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 Jul 2017 Pippi
 Jul 2017 Pippi
She taught me
That not all
Has to be
 Jul 2017 Pippi
 Jul 2017 Pippi
Can i go back in time
And live again?
This time with my eyes open
 Jul 2017 Pippi
Tyler Matthew
If your love is but an ocean
and I a ship with without a crew,
will my vessel kiss the coastline
or sink deep into you?
 Jul 2017 Pippi
did not know her when she was miniskirts and high heels,
before she converted to the one true religion of
poetry & yoga

some stray dog thots raveling in a pack
cross the not-even-6am brain that alternates tween
new day Adam apple crumb crisp and
distracting lascivious Eve ones

would have loved you same back then,
no different than now

write in different styles
under so many pseudonyms,
but it is the same man

who crawls into bed nightly with
great expectations and a list of salutations
to wake you up and commence writing how

love your poetic yoga-toned long legs
snaking between mine
while I imagine them in miniskirts and high heels
which is a long way round of saying

alone, my darling forever young one,
are my
one true religion...
inspired by C.A.

7/3/17 S.I. noon
 Jun 2017 Pippi
In my desperate search for true love;
I lost myself.
This was a huge surprise for me; totally unexpected! Thank you :3
An innocent heart
Broken, but somewhat mended,

Battered and bruised
Is what it is rendered.

Torn fragments scattered,
Widely spread,

Tarnished, traumatic memories
Stored in her head.

Constantly torturing herself,
Wondering how different
Life could have been,

If, but only,
When she was younger,
Traumatic situations,
She hadn't encountered,
Experienced, felt, or seen.

She had no choice but to follow
The path of forgiveness
To remain sane,
She realised that long ago,

Forgiveness became
A minute-by-minute decision  
She had to make,
But still, her PTSD, Anxiety
And Depression didn't leave her...
Oh no!

She still can't help feeling frustrated,
Knowing that her life
Wasn't meant to turn-out tainted
This way,

As grateful as she is
For all of her countless blessings,
She still cannot rid her tainted,
Traumatic memories,
They torture her every single,
Blessed, precious day.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
This one goes out to all the Warriors
Fighting a daily battle,
Whilst keeping it as together as they can!
God grant each of you strength, endurance,
And peace of heart and mind!
 Jun 2017 Pippi
Tyler Matthew
I don't need
     your     namaste flower-
power    poetry         words
     that       barely break   the
skin               give me something
strong like gin     something with
a little                sin.

        I don't want your
fluffy words               I want something       seldom heard
    something I          can always use
something that'll        leave a bruise
           so bomb the page I'll
light                the                 fuse.
Spewing seed and venom, life and death, lust and loathing, we were Marc Antony and Cleopatra
A serpent suicide and ***, poisoned ******* and choking, then we patiently awaited our rapture

When I died I watched you follow, you said "my love I will join you soon."
From your effigy, a malignant magnetic energy floated above the room
We were toxic and intoxicated, dead but full of life
Darkness ensued all but a narrow slit, brimming with shimmering light

I grew to a boy then a man scolded by harsher truths
And then I met you, my Egyptian Queen, so beauteous and full of youth
You asked me for a cigarette, I only had a joint
We smoked and spoke like Nihilists and debated "What's the point?"

For years our love grew again, one day you said to me:
"The vanguard is at the gate and the walls are under siege"
But your battles were waged with ****** not Egypt's enemies
My response rang through history with war-torn lover's pleas

Maybe these lives were insufferable, maybe I hide from the truth
That my only respite was that every night I was coming home to you
Our apartment was just too quiet, soundless and without sentiment
Nothing remained of our candle but spilt wax and the scent of it
The bathroom door was locked, "Open the door, Let me in!"
Under the bathroom's flourescent lights that serpent bit again
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