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953 · Aug 2015
An Ode to my Students
Michael Brogan Aug 2015
I don't know.
I don't know what you're going through.
I can't understand.
Empathy, perhaps.
I won't be able to.
Your skin, unlike mine.
But it doesn't come down to simple color, does it?
It comes down to experience.
All I can share is a broken heart.
I can love you, but never fully understand.
I won't be able to understand.
We are different.
I'm here though. Here to support. Here to live with you.
I can't protect, but educate.
"Pull yourself up by your bootstraps"
                        The anthem of people who don't understand
But you showed up today. To better yourself.
Maybe one day we can truly work this out.
Until then, we can both do what we can
to create more beauty in this world.
Black Lives Matter
Black love matters
887 · Apr 2015
Michael Brogan Apr 2015
Here I sit
not knowing what to write
or how to do this.
A thousand tired emotions fatiguing
my mind while burning my heart.
     Exhaustion from life has crippled me at 21
All I can think about.
Michael Brogan Jul 2015
Even as I walk past,
Comerica stands
grass illuminates like a lamp post on a winter night.
Tigers season, baby
Dad and I do our yearly tradition.
The smell of the park is second to none.
But not this year.
Dad ain't doin so well.
His knee ain't up for it.
Love you, old man.
Maybe, just maybe, the old Tigs
will surprise us and make the playoffs
and then
maybe, just maybe,
we can go to a game
and let that tradition ride on.
Poem inspired by the All Star Game coming up. Every year it's our Father-Son tradition to go to a game but dad has knee replacement surgery so it's hard to get to this year. Baseball is one of the only things we bond over.
489 · May 2020
Michael Brogan May 2020
You're a demise.

You don't know that. You're syrup that means so much.

I don't love you,

As a matter of fact I really ******* hate you,

but I need you.

That's right. I need you.
I'm a coward without you. I depend on you.

One day I won't. I hope one day I won't. But until then, I'm at your beck and call.
450 · Apr 2015
Always One More
Michael Brogan Apr 2015
knowing their emptiness
drive the conversation.
Always pushing for one more
drunken night.
One more night to fake love.
One more night to let jealousy
envelop only
one of us.
An old poem about a former flame.
401 · Jul 2015
Michael Brogan Jul 2015
sweet summer
the smell of beer, margaritas, and that fresh EL air.
Baseball mits and
half-off deals at our favorite Wednesday joints.
But I'm not there.
You won't be either.
None of us will.
Detroit is my new home, Flint is your old.
Places like Ferndale and who knows where is the new Summer destination in your guys' hearts.
I miss home.
I really really do.
New adventures await,
but can we pretend they don't?
386 · Aug 2018
Michael Brogan Aug 2018
Let's walk through the explosion of color as the air bites at our skin. Let's reminisce about the time that makes us feel alive. Let the trees sing to us in their beauty, refusing to be ignored. Let us weep the tears in appreciation of what fills our minds and more importantly our souls.

Listen to mother's babbles that will only stop one day long from now. Be in touch and closer with Him than in any building. Let us hear the soft crunch and shuffle of the Earth itself going to sleep before our eyes.

It yearns on my mind. I must be there. I must.
Michigander born and raised but need to see New England during the fall. Finish this . . . probably never.
366 · Feb 2017
Michael Brogan Feb 2017
You tell me I'm a great teacher
but what about the others?
What about the layer behind the gold?
A rotten apple?
A ***** in a church house?
I sit on my throne of dirt
waiting for the maid to come.

They always come. Ready to take even that away.
330 · Nov 2016
Michael Brogan Nov 2016
It took long enough
Insecurities to breath its life into my mind
Two beautiful friends
One perhaps more than the other.

Is it real?
Is it convenience?

She feels the same way.
Others say so.

Why do I feel so empty?

Simple answer: it won't work.
303 · Feb 2017
Michael Brogan Feb 2017
So there it is, we lost a bond.

The gang has failed. Dynamite, short but explosive.

I stand on one end, you on the other.

I miss both of you so ******* much.

I hurt. I write in pain. Twist the knife further,

I deserve it.
Michael Brogan Aug 2018
So this is it then? The dreams realized? The thoughts fulfilled?

What happened? The lust has shrunk and shrunk. The emotion is gone.

Tired all the time.

Is this you? Please tell me it's not.
224 · Dec 2016
Michael Brogan Dec 2016
What do you
write when the
is too fresh
even for
214 · May 2020
Michael Brogan May 2020
You weren't good for me.
But like a virus, you'll never leave.

I've been thinking about you a lot lately.
I'm doing my best to remind myself of the awful things you did.
But you won't go away, no matter how hard I try

I have an ache in my heart,
like a virus,
that tells me you might have found a new man.

But I don't know. Is it simple insecurity.

I want to leave you,
But I don't want you to leave me.
198 · Aug 2020
A goodbye to my city
Michael Brogan Aug 2020
Two girls I’ve never met.
That’s who I’m worried about?
What about the one that I almost loved?
I have no concern of her. But why?

What does the cosmos hold?
Where will I end up?
Will I miss the sky? The roof? The water.

I will, but this corner of the world isn’t big enough. Too much to explore

The lights sit here. Going nowhere, but I’m scared. That’s the truth

Why should the bounds of comfort be pushed? For the sake of adventure? To find love?

Does it exist? Or am I simply contradicting myself? I don’t know.

The gray wall that is my city is slipping from my hands. I love my city.  But I must try for what I need.
121 · Mar 2020
Michael Brogan Mar 2020
Everything was great again
We laughed and smiled again
We played until our faces hurt again
We drank too much again
We got into a fight again

— The End —