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 Feb 2018 Inkveined
 Feb 2018 Inkveined
It hurts sometimes,
to continue standing tall.
I can look behind,
See them on the ground,
The ones ahead, reaching the stars.

It hurts sometimes,
Walking quickly, doubting myself.
Behind me, others struggle to drag themselves,
Across the expanse of the challenge.
The ones ahead are sprinting to the goals.

It hurts sometimes,
To not be able to see.
My eyes may be open,
taking in color, shape, detail,
But to truly see? For that, I wish

It hurts sometime,
to be alone, away from the strings
away from emotions
away from closeness
from dear friends
from family
the connections
the cues

It hurts sometimes,
I want to be a part of it.
I'm not.

I want to be a part of it all.

It really, really does hurt.
 Feb 2018 Inkveined
 Feb 2018 Inkveined
I wonder if I had wings.
Would I fly?
Would I fall?
Would I use them at all?
 Feb 2018 Inkveined
ew you’re on your period
that’s disgusting
and whenever i get a "feminine product"
i have to hide it deep down where nobody sees it
but you see
we live in a world where our own girls are getting *****
i’m a girl, not a *** object
but in the eyes of a ****** that is
i am
but i’m not an object
i am a person
i am a life giver
just imagine if men were as disgusted in **** as they are with periods
in the sixth grade
when the word period was mentioned
the whole room would burst out in laughter
i am a girl
my lady bits bleed
and that’s what makes me strong
and that’s what makes me a young woman
and that’s what will make me a mother one day
so ew you’re on your period
that’s disgusting
is not an insult to me
 Feb 2018 Inkveined
Lina Lotus
O spring...
Don't wake the butterflies
Don't call the hummingbirds to flutter in full grace

O spring retrieve your symphony
don't ring the bells of joy
While  winter lays in shreds

O spring  retrieve, retrieve your melody
Just let me grieve the spinning of my world
I've inhaled too much pain
I've swallowed burning rain
Just let me exhale once
Just let me exhale once
 Feb 2018 Inkveined
Lina Lotus
If i don't rise in blooming spring
Ring the doorbell of the gone
Cut off every string i have
Please unbind my ghost from earth
Shoot me flowers to the moon
Let me know i lived in you
Let me know i mattered once
***finding my poem on the daily was truly a nice surprise*** Thank you  wonderful poets
 Feb 2018 Inkveined
Lina Lotus
Through the rushing crowd,
Through the shrinking sidewalks, and the moving skies...somehow
I missed you

A strong desire
to press my lips against yours
flushed my thoughts and
I missed you
 Feb 2018 Inkveined
Amethyst Fyre
The lines are spray painted on the field
The track loops back in on itself

We're running for gym class

Look it's a butterfly! I say
It follows me around the circle

My friends barely glance at it
But I see them every time
The orange and black one
the small white ones that chase each other
I see them every time

I can't take my eyes away
Tracing their paths higher and higher
Until finally they wink off into the distance

I've heard that butterflies are the souls of the dead come back to play
I've heard they are a symbol of innocence or of rebirth

But to me,
all they are is free.
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