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My juicy cheeseburger,
my steamy cheeseburger,
As I open my wrapper I plainly can see. How I am going to scrape off all that delicious cheese?
All my friends watch in amazement, and horror as I shove that cheese paper in even more, and I tossed my cheeseburger away from my tray.
It takes time you see to work off this delicious buffet.
As, I scraped my teeth over that wonderful cheese, I look up, and soon see my cheeseburger has been pilfered from me.
So, I scream and I rave, and I steal her cheese paper right off of her tray. Then I start all over again, much to my friends' dismay.
Copyright 2017 Michael Robert Triska
Don't take my cheese paper!
Feeling of dread as I fall in bed, as I squeeze my soft pillow to my head.
I feel loneliness growing within my chest.
The cold thoughts of women within my past, stocking my dreams till I wake up in a scream.
My hopes that my dreams will be confined to the past so I can move on from my dreadful task of trying to find love within this lonely time of mine.
My heart has fallen on hard times.
Was feeling a little down.
Copyright 2017 Michael Robert Triska
Evil old witch,
Evil old witch,
I see you bad ugly evil old witch.
You tried to shove me in that evil old oven of yours but I was much to quick, you fat ugly evil old witch.
You tried to feed me frosting and treats but I spat them all back out at you, toot sweet.
I hate you, I hate you!
I scream at that evil old witch, I hope your house goes stale soon, you fat evil ugly old witch!
I hope you get entombed within that ugly old house of treats.
Your a evil old witch,
Your a evil old witch,
I hope the forest trees fall on top of you and your crumy gingerbread house too.
I'll be back,
I'll be back,
Then we will see who pushes who! You fat ugly evil old witch I really hate you!
Michael Robert Triska copyright 2017
The story of Hansel and Gretel always fascinated me. Can you just feel the anger within that girl that meets up with that old witch in the poem?
She hears tick tock, tick tock within her head.
Tick tock, tick tock the gears turn and grind as the clock work falls in line within her mind.
The time is rushing within her thoughts too fast for her to stop.
Soon she will wind down and will not tick or tock.
The clockwork girl will have no more thoughts, time runs short for her well-oiled clock.
Goodbye my lovely clockwork girl tick tock, tick tock, tick tock!
This was made for a new years eve D&D; game called A Tick In Time. That I wrote for my gaming friends.

Michael Robert Triska Copyright 2017
I hear breathing and scratching under my bed, which sends an icy chill that would wake the dead.
A faint moaning springs from under my bed, it freezes my heart as I pray for a quick death.
My toes are out in the cold and they are very exposed, quick, quick can I drag them in?
I look over the side of the bed to see a pair of eyes blinking in dread.
As I realized to my heart's content it's just my kitten cowering under the recesses of my bed.
You never know what's under your bed!
Michael Robert Triska Copyright 2017
Buzz, buzz, buzz go the bees, around and around my trees.
Making for me a little honey to put into my sweet mead.
The flavors will be so sweet, when I mix water with honey.
So thank you little bees for helping to make such sweet mead.
The bees are such awesome fellows, such very hard workers indeed.
So thank you my little friends, for the work you have done for me and my mead.
I worked on this poem as I was brewing my mead.
Michael Robert Triska Copyright 2017
Maple trees with kisses of oranges and golds make me feel quite whole.
The taste of pumpkin and spice is really quite nice.
The gentle fall wind holds a slight bite but I really don't mind; for it is autumn and the pumpkins are bright.
So please, please stay, my favorite season. I do love you my autumn delights.
This is my poem for my favorite season. I love autumn!
Michael Robert Triska Copyright 2017
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