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 Oct 2015 penn
Jimmy Hegan

Welcome Note  every one is invited in my heart
Everyone is thank full for their bounty full love
Everyone is Cheers up in my heart
Everyone's feeling ,thoughts ,talk and love is in my heart and mind
It never erases from my mind and heart
It never forget from my thoughts
God Blessing to everyone who admire's me from heart
May God Bless their work, occupation and desires.
Great full to everyone.

 Oct 2015 penn
 Oct 2015 penn
The cold comes in,
ricochets like a
tennis ball
off every
corner, crevice
pore, stormy
gusts of wind
I breathe in,
skin is no
barrier I am
the elements
carrier, organs
coastal &
lungs tidal sea,
I am nature
& nature is me.
 Oct 2015 penn
Jillian Elcie
Do not fall in love with an artist;
Her mind is both a framework
And a disarray
Of jumbled sentiments.
And once you embed yourself
Within her horizons,
She’ll fathom you into a masterpiece.
She’ll draw the way your lips form words
With mesmerizing hues
And bind your love
Into a collection of poetic utterances
And she’ll make an inconsequential language
Into an unconventional expression.
She’ll pluck strings
To embody the way your chest
Rises against her ear with each breath;
She’ll make you fall in love with creativity.
And one wrong move,
And you’ll become a masterwork in her array.
 Oct 2015 penn
all we do is wait.
wait for the world to change.
wait for the world to end.
well i never was very patient.
if you had a suicide note what would it say?
comment yours, i'm curious. :)
 Oct 2015 penn
 Oct 2015 penn
Scratched letters among  fragile pages
Echoing the  melody that is so ageless
I heard them once and still remember:
The song of forest rivers in November

And far -away birds' bittersweet ring
Reflected from mind in sudden swing  ;
A handful of warmth in cold winter
I carried in a heart, -  my love's splinter.

Let tears exhibit feelings as beautiful
As lost of them made present dreadful
Do not know why  I was given to you,
But I let the road lead me as you did too.

Don't be quite- paint a sky on a window
And will be new sunrise on old meadow.
Beyond the horizon the promised place ,
Where fluffy clouds move in swift pace-

It's all what I will take there with me
It's all what I will let after me to be.
 Oct 2015 penn
No Roses
 Oct 2015 penn
There will be no roses on my grave
I do not want the red to mark where I lay
No people will mourn my life gone away
All the animals will retreat to the cave

People should cry at this untimely death
But no need to make so many trips
Because I just want to part my lips
And speak all the words that I once kept

There will be no fancy funeral
The coffin will shape who I am
I want them to remember who I was when
I didn't believe the race was so futile

So there will be no roses on my grave
Instead lay down lilacs
So every spring my scent will come back
And it will remind only you to be brave
 Oct 2015 penn
Dear Miss Melancholy,
I write constantly of how you affect me
you're like a guest
who overstays their welcome
in my head
and in my heart.
You seem to keep me all together
yet you constantly tear me apart.
And sometimes I think
that I will miss your constant presence,
but then I remember,
I will not miss Miss Melancholy
because she enjoys my sadness
and loves making me bleed
for reasons that are not clear to me.
© Tatiana
 Oct 2015 penn
Tess Calogaras
My mind is a stuffed disease
through clouded eyes and

my face feels faint and shallow.
Quiet hands and drooling lids;
Broken confidence
through months of solitude

hidden feelings that showed their presence 
between self doubt.

The way she smiles

or the way she looks at you
how every girl wants a boy to look at her.

I know she wants


to stretch hands;
I swallow
nerves and puke.
Disgorged in my throat,

she sat.

Smiling up at me,

her face so hopeful,
her hands stretched 
like mine once stretched to him.

Away she walks beyond my mind
frisking her feet, 
nuzzled in.

I want to keep her.

Hold her against my chest
and live like primary school kids.

In single beds

with christian hands

looking for God
in paper notebooks.

That extended grip,
and I don’t know how to touch her
Copyright © 2015 Tessa Calogaras.
All Rights Reserved
 Oct 2015 penn
 Oct 2015 penn
If there's a fight every day,
does any mind exist to stay?

I've been thinking of overgrown vines
and broken stone walls.

The air just doesn't
taste as green anymore

How can anyone deny that?

The urge to connect,
and ascend
is not to ever ignore.

The only happiness I know
comes from memories
of vines and stone.

here are my limbs.
And there is the moon.
My only request
is that you don't untangle
the overgrowth
that makes the bond possible.
 Oct 2015 penn
"People treat you like damaged goods
or ticking time bombs,
as if you’re some oddity
they would never understand
even when they don’t know a thing about you.
You are not some machine to be fixed.
You are not a problem.
You are not a burden.
You are a person
healing from the hurt,
finding warmth
under the rain
and wonder
under the stars.
And late at night
as you share
your stories
I feel like the Earth,
and remembering,
while you are the Moon,
and you are glowing."
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