands

casting wishes on the water
like a sprinkling of snow,

light they land but moments after,
melt into the waves, and go..
If I hadn't fallen in love
I would have not known
that stars could dance in the eyes
That the moon could whisk me away
That the sun could live in the heart
and warm it and fill it with light
That clouds could shower kisses
And rain could touch like a lover
That the scent of flowers
could linger through the night
That the winds could play love melodies
That sunrises could colour a blush
And sunsets stir romance
That dreams could glisten at dawn
like drops of dew

I would have not known the magic
that is love
If I hadn't fallen in love
With you
Dear everyone, thank you so so much for your beautiful responses. I am unable to thank everyone individually because of work and personal commitments...I apologise. But your responses mean the world to me. Thank you for liking my poem, for sharing it, for commenting on it. I am so happy that this poem was selected brightened my day and brought a smile on my face. Thank you once again. Love to all you talented writers, poets and gracious readers **
These serene days,
Where blue is the wind's muse
And Red the sea's Fume
Where white covers the skies
And grey, separates the cloud from the sky
These days of rushing hours,
Where Men are saddened from thoughs of yore
And children starving from pains of now

In these solemn days
And harsh nights
I will take my chances
And stand
Stand for what is right
In these days of colors

*Ovi Odiete©
I find it quite difficult to write more these days,
I know the muse will come again
Sun flickered 'pon your eyes
    scintillating as the seas,
dappled with the chemistry
   of a thousand swooning moons
T'was a diamond
    amidst stardust
  struck of gypsy's
    celestial adoration,
  crashed and sizzled
 'neath earthly intentions,
ultimate shimmers
     escalated upon
       fiercely impetuous seas,
each dappling
    luminescent wave
saturated of
splendiferous galaxies,
   bathed in heavens'
      stellar effulgence,
mesmerizing wanderlust's
    magnificent indulgences

Who can tell why a Child cries?

It's in the spun of his thoughts
In the thoughts of his mind
The mind of his soul
In the vibes that he sings
The voice of the Night
It's in the night that he fears
In the fear that he holds
The shadows he sees
It's in the cuddle he miss
The rain that he feel
The heat that he bears
The morrow that he threads

It's in the scream of the nights
In the plights of the owl
The ***** on his skin
The noise of the cars
The images he conjures
It's in the things he cannot see
In the words he cannot hear
The strangers he cannot near
It's in the reach of his heart's tears
The heart of his life
The life of his soul
The innocence where he dwells

Ovi Odiete* ©

All rights reserved

The WHO CAN SERIES is a series of Poems that uses a back and forth writing/comparison to explain the depths of a poem created by myself

Ovi Odiete©
All rights reserved.
Poetry has a sensitive soul
A drive and impulse
Telling stories the way they are
Feelings of soberness
A heart felt word

Poetry has a sensitive heart
Beautifully immense
A heart of gold
Giving values to life
Adding years to life: Poetry is beautiful

Poetry has a sensitive soul
Like streams that meanders slowly
Like a river glorious: It Flows
Poetry has a sensitive heart,
A beautiful soul; A flying Angel.

Poetry is the signal
The soul sends into the world
Like the river, it flows into the sea,
yet the sea never gets filled.

Poetry is the fluid for the soul,
The liquid for the yearning of the Mind
That which quenches the fire
Feeding the deepest desires
Poetry is Gold in essence

Ovi Odiete©
May you find SOLACE AND BLISS in POETRY and may it be a MUSE for your Living.

I am thrilled that this little poem of mine has been chosen for THE DAILY POEM (19/July/2016)
Thank you all and thanks to HELLOPOETRY.
Regards, Ovi.
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