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 Dec 2014 Marie-Chantal
Thomas EG
It's you.
You are the reason that I can no longer sleep at night.
You are pain... You are fear...
I hate that you are near.
I try to forget you.
I try and I try and I try, but what good is it trying to ignore my own body?
I can not ignore this... This... This emptiness, this longing for acceptance, for change... For something new.
I need you.
I need you even more than I need myself, so no... I can not forget you.
Because my identity is valid, regardless of what they think.
Regardless of what anyone thinks.
It does in fact matter... I'm not going to pretend that it doesn't.
And I'm not going to pretend that you're not here.
I know that you are.
You've been getting closer and closer and closer, until a few days ago, when you truly arrived.
You won't let me feel at home in my own body... I can not touch my body... I can't even look at my body.
Why are you doing this to me?
And why do I feel the need to tell everyone I encounter that my name may match my face, but it sure as Hell doesn't match my feelings?
This is my body... *So go away.

You're only ******* me up further...
And I know that I could love you if I weren't the one you were chasing, but honestly, I just feel panicked... I feel cornered... I feel *dysphoric
And I'm so ******* frustrated, I mean, why now? Why not then? Why me? Why not him? Or her?
But I do not wish this upon them...
Yet I never did wish it upon myself.
I just want to know... I want to know now... I need to discover the truth... To discover myself.
But you won't let me.
You are making things far more complicated than they ever needed to be.
You are pulling my soul directly out of my skin and leaving my now-useless organs behind...
My soul may be with you, but my dead little heart is not.
And right now, I wonder if they'll ever agree with this... Hell, I don't even agree with this.
Maybe if you had come sooner, if you had been more persistent throughout my childhood, if you had appeared in my doorway before the age of fifteen...
I had always dreamt of becoming a boy...
Is that not normal?
I wanted to kiss pretty girls, wear baggy jeans and have short hair that I could gel and style... I didn't see a disadvantage...
I do now.
You are the disadvantage...
So *******.
A poem from Christmas Eve... Well, Christmas morning. At this point I don't even care who sees it.
 Dec 2014 Marie-Chantal
i see the stiffness
in you smile
this christmas
tears from crocodile
was all you got
was all you need
but on afterthought
why does this impede
me so much more
than it should
if i was to ignore
would it do any good

i do doubt it
for it does
clot and knot
every neuron
spawnss great
and other shameful shapes
You are nothing but bones
And on top  
The temper
The false interest
With That ******* Strut around,
Hold your head down and walk
With wide withered words
And Small drops
of pencil scratched compassions
On an ever expanding universe
Two drops
Is not enough
To turn a single grape  
Not enough to mask
This desire
These visions
 Dec 2014 Marie-Chantal
Mark Ball
The past has past,
and from it I have decided to flee.
I no longer care about what
happened then.
So, don't wave your history at me.

Technology is supposed to
lessen the load,
and somehow make us feel free,
But all I see are chains and rooks.
So, don't wave your gadgets at me.

In the educational system I trusted,
through it the world I could see,
But now I know
it's all a show.
So, don't wave your grades at me.

Poetry is an acquired taste;
As dead as it can be,
But write we still,
As words can ****.
So, don't wave your lines at me.

In love I used to trust;
the one and only key.
But then I learnt,
and caring was burnt.
So, don't wave your happiness at me.

You came unexpected and briefly;
Like the sun on a cold winter's day.
You dived and soaked in the waters,
and caused ripples through and through.
Changing the surface for a brief moment of eternity.
Now you've bathed and done;
had your fun.
For this I decree:
I am the errors you left me
So please do not wave at me.
Sort of inspired by Keaton Henson's Poem- 'Don't twitch your curtains at me'. Go look him up. He's a great renaissance man.
 Dec 2014 Marie-Chantal
Mark Ball
Old and frayed are those sleeves.
From the many tricks
that have been worn upon,
and then
washed from them.

They have seen better days,
And have lost their vibrance
From careless machine washes.
But there could be a few more
Hearts left up those sleeves.
Such a ****** mess
Greed at your hand
And selfishness

drunk toothless death  
As you and ** and you **
But it's perfectly fine
under blankets of snow

Staring at lights
While I kick in the tree
Smashed glass on the floor
decorative glitter debris

And you give all you have
To those who can't eat
So you won't go to hell
When you're finally beat

So once every year
When God's looking down
Remember to give him a smile
and chip in half a crown

Because the rest of the time
Well, who gives a ****
They can make it alone
If they have their very own Christmas ham
Something a little Jolly and festive
 Dec 2014 Marie-Chantal
Mark Ball
It's hard to think clearly through the
"That's Life!"s,
"No work, no play"s,
The "you can do anything you put your mind to"s,
and the "do what makes you happy"s.

It's hard to keep a personality through the
Ifs, buts and indefinite, fluctuating opinions of right and wrong,
him and her, you and me.

It's  hard to keep personal through the
Impersonal means of communication,
Retold stories,
and the disatisfying interactions between you
and the people you have chosen. The people
who you believed had chosen you.

It's hard finding me through all of this
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