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I see you
You see me
And it is true both we exist

You love me
I love you
And it is true both we exist

One day you saw me
At least one day I also saw you

One day you felt me
At least one day I also felt you

One day I saw your beauty
at least one day you felt that I was in your mind
we felt that we loved each other
even you can believe it
cause still I'm loving you

Yet you never see the god
and me too,
but we both believe in god
The believe,
the most mystic invention on the planet earth ever
yet the gentlemen never can see under the microscope

Too many thoughts in our life
but we can't exceed the thought of death
always we feel a threat of death
when we grew older to oldest
and we carry it till our death

It is true that we see the death
and its pain that we have gained
when someone's closet moves to the past
but we can't lose his existence in our mind
and in the existence of our soul

I see the death,
the mystic beauty rises up to its spiritual height
and I say, it is true that is more than the truth,
the existence of death

Though still we exist on earth
yet we can't see any event that will be happened after death
but most of us believe in after death
there is a life,
the unlimited life
where we both will meet again
either we will exist in heaven or hell
Ah! The ultimate existence

It is true that we all have a fear of death,
the very dear fear,
moves us very near
to the god
the god,
space less-
existence less-
but an ultimate divine existence of god
so that we believe in spiritual existence of god-

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
Existence of life, death, after death and the god that we believe..........
I have always wondered
If I died,
if you would have attended my funeral
But I never imagined I'd be going to yours
Dead at 19
Yesterday I wrote nothing
I didn't read a thing.

Yesterday I had almost a perfect day
Which I spent with mine
And we laughed, we played, we flirted with the mundane.

Even though I was oblivious to the world and nothing could touch me,
That bittersweet image of you was bold enough to invade my mind
And remind me of my broken heart.
fire burns slowly
it feeds on the dead
red hot flames
coaxing strength into ash
it used to burn through me
charring pale white skin
with its all-consuming hunger
forcing blood to pump through my veins
forcing blood to drip down my legs
it is my own fire
that scarred me so beautifully
it clenched my teeth
and wrenched my eyes wide open
red-flickering across the the smooth surface
of blue green eyes
until the needle pierced me
and fed the ocean to my veins
freezing deep blue flood
extinguishing the searing hot
that once forced me to live
the water drips into my lungs
killing all the smoke I stored there
then it rushes in too quickly
all that's left is ice
crystallized behind a glaze
of blue green ever shifting eyes
where passion once burned bright
brutally murdered by
the crash of smothering waves
infinitely taller than my will power
disguised as good intentions
I’m so sick of feeling alone.
I’m sick of this wanting, craving feeling towards love.
i want someone to give me the world,
without me asking for it.
i want someone to read me like the back of their hand,
to understand my thoughts and accept my past.
i just need someone
to need me.

i crave someone to finally open up their arms wide and let me inside,
to hold me and to never let go until the world has crumbled and fallen
apart and we have nothing left to stand on but each others feet,
and even then i’m not quite sure i would want them to let me go.
i want someone to finally acknowledge me and my differences
and fall in love with the way my eyes wrinkle in the corners when i laugh.
i want someone to sneak over late at night and talk about the stars and how majestic the color of trees look when a storm is approaching.
i want,
i crave,
i need,
to need me.
But where do I go when I've lost hope?
When desolation hugs me
a soul so shattered
                                  You cant breathe

Live or die?
Both are just a lie to comfort us
But who will you be when all we really are is just
I try not to fall asleep, not wanting to be away from you
But then I do I sleep deep, a rest thats way past due
But while I sleep your not gone, cause baby your in my dreams tonight
Distantly I hear our song, I wish id dream of you every night
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