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8.9k · May 2017
Still I Dream
Nick Feetchi May 2017
I dare to dream of unthinkable things,
which are definitely beyond my means,
to escape to a place,
but never explored,
the beauty of you,
the one I adore,
to relinquish the feeling,
in need of healing,
wondering thoughts of where you are,
desperate measures,
simple pleasures,
still, I dream of those unthinkable things,
beyond my reach and yet ------- still I dream,
3.1k · Dec 2016
Spread Love
Nick Feetchi Dec 2016
Spread love like an infectious disease,
To rid malice, strife and negativity with ease,
Let your light shine like the summers rays,
Embracing your fellow man creating better days,
For starters pay it forward without acknowledgement or compensation,
Spread this germ generously and watch the loving mutation.

Love Wins…..
2.5k · Jan 2016
A Lover Feels
Nick Feetchi Jan 2016
A lover feels,
what a lover sees,
a stealer feels,
what a lover thrills,
the heart wants,
what it wants,
who really knows,
what is real,
the heart aches,
if it wasn't real,
true love,
not denied,
in a box,
to the side,
a lover feels,
what a lover sees,
a stealer feels,
what a lover thrills,
to share a love which is Blind.
1.1k · Jan 2016
The Love Of A Poet
Nick Feetchi Jan 2016
The love of a poet in love with a pen,
About love, heartache, mystery or sin,

A chosen few who can tell the tale,
That will inspire, unite, or cast a spell,

Then there are the few  who do not agree,
With the style, format or cant even see,

The love of a poet in love with the pen,
Who shares the tale about something within,

Judge not about what is missunderstood,
expression through poetry is simply good.

I too am a poet in love with my pen,
I hope you enjoy- what I share from within.
926 · Jan 2016
Nick Feetchi Jan 2016
“The best investment that one could ever make
is into another life
in hopes that the stock matures and is productive
and in return your rewards are priceless”
The best investment is not in a home or the stock market, it is in another human being with hopes that he or she turns out to be a productive citizen in society.   If that is successfully achieved, then the payout is priceless.
904 · Jan 2016
Love or Lesson
Nick Feetchi Jan 2016
People enter our lives for two reasons,
Love or Lesson  
Anything positive is Love,
Everything negative is a Lesson,
Embrace the Love and learn from the Lesson.

-Nick Feetchi
795 · Jan 2016
Eager To Write
Nick Feetchi Jan 2016
Eager to write to express the love words,
Not afraid to be criticized by regs or nerds,
Putting the words down to see if there fine,
Making many changes line by line,

Posting and watching minute by minute,
Checking reviews to see what's in it,
Eager to write from hurt or sorrow,
Anticipating what's in store tomorrow,

Thoughts of should I post or shall I wait,
What does it matter they don't validate,
Eager to write from joy or pain,
Entered my login to do it again,

If I were writing for someone to like
There's always Facebook- another website,
Here is a little something about me,
I write for the joy where I'm free.
642 · Jan 2016
Nick Feetchi Jan 2016
I was having a beautiful dream falling in love with you,
until I was awakened by the sudden impact of your lie.
556 · Dec 2016
Nick Feetchi Dec 2016
Staring starry eyed at a screen wondering if I'd ever hold you in my arms,
What a dream,
As the minutes turned into hours and no respond,
Still I dream,
I sit and I stare starry eyed at a screen,
With hopes of someday that this dream will come true,

Staring starry eyed at a screen with a dream of things that I’d do,
For starters, I'd have you take your arms and tie me up to all of your love.  
When I look at your saccharine smile,
I envision the smooth creamy taste of a dream of having you as my own.

Together we'd plant the seed deep down beneath the soil of our soul, where the roots of our love would expand from our hearts and stretch to infinity and beyond.*

*Staring starry eyed at a screen, as if I was hypnotized by the spiral of your joy.
I sit and I stare, as my heart beats as loud as the roaring thunder, I feel the drips of hope splashing down my face. You are Peace, I am harmony, and together we will apportion our Love, but for now I patiently sit and I stare.
Staring at a pretty Facebook picture.
555 · Jan 2016
No Matter
Nick Feetchi Jan 2016
No matter how much money or how big your house,
no matter how much you pray, no matter how much love,
no matter how much hate, no matter the cause,
we all die from the same thing,
The Heart Stops Beating.
515 · Jan 2018
My Dearest
Nick Feetchi Jan 2018
If only one kiss from my dearest lips,
I'd sail the seven seas,

Dig down deep just to take a peek,
It's with you I'd rather be,

If only one kiss from my dearest lips,
my love will always be true,

I surrender my heart and give you my Love,
In hopes this story ends with you.
513 · Jan 2016
She Wants
Nick Feetchi Jan 2016
A woman doesn't want to be an adventure,
She wants to be caught up into something more preponderant than herself.*

-Nick Feetchi
512 · Jan 2016
In The Beginning
Nick Feetchi Jan 2016
In the beginning she was your everything,
You promised and committed your love with a ring,

Her beautiful smile which you truly adored,
                 The body like a goddess from a place abroad,

Not sure if aware of her own beauty that burned,
                But you as her man was to reassure and confirm,

You said you loved her but did not treat her well,
               Did you think that she'd stay in your life of hell?

A blessing to me from the mistakes you've made,
                 I'll treasure her heart and she'll never get played.
506 · Jan 2016
Nick Feetchi Jan 2016
During our courtship I gave you my best,
        Exhibiting a dote that would never rest,

Tardy nights on the phone to hear your smile,
         Wanting to verbalize more than a while,

I've never had the valor to apportion my heart,
         Fear that the love would some how depart,

Today I concede to the feelings I possess,
         A blessing from God- and nothing no less,

I ken that he has been good to me,
         Confessions of my fears have set me free,

For this- I vow to cherish and love,
Through sickness, health and all of the above,

Changing my ways to think that I can,
          Revised my thinking from boy to Man.

For this I Love You
500 · Jan 2016
How Would You Love Me
Nick Feetchi Jan 2016
How would you love me,
Would you be honest and true,
Or will you get bored without things to do,

How would you love me after the ***,
Would the calls slow down and ignore my text,
I've been there before when the battery has died,
Just to find out my lover has lied,

How would you love me,
Are you good with unpacking,
Past hurt and pain we carry as baggage,

A word of advice as I keep it straight,
Love will fail if we can't communicate.

How would you love me?
466 · Jan 2016
Across The Room
Nick Feetchi Jan 2016
As we converse from across the room
While only using our eyes,

My heart is pounding, my knees are weak,
I'm red from cheek to cheek,

Still glued to this chair,
Trying to get there,

With you I rather be,
If only I could muster the strength to talk to what I see,

Could it be you or deja vu?
I guess I'll never know,

I'm still looking at you from across the room,
Thinking what am I to do,

Instead of making my move,
I'm afraid to fail,
I watch you walk away,

To bad for me,
I surely see, the ship has finally sailed
439 · Jan 2016
Your Power
Nick Feetchi Jan 2016
Never relinquish YOUR POWER to love again,
to the fool that broke your heart.

-Nick Feetchi
273 · Jan 2018
The Doll
Nick Feetchi Jan 2018
Barbie the doll with her own home,
         Lots of friends and a guy of her own,
She has a Tele a car and a pool,
         Lots of accessories and her clothes are cool,

The fairytale life of glamour and fashion,
         A pretty doll for a girl who lives in mansion,

Soon to be lost among the toys,
         The day will come when the girl choose boys,

Look at her on the floor in the room,
          With her head detached in the path of the broom,

Not taken care of and left behind,
       Because the little girl finds love and looses her mind,

Take the time to remember your toys,
          The times you forgot them over the boys.
That time when you just start smiling as you’re writing.

— The End —