F/New York noun. | the act of baring oneself in your writing; writing from the heart.
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My throat closes when I think of you now I loved you once— I wanted you every day— and part of me loves you still but it would **** me to have you
isn't it funny how something that was once good for us can become the death of us a design by God— or science— who knows
we wake up one day and our bodies have evolved to reject even one taste so violently that it would be a delicate tango between life and death— Russian roulette— to ever have you again
Sweat runs rivers down the planes of my face drip dropping to the asphalt and sizzling there;
I wonder if it's true that I could fry an egg on the tarry New York sidewalk melting under my feet
I think I'd like to try I think I'd also prefer to be that egg in the cool air of aisle 9 where someone will pick it up and take it home and make pancakes laughing with the person they love
Half an orange to help me sleep to help me not think of you to help me shut down my brain like a laptop that's been left on for two weeks straight
I break an orange pill in half tonight I hope it's all I need to help me sleep I toss it back I hope it doesn't get caught in the corners of my throat like all the words I cannot say out loud
I take pills because there's not enough wine to drown out my thinking not enough meditation to quiet the constant hum
I long for a day when sleep did not escape me the night before