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 Apr 2014 Mikey Jha
Ryan Bates
It feels like a liquid iron:
Sharp and cold and sickening.

The freezing metal begins
From my throat and moves to
My body. By then I feel nothing
But numbness. It's as if I'm falling
But there is no bottom. I hope there
Is no bottom, because if there is then I will surely hit it hard enough to explode upon the sharp-smooth black-blue slippery wet dark cave bottom.

But I am intact.
I stop spinning.
It was all synthetic.
Merely a glimpse into your hell
That jealousy has made my own
 Apr 2014 Mikey Jha
Ryan Bates
 Apr 2014 Mikey Jha
Ryan Bates
As you lie awake in bed
See the rich warm blackness.
Let my voice cradle you with it's
Deep and soft tones and lay
Down your head and
Feel the thick night under
Your blankets and sink
Deeper into your long awaited
Honey-sweet covers and close your
Weighted eyelids as the
Movie of your day replays and
Hear my voice calm you as
You slip into the dry velvet river that
Carries you into the starless and
Cloudless perfect soft blackness just
Lie there in comfort and try

Not to think of all the
Monsters that come out in
The **Dark
Sweet Dreams
 Apr 2014 Mikey Jha
Ryan Bates
I love being by
Myself, so long as I am
By myself with you
 Apr 2014 Mikey Jha
Ryan Bates
 Apr 2014 Mikey Jha
Ryan Bates
From the tree comes leaves
From the flower comes pollen
From my heart comes love

— The End —