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3.4k · Jul 2016
Opposites and Equals
Melaka Jude Jul 2016
Him and her
Us and they
I and me
Might and may

Day and night
Land and sea
Sun and stars
Faith and belief

Love and war
victory and defeat
joy and happiness
tidy and neat

Shoes and hats
Frocks and shirts
Pants and bottoms
Lovers and Flirts

Ying and Yang
With a little bit in both
A world apart
But an inch too close

You and him
Him and me
Me and you......
*Opposites and Equals
1.1k · Jul 2016
Melaka Jude Jul 2016
A four way crossroad
A decision to make
Each one leads onward
Which one should I take?

The one that goes deskwards
A pencil in my hands
Words shall flow like water
from the tip onto the pad

The one that goes skywards
My dream I shall grasp
Villagers call my
Stethoscope to their hearts

The one that goes northwards
Riches I await
Meet people from around the globe
Maybe that's my fate

Or the one that will go everywhere
No destination I shall have
Stories from here and there
A camera for a pal

A four way crossroad
A decision to make
Each one leads onward
Which one should I take?
880 · Jul 2016
You are mine
Melaka Jude Jul 2016
Your eyes are the stars
Of my own little world
Brightly they twinkle and glow

Your words are like water
From a sparkling stream
Singing to me as they flow

Your touch is as gentle
As the morning sun
Strengthening with every pass

To be with you
I consider myself lucky
But worried whether luck will last

When I see you laughing
And smiling with others
When I see you talking with someone else

Flames of anger
Flames of envy
I feel them like the ringing of bells

In my arms to hold you
To never let go of you
To protect you with all that I have

To make you my queen
In the world of my dreams
That is my dream and plan

So please don't leave me
Be always beside me
Cause I love you more than anything else.
837 · Jul 2016
Melaka Jude Jul 2016
A soft breeze rolls in from infinity
As I remember the joys of my childhood past
I see a toddler playing in a sandbox happily
As I recall a happiness which never did last

I see a sacred face among hundreds
Facing the fears of a new school
I see a wide grin as that same face
Now plays joyfully with his friends in a pool

I see a sad face as he sees
His childhood friends for a last time
I see a determined face in a classroom
Now striving to be the one who shines

I see a proud face now shaking
The hand of his principle accepting his award
I see a happy face now thanking
His lord and our god

As all these memories wash over me
I see my future goal
And like the petals of a flower which open up to the sun
I let my future unfold
778 · Jul 2016
Just beyond those bushes
Melaka Jude Jul 2016
Just beyond those bushes
My enemy is waiting
Waiting for me to show myself
To hit me in the head

Just beyond those bushes
With mud and grime covering his face
With a finger tensed on a trigger
Like a tiger ready to pounce

Just beyond those bushes
He sees a fraction of my forehead
When I peep over my cover
And he squeezes the trigger

I feel a cooling sensation
Of water dripping down my head
And I say "OK you got me"
"Ready for another round?"

And he goes back into hiding
With his water gun at the ready
Back to his position
Just beyond those bushes
721 · Aug 2016
The Calling (10 Words)
Melaka Jude Aug 2016
648 · Jul 2016
Lover's Kiss
Melaka Jude Jul 2016
The fleeting moments
of a sweet exchange
as thrilling as the nightingale's song

Can fill the void
of a broken heart
and help to make it strong

The delicate words
of a maid to a man
and a soft kiss to his head

The honey filled praises
from a man to a maid
which dye her little hills red

The playful fights
which mean no harm
are filled with scattered laughs

And deep inside
the cautious man
finally removes his mask

These little sounds
like bells which ring
like notes on a musical staff

And the mighty king
filled with love
and in eternal bliss

Crowns his love
whom he has no life above
with a long lover's kiss
This was written by watching and observing the relationship of my best friend and her boyfriend. What they have is beyond the normal school relationships that we have today. I consider what they have the most purest form of love. Credits to them for being my inspiration.
642 · Jul 2016
The day I was alone
Melaka Jude Jul 2016
Insulted and deprived
There came a day
When I sat alone and cried

A day when no laughter
Managed to escape my lips
A day when happiness
Walked away shaking its fists

A day when not even
My dog brought me a smile
A day when all joy
Was at a distance of a mile

A day when all the clouds
Seemed to me a dark grey
A day when even my friends
Brought no happiness my way

A day when all I heard
Was a distant ringing bell
Reminding me of the sadness I had
Reminding me of hell

A thousand piano notes
Could not end my mourn
The day I wasn't happy
The day I was alone
596 · Jul 2016
Melaka Jude Jul 2016
A thousand hands around me now
Grabbing hold of my soul
Trying to tear it to millions of pieces
While I struggle to keep it whole

My heartaches for a happiness now lost
My eyes to see the light
My ears to hear a voice so sweet
My skin to feel no fright

The world seems so dull and grey
Even the flowers have lost their smell
A life full of sadness and worry
A life under a shell

My heartaches for peace and quiet
My eyes to see the sun
My ears to here a piano's notes
My skin to feel the calm

How can life be so lifeless?
How can it be so dull?
Why wont the birds sing once more?
Why cant I see the sun?

My heartaches for lasting friendship
My eyes to see face of joy
My ears to hear unstoppable laughter
My skin to feel at home

A good friend once so near
Now is far away
Longing for his presence, longing for his trust
Now my heart will ache.
572 · Jul 2016
Song of Songs
Melaka Jude Jul 2016
A major, a minor
A flat and a sharp
The song of a nightingale
The notes of a harp

The jingle of church bells
The clang of a gong
All these help in
Creating a song

The song of a lifetime
The song of a brook
The song of the children
The song of a cook

The song that is sung
From morn to nigh
The song that gives every-
Body a high

A major, a minor
A flat and a sharp
The song of a nightingale
The notes of a harp

The whistle of the blowing wind
The chords of a guitar
All these create
A song from afar

The song of a lifetime
The song of a brook
The song of the children
The song of a cook

The song which is listened to
From morning to night
The song which whispers
To everybody *Goodnight
535 · Jul 2016
Melaka Jude Jul 2016
A fleeing moment not too soon
To be withdrawn from loving praise
A hefty hollow in my heart
Not for me to see coming days

A vague moment in thought
Ever enthroned with joy
To feel a symphony in a mere bliss
To see one with a heart of gold

To visualise a sight
A sight to behold and cherish
A point where time stands still
And the strokes of existence
Come to an weary halt

For that one moment
The reimburse of peace
The steps of solitude
To a glorifying moment
Of ever-lasting joy
Entombed in a true soul
Disclaimer: This poem isn't mine. It is written by one of my friends. I want to show him that he can be acknowledged here for his writing. Please leave a like after reading this to show my friend how much he can be recognized!!!!!
441 · Jul 2016
The life of a writer
Melaka Jude Jul 2016
The life of a writer isn't always a breeze
There are bumps and potholes along the way
The fear of lack of creativity
And the fear of rejection
Are always among his troubles
But once that pen touches the paper
He is free

All his feelings
Whether it be pain,sorrow,joy or anger
Are instantaneously converted
Into a story or a poem which will be cherished for generations to come
A piece constructed by comparing feelings to real things that make everything seem so weightless to him
For once that pen touches the paper
A writer is free

As free as the eagle
Soaring through the evening ski
As free as the cheetah
Running through the Saharan plains
As free as the dolphin
Swimming through the vast depths of the ocean
For once that pen touches the paper
The writer is free
420 · Jul 2016
The Tied Feet
Melaka Jude Jul 2016
A little brown sparrow
Once stood alone did he
Upon the metal bars of rust
With string his feet tied be

He watched one day, the blue sky
And longed to free his wings
He saw two other birds fly by
A sweet song did they sing

Alone he stood in despair
With none for a friend
His feeding bowl stood idly
As he wished for life to end

His prison be too small for
His glorious wings to spread
His brittle bones standout through skin
Though master think him well fed

A day ago a little boy
Fueled with too much play
Knocked the cage, running past
On green grass sparrow lay

The two birds he did see
Flying through the sky
Now came flying towards him
To grass in which he lie

They helped him to regain his feet
And stretch his glorious wings
They nipped the tying string to bits
And thus saved their king

Our sparrow now flew through the sky
To thus regain his throne
His wife and sons joined his side
He was no more alone

And by and by, the birds which once
Served him by his wing
Left their homes to fly with him
Finally… our sparrow began to sing.
334 · Jul 2016
Melaka Jude Jul 2016
A Dark cloud rolls
Across the evening sky
As smooth as a pillow
But as mighty as the Giant 'Phy'

A few drops at first
Nothing to worry about
But as a low distant rumble is heard
Created there is "a shadow of doubt"

And suddenly, "BOOM!" shouts thunder
"FLASH!" says lightning
It sounds as though
The Gods are fighting

And down below
In fields of green lush
Nature is awaking
In this torrent rush

"Hallelujah" shouts the flowers
As they open up to the rain
"Hooray" shouts the bushes
As they are covered in a haze

"At last" says the trees
"We were tired of waiting"
"Haaaaaah" says the grass
As though just awaking

And a boy alone
On the outside varendha with a book
Calls to his mother saying
*"This is nature at its best, come on and have a look"

— The End —