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 Sep 2015 cosima
Grace Pickard
You say "you don't know her
She's brilliant
she's understanding
She's the best person I've ever met
she's my hopes
my dreams
A fantastic character

I hate to always be the bearer of truth,
But, I've read her cover to cover
She's shallow and superficial
She puts up a facade of a unique individual and yet she's just within the boundary of normalcy.

I've examined all of her (superfluous) pages of work
And they only skim the surface of humanities skin
Circling around the moles and scars that pucker truth-
Brail for the the blind

I've dug deep within her words and read between each space bar
And there lies no feeling- no emotion...
Sheer unintended apathy

Still-With many attempts:
She doesn't capture the essence of regret or sorrow
She merely spits at its feet
And it shows
Because the pain she displays vanishes
From her readers
From the pages
From the words
From the letters
From the simple spaces
From the idea itself

And yet this somehow captivates you
Yet unbeknownst to you- you are not regret, nor are you sorrow,
You are simply embodying what she barely grasps in hopes to find what lies beneath for yourself

But you're burrowing into someone who hasn't yet lived or loved-
Who can't describe the burning bubbles that pop in your eyes from the tears of contempt
Who can't fathom deflation of breath in your shallowing lungs, nor the dam constricting your veins' blood at loss

She can't break down completely with you dangling along
Keeps you just within reach to describe something she encounters
Something she caused
Something she can never embody  because  her "emotions" are a half lie:A secure defense
For power over others
Jumbly mumbly not humbly
 Sep 2015 cosima
You can spot the genius with his boat of questions
among a sea of answers.*

I used to think being intelligent is knowing. Incorrect. Knowing is merely absorbing information and the ones biologically gifted with expansive memory capacities have an advantage then. But true intelligence is understanding. True genius asks when nobody else would. True genius hears an answer but do not agree to it immediately. True genius sees no harm in being called naive for prying. True genius  believes there are many truths so they challenge those already accepted. Those who have explored their minds and know deeply that it is ever unfathomable.
 Sep 2015 cosima
raine cooper
 Sep 2015 cosima
raine cooper
fall in love with a boy
who makes the world spin a little slower,
but still holds onto your hands
as if life were his final dance
 Sep 2015 cosima
raine cooper
 Sep 2015 cosima
raine cooper
maybe yours would be hands that stay
or your eyes, stars that won't burn out
maybe your waves would keep reaching,
instead of relentlessly leaving the shore
but i have said goodbye to parts of myself
and i know they'll never come back
the parts that love
the pieces that trust
they lay here shattered and broken
and i can't let anything close
because i am made entirely of ruins
and i destroy all that i touch
 Sep 2015 cosima
Let me.
 Sep 2015 cosima
I want to take her pain away,
First with my heart,
and then my hands,
and tongue
 Sep 2015 cosima
sanch kay
poetry lives
not just in the dreamy glow of the moon
across your lover's eyes
on a perfect evening, or the
mesmerising game of light
and shadows dancing on
moving waters, through
wooded greens;
poetry lives in
the little things you
don't see and don't say:
the sharp edges of heartbreak, the
magnanimity of forgiveness, the
soft sighs of love that
*won't go away.
 Sep 2015 cosima
1:43 PM.
 Sep 2015 cosima
just the thought of you drives me insane but my presence is merely nonexistent to you.
been thinking about this a lot lately I'm sorry lol
 Sep 2015 cosima
Beth Decisions
There you are.
Hundreds of miles away from me.
Yet when I hear your voice through my phone.
It feels as you are right next to me.
I think of you laying next to me.
Holding me as I sleep.
And I can feel every curve of you against me as though you are really there.
Oh how I love our midnight talks.
Confessing every detail of ourselves.
Telling things no one else knows.
And though I love it.
I would do anything for you to really be here.
I don't know how to live without you next to me.
You are my everything.
My other half.
My wish upon a shooting star.
You are the dream non compare to.
If only I could see you.
Hug you for one moment.
I know my world would be okay.
I know my smile would finally shine.
I can't wait to see you.
Finally be able to hold you.
And kiss that smile I love so much.
Be able to look into the eyes that hypnotize me.
Oh how I miss you.
How I love you.
I can't wait till I can finally see you.
It's so close to the time.
We're months away.
Weeks away.
Days away.
Moments away.
And now we're here.
With you sitting next to me.
Written for someone as a gift to their boyfriend
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