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i can't depend on my feeling
they are so untrustworthy
they make me do stuff i don't like
and hate things i love
they are confusing me
and the best part - they blame me in everything
take me somewhere
sun is rising and setting continuously,
air smells like autumn
and pumpkins say farewells  
snowflakes have warm touch,
stars are my flashlights
and snowmen's growing my carrots
bed is made of flowers,
black tea is in the sea
and sun is my blond best friend
or at least where...
water is always warm,
smiles are magically flirty
and poems write them selves and humans
wind knocked on my window
like a traveler who overslept
he wanted to catch up
and asked about you
i gave him your number
i hope you don't mind..?
 Feb 2018 Inkveined
Did I tell you that my lungs burned the first time you told me you didn’t love me?
It was like my first taste of a cigarette,
Except your words never left me any kind of head rush.
My blood was replaced with liquid gold,
When I first yelled “*******” at the top of my lungs.
My veins encased with silver with every step I took.

The boiling point of gold and silver are both well over two thousand degrees celsius.
I swear that night I blistered out of my own skin,
Cauterized my own heart,
To never feel the pain of something so deep.

My hands were scorched with how much time I had spent,
Attending to your needs and pushing my own away.
My eyes begged for relief.
Every inch of skin you had ever touched continued to ignite long after you’d left.

And so in a final desperate attempt,
I say farewell,
To what we once had.
This is my goodbye,
The letting go of all my charred remains.

Lewis Mundt wrote about how people were made of 72.8% water,
To this day I believe,
I was 72.8% lava the night we said we’d never be.
i wrote this when i broke up with my first boyfriend at the tender age of 15
 Feb 2018 Inkveined
The train tracks raced.
Connected you to I,
Wound through some sort of subspace,
Fell asleep to their lullabies.

Under bridges.
Over hills.
Drink your courage.
Swallow your pills.

The train tracks ran,

abandonment is a hard pill to swallow when home never existed
 Feb 2018 Inkveined
we explored
listened to rain on his windshield
watched the waves crash

when he drove me home
he held my hand
i kissed him at all the red lights
i dont know what it was but it was nice
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