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Dec 2018 · 665
Lover's Code
mario Dec 2018
Perhaps everyone is born a monster,
Growing in wickedness and villainy everyday
Until certain requirements are met.
Love, whether it be from man or woman,
Or somewhere in between,
Is the power that binds goodness
To the vessels of the heart.
Every soul born into this world
Is at sometime fixed unto another,
Filling both hearts with love and devotion.
It is important we are careful with this love -
As evil remains behind in us,
And if love were to be untethered,
The heart would not break or shatter,
But rather spill its contents.
Spilled love is wasted time,
Withered intimacy, and jagged memory.
But if one can hold onto this warm bond,
It is worth every emotion you have.
In this life and the next,
I will find you,
And I will love you.
Nov 2018 · 416
A Crack In The Pavement
mario Nov 2018
On the very boring street of Venetia Avenue
A child, not unlike you or me, looked through
A crack in the pavement.
What did he see? Many have asked
The same question we ponder today.
In reality, it does not matter
But I will tell you nonetheless
Under our feet looms another world
One of people who lead polar lives
In the land of Mundus
All is grey and glum
Because you can't invert a world of invention;
You will end up with only desire
For what will cease to exist
Upon a second visit.
Oct 2018 · 565
mario Oct 2018
i tell her the truth
je suis en amour
her reaction is uncouth
she points me to the door
she says we are but youth
“of this i want no more,
get out and stay out
garçon en amour!”
Oct 2018 · 865
tour noire [black tower]
mario Oct 2018
A black castle perched at a great height
Just barely out of the reach of me
The tower no different than any other night
So dark that it’s quite natural not to see
Yet my eyes are keen to this sort of sight
Secrets spill into my head rather lazily
But sit stagnant and take no form, no flight
So I carry myself quite lackadaisically
On this night it seemed the absence of light
Had reached levels of terribly high
But open your eyes, you could and you might
See Tour Noire, black tower in the sky
Oct 2018 · 268
Fall in Love in Florida
mario Oct 2018
I could never fall in love in Florida
The suns just too bright
And I just can’t do it
The time is never right
It’s time to just say ***** it
I know I’m a *******
You won’t want me anyway darling
Together we just don’t fit
Do I believe these words I write?
No, not one bit
But that’ll never stop me, babe
When I love I never quit
And if I had it my way
Things would be so different
But I guess you’re better off honey
I’m crazy and I’m confused
But hey at least I’m funny baby
Cover your eyes, guess who?
You know it’s me darling
This should be nothing new to you
Sep 2018 · 803
Dear Dearly Departed
mario Sep 2018
Dear dearly departed,

Dissolve unto darkness the swift thoughts of love you felt, my dear,
For I assure you they were misjudged and misled.
When you think of a face or voice such as mine,
Think of an empty abyss and mold such ideas no further.
I am grave to say this heart offers you no further jubilee.
Let not your life-stream be trapped in a strongbox,
Or forever descending on the never-ending downward elevator.
I apologize that what was once an equal melancholy,
Or perhaps even a twin prosperous endurance of suffering,
Is now a crippled husk of what once was.
I lament for my loss,
But for yours more.
I await your letter at once.

William L. Levesque
Sep 2018 · 551
mario Sep 2018
A race of people whose bones tolled like bells when the traveler shed bliss upon their world early each solar cycle.
I watched them with slackjawed edge from my little corner of universe with unholy, godly rhetoric.
Through my scope of foresight I saw their futile attempts at peace, love, war, and all things human.
Warm illusions of grandeur filled their view oftentimes as I stretched my ancient tendons.
I blew staunch breezes and razing storms that shook a world to the core with reckless abandon.
And they returned to me, nothing more than fizzled essence.
Honeyed words, broken culture, and finally, wasted life itself.

With what is yours, do what you fancy.

But forget not what is fiction, and what is firm.
mario Sep 2018
The white billowing funnels of purely antiquated fluff rolled by like wind in a lazy sail. The syrupy cirrus disasters dripped heaven unto passersby. Everyone watched and waited, but not a wretch took even an instant to notice that a malevolent tempest brewed south. Mortals went on with their days, hell's revenants. Constructing sin and suchwhat. All was lost before it had begun. God's master plan. Flaming meteorites launched spectacular displays of warfare and catastrophe in the firmament. Corpses showered the celestial Terra for years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Only when hot hate ran through the streets of humanity was it finally forgotten. Over and done with. Then a new day began, a purplish-pinkish day, complete with stiff greens, cool blues, posh reds, and the occasional stygian black. A conclusion before there was even a conception. There was a sky.

And suddenly, the sky made love.
Aug 2018 · 251
Pink Clouds
mario Aug 2018
Pretty, pretty pink clouds
So gently salt the sky
And they might be any color
But they’re always pink to you and I
And I might not be the one
But for right now I’ll do
Cuz there’s no better feeling, ***
Than when it’s me and you
Aug 2018 · 674
mario Aug 2018
In shady spots, picking daises
In parking lots, being lazy
In my thoughts, going crazy
In my room, dimly lit
I don't regret a second of it

— The End —