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 Sep 2015 Mona
 Sep 2015 Mona
She had waves of hair           
cascading down her back
And waves of thought
running through her brain
Waves of sweet melody     
dripping from her tongue
The waves were strong         
and couldn't be tamed
The aqueous flame                 
in her heart was the same
                      Her waves were of                             a fiery essence
And left them in need          
of her shallow and deep

For when they, the people, were in her presence
She was the only source of life they could see

Human beings are constantly in need of water
And she was water of the best purity

So how could they deny themselves
A taste of the natural salty sea?

A sea that was blissful, wild and free.
Men and women are equal
None are *above
the other
In rights and respect

Men have strength yes
Yet it's women who endure

Men and women
Both are intelligent
As their brains made of the same matter
Biologically here equality stands firm

Differences of course are there
Yet minuscule
Appearances cast aside
Only  few can be observed

Women and men
Both are sensitive and feel
Yet where women show it; display
Men conceal; pretend not to feel
Society kills

In tactics and ideas
Is where our message ends
For  too often  it's said to
Disregard the thoughts of women
Too  dumb and feeble minded to be
 Of Value and interest

Yet where there's Winston Churchill
The mastermind of Britain
There's  also Elizabeth the 1st
The queen who beat the Spanish Armada

Hence with logics like this
Any notion of ****** inferiority
Can be easily dismissed
As utterly ridiculous.
A view point I agree strongly upon equality not feminism but the equality of both men and women!
She is ice
And he is fire

She is an angel
And him a devil

She's often seen sitting
On a park bench
Dressed immaculately; rich
With her nose  stuck  in a book

Whereas he's often seen lounging
At a squalid pub
With a drink in hand
Smoke curling from his smirking lips

Both polar opposites,
Ying and yang.
Yet when  together
They become one

Her Fire can thaw  his ice
And his water  tames her *fire
Not one of my best but I hope you guys like it
Maybe one day I'll be free
Free of the torment and free to be me

Maybe one day I'll be able to fly
Spread out my wings and soar up so high

Maybe one day I'll be able to speak
Speak with my voice free of the chains

Maybe one day I'll sing to the sky
The rhythm of my triumph so fine

Maybe one day I'll dance; delight
Movements so fragile; speak of my plight

Maybe one day I'll shed my sorrow
A skin so heavy its no wonder I drowned

Maybe one day I'll break out
**Free of the torment and free to be me
I wish it were so.....
I stick to you like a parasite
Leeching into your soul; a stronghold
My spiders web has you ensnared
When you leave I pull you back
You may find it an irritance or endearing
When I say I'll never let you go
Because aside from pretty words
You know I truly mean it
Oh no I'm not a stalker!
But if you leave me darling
*I swear I'm never going to let you go
Just a part of me I can't get rid off
My family life's a sham
We're all  walking on eggshells
There's no bond when you're acting
To keep it all together
One big happy family

This is why
To escape my reality
I turn to my literary haven
A book there for any mood I feel
Momentarily causing me to forget
My seriously  messed up life

The gift of a good book
Is better than
any drug out there
It ***** you in *and

Suddenly you're immersed in it
Forgetting the pain  and  sadness
of your own pathetic existence

The love and sincerity  warms you
Causes you to dream and wish; sigh
Whilst the pain and anguish
You can relate to
Never once in an enticing novel do you
Think about the real world around you.

Such is the beauty of a good story
It acts as the perfect medicine
To remedy the hurt in your life.
//The answer to why I read so much//
Rain  rain  go away
Come back  here  another day
Today I've *washed
my sorrows away
So rain feed my
Another day
It's a strange thing
Looking into the past
Memories of a younger you
Dancing with time

You remember the shy sweet innocence
Glorifying the beauty of the world
And you remember how swiftly you ignored
Or tried to ignore
The demons that destroyed this image

You remember fondly
How such simple problems
Were the bane of your small world
And wince regretfully
At how foolishly you dealt with them

Your sweet kind demeanour
Led to your sorry journey
Through hardship and trial
Because you were too timid to speak out
Too nice to hit back

Yet just think
If this was not so
Then the strong girl you are now
Full of confidence and charm
Would never have come to be

So though you look back in distress
Know that you wouldn't be who you are know
If it weren't for the past
Quite a personal one this

— The End —