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If I had to give my son advice,
To, on his little life, shed light:
I'd say don't do drugs, and if you do.
Do Class C in the mornings,
And Class A's at night.
If you're gonna do it, do it right.

If I had to give my son advice,
To save his little heart from pain:
I'd say never love at a distance;
Your heart will succumb to a lonely bind.
For words, are far too nervous,
and probably won't get there on time.

If I had to give my son advice,
So his smile remains a genuine jewel,
I'd say be sure to marry a writer.
Smile as much as you possibly can,
And if they feel it worth defending
They will rewrite, and edit out your problems,
And give you a happy ending.
 May 2014 Mikey Jha
C S Cizek
Blankets, pillows, a black dog, and a cell phone.
Facebook, Twitter, Vine, Gmail, and Instagram.
Shampoo, soap bar, toothbrush,
toothpaste, temperature, and time.
Shaving cream, razor, running water,
advertisements, sensitivity, precision, and cuts.
Burned tongue, empty stomach, loose tie,
missing shirt buttons, beating the clock,
wallet, briefcase, and car keys.
Ballpoint pens, scented trees, fast food wrappers,
loose change, lighters, citations, ***** clothes,
CDs, and napkins.
Red lights, pedestrians, homeless people,
newspapers, billboards, pets on leashes, sewer
grates, crosswalks, skyscrapers, and garbage.
Faxes, printers, memorandums, break room,
prestige, cubicles, customer service, paperweights,
filing cabinets, stocks, and corporate.
Wipers, streetlights, rain coats, dive bars,
and home.
Blankets, pillows, a black dog, and a cell phone.
 May 2014 Mikey Jha
I try to care.
I do.

Time clings desperately
hold to a past with such meaning.
Change has pushed apart
a friendship which was once so close.

Try to prolong connection
while new focuses divert our direction.
I put forth effort in such continuation
and grasp onto what is left.

You let me go so effortlessly.
Time has changed us. And you let me go.
 May 2014 Mikey Jha
Andrew Durst
I have
   big dreams

        and a  
            realistic mind.

Gets the best of me some times.
 May 2014 Mikey Jha
Stop trying to remember his scent, he smelled like summer and reminds you of the time he made you laugh so hard, you snorted out milk on that dead, hazy day.

2. Don't waste your day trying to decipher what colour his eyes were, it'll only remind you of the galaxies and constellations that you once saw in his eyes

3. Stop trying to retrace the shape of his mouth in the middle of the night, you'll choke on your tongue trying to taste the mint he devoured seconds before pulling you in for a kiss

4. Stop reliving the times you clasped hands together, the glass plate will fall off your trembling hands.

5. Burn this list, admit that the galaxies and constellations shining in his eyes were wilted, the one in yours are bursting with fire. Remember on the dead, hazy day his laugh sounded like nails running down a chalkboard. Remember when you kissed, the weeds growing from his mouth entangled the roses blooming in yours.

Realize that one day, another boy is going to come and plant daisies where he left behind thorns.
 May 2014 Mikey Jha
Anna Falls
 May 2014 Mikey Jha
Anna Falls
She wished for him to be perfect,
for him to be safe, and for him to love her.
He used her want for lust and comfort in his
own awful, selfish games. Never will he be
wished for, lusted for, or wanted by her again.
Once more she must pick up the broken pieces
of her heart and carry them to another.
On her way to a new life and a new way.
January 26, 2014
 May 2014 Mikey Jha
Ryan Bates
Sometimes we need to step away from our world, and look at the good things. It's so easy to get enthralled in the harshness of a situation when that one situation is the only thing you're thinking about. When we disengage, we realize how small everything is in the grand scheme of things. God is always right there with us, even when it doesn't seem that way.

One day this week I was praying in my car, listening to my CDs. As I was finished praying about how to get over this one girl (I keep it vague so as to help me forget) a certain song by the Eagles started playing: Take It Easy. If that isn't a sign from God then I must be crazy. So I have learned to step back, take it easy, work hard within my capabilities and not try to do Gods job, and leave the rest to God.

Goodnight :)
4/28/2014 after being pulled from a baseball game for having a bad at bat

Ps. I didn't mean for this to be public, but too late now. I made it for me, but enjoy anyways!
 Apr 2014 Mikey Jha
Ryan Bates
How are you?
          I just had to send you this letter to tell you how much I love you and care about you. I saw you yesterday as you were walking with your friends. I waited all day hoping you would talk to me also.
          As evening drew near, I gave you a sunset to close your day and a cool breeze to rest you- And I waited, you never came, oh! yes it hurt me, but I still love you because I am your friend.
          I saw you fall asleep last night and I longed to touch your brow, so I spilled moonlight upon your pillow and face. Again I waited, wanting to rush down so we could talk. I have so many gifts for you.
          You awakened late and rushed off for the day... my tears were in the rain.
          Today you looked so sad, so alone. It makes my heart ache because I understand. My friends let me down and hurt me many times too, but I love you. I try to tell you in the quiet green grass, I whisper it in the colors of the flowers, I shout it to you in the mountain streams and give the birds love songs to sing. I clothe you with sunshine and perfume the air. My love for you is deeper than the oceans and bigger than the biggest want or need you have.
           We will spend eternity together in heaven. I know how hard it is on this earth. I really know because I was there and I want to help you. My Father wants to help too, He's that way you know. Just call me... ask me, talk to me. It is your decision. I have chosen you and because of that I will wait, because I love you.
                                        Your friend,
This is not my original work, but it's framed at my desk and I wanted to share it so as to warm everybody else's hearts as it did mine. I don't know the original author, so if anybody knows please let me know and I will give them proper credit. Enjoy, and God bless
 Apr 2014 Mikey Jha
Ryan Bates
Oh and then it goes
But softer even then you know
And it kisses you sweetly
With it's everlasting glow.

The stranger that you
thought you knew so well,
Instead of glimpses of Heaven
he shows you your hell

When the blue of the sky
Is taken over by the grey,
Just think of the sunrise
That will soon make it go away.

And know, that you are
The one I dream for.
And softly ever more it goes.
But what is the eternity,
I feel all the time.

And sadness is as cruel
as the fire that kills the rose.
So instead, open your heart
Make it a place where love grows.

And rejoice in the sweetness
Of the long awaited time,
When you are the only
Thought of mine.

The song I sing is never ending.
It echoes clear with every rhyme.
And everyone will keep the singing
In tune to mine.
I wrote this by singing it to notes that I thought would go with the words I was writing at the time. To understand the full beauty, sing the poem with a sweet and soft melody that comes to your mind. It will transport you
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