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Jul 2017 · 205
War on War
Alec Jul 2017
I see you every day
Watch you as you take your toll and demand your pay
Third world countries
Praying for help, praying for something
People in power trying to help out
But when you arrive those people start to doubt
The things you leave in your wake
The sympathy others fake
The innocence you take
The minds and bodies you ****!
You take, and take, and take!!
But what do you give?!
When you never end but only begin!
How do we help the family you break?
The children you make afraid?
You hold the future in your hands
But I'd rather pry it from your cold, dead ones that the soldiers and civilians you sift straight through like sand.
What do we say to the widows? The parents? The children? The friends? The neighbors??
How do WE fill the holes YOU leave in the broken-hearted?!
Anger and wrath pouring into those holes like cement, weighing them down when they think about those that have parted.
When is enough, enough?
Will you ever stop pretending you're helping? Will you ever get called on your bluff?
The lives you steal...
By teaching others to ****.
Enemies and allies,
Are you DEAF to the MILLIONS of outcries?
"Please. Stop."
Simple words from simple people with the most complex of pain, only showing a single teardrop.
Bombs are dropped! Grenades are thrown! Wounds needing to be sewn!
There goes an arm, a leg, the eyes, the mind.
They want you? Despite the pain that follows closely behind.
Who wants words where bullets will suffice?
We think we control you but really you hold the cards AND roll the dice.
Leading us FAR away from paradise.
Yes, you can be useful and helpful but st what cost?!
All the money, time, and people we have lost??
When is enough, enough!
When we're broken and bloodied, finally realizing we aren't that tough?
When we're just scraps of a former novel?
When we're nothing but dust and fossils.
So I ask you again,
As Humanity is unable to defend.
Through the suffering and pain,
Through the tears you see as a game!
Hoping that you'll see the hurt and destruction and will change.
Just for a minute, stop being so tough.
And decide.
When is enough, enough?
Jul 2017 · 587
Like You
Alec Jul 2017
I brought you here
to say some words
cuz it's time for me to admit
that I'll be here
that I still care
cuz I won't leave you alone
At least not here
At least not now
Cuz I like you
Like like you
Not platonic feelings
I like you
I'm sorry that
it took so long
For me to say
how I feel
I know it's wrong
To stay hidden
But what was I to say
What was I to do
This is all sort of new
But I need you here
Right by my side
Don't leave me girl
Cuz I need to say
That I like you
Like like you
Not platonic feelings
I like you
Wanna hold your hand
When you're feeling sad
Wanna make you smile
Wanna stay awhile
With you
If you want me to
Cuz I like you
Like like you
Not platonic feelings
I like you
So what do ya say
Wanna sail away
To a far off land
To hold my hand
To share your smile
To stay awhile
With me
Cuz I like you
Like like you
Not platonic feelings
I like you
Do you like me
Like like me
Not just a phase
Do you like me
I'll be here
I'll be there
Anywhere for you
If you want me to
Cuz I like you
Like like you
Not platonic feelings
I like you
Like like you
I like you
Jul 2017 · 295
My Lady
Alec Jul 2017
My lady of the sea
Oh how I miss thee
Oh how beautiful you are
Waving to me from afar
The secret language you speak to me
Beckons me to the sea
The way you wave as I come and go
It seems as though you know things I don't know
My lady of the sea
Do you wait for my return?
To tell me all your secrets so that I may learn?
Do you yearn to embrace me once again?
You are, after all, my longest truest friend.
Will you sing to me?
My lady of the sea?
My darling dearest who calls me to her side
Do you wait for me to embrace your riptides?
My lady of the sea
One day I will answer that call that beckons me
I will go forth into your arms and fall
To my deepest sleep you will sing so I am lulled.
My lady of the sea
Oh how I wait to embrace thee.
Jul 2017 · 195
Words Never Said
Alec Jul 2017
You've infiltrated my brain without knowing
Every time I make you smile it leaves me glowing
Every time my phone lights up
My heart will jump
Is it you?
And I smile too.
Do you think about me?
If you did it would fill me with glee
I'm not good in person
My part of the conversation forced in.
Wanting to look at you unabashedly
So beautiful, and kind.
But here I am afraid to use any pick up lines
Would you care if I did?
Or would my fate be sealed with a lid.
What would you say?
Force a smile and an okay?
Ignore me like I'm not there
For all of these things I am unprepared.
Which is why I say nothing
Which will never turn into something,
But what can I do?
You'd think I lost a few screws.
Averting your gaze when you look at me,
Hoping maybe my stare was not the first thing you'd see.
A habit, it's become.
It's impossible to be undone
When I talk I make eye contact with everyone else
Heck, even that plant on the shelf.
You, however are a much different story
How can I see you without gazing at your glory.
Your eyes are a complete distraction
They seem to call for my action.
But fear of what you would say
Causes me to avert any gaze
What would I ever say?
I have no original ideas, the most I say is hey.
For that i apologize
If I had the guts I might roll the dice.
I would have had I not been afraid
Wasted an entire plan I had made.
I was going to ask you to be my date
To more than just formal if you took the bait.
Formal was going to be my start
To court you would become my new art
But these things you will never know.
Why? Well because I said so.
If you do read this
Then give me a kiss
Haha I'm kidding you won't know who you are
If it is you, you won't figure it out, you wouldn't think that far.
If you asked who it was and demanded a straight answer.
I might not prance around it like a dancer.
I would most likely be honest
But I would not completely express my fondness.
Of course none of this matters, especially not the feelings I list
Why? Because you will never read this.  
It says so in the title you read.
What is it again? Oh yes
Words never said
Jul 2017 · 368
Should we lie again?
Alec Jul 2017
I don't want us to be stuck in our head
I don't want us to have nightmares on end
I don't want us to be afraid
I don't want us to always be worried about hate
I don't want us to have to hide
I don't want us to have to lie
I don't want us to be uncomfortable in our skin
Waiting one day for a new life to begin
I don't want to watch us cry
Because we had to add a new string to our web of lies
I want us to be happy
To live the life we want
To stop having someone else be what's in front
I want us to be what people see and know
Instead of someone else who is fake and just for show
I want us to find our smile
Instead of forcing one every once in awhile
I want us to be us
I don't want us to hide because we are afraid of those we should trust
I want us to talk to them
So we don't have to lie again and again
I know we're afraid of something we don't know will happen
But what if we got an unwelcoming reaction?
Should we tell the truth and suffer the pain our own personal hell might send?
Or should we lie again?
Jul 2017 · 303
Death Row of My Own
Alec Jul 2017
The space around me
******* all the air from the room
My eyes are veiled by the gloom
Blank walls with bland furniture
Every time I turn it's her
Oceans escape my eyes
The mirrors surround me, staring straight into the lies

It's her and then it's them and then it's everyone
I'm locked in, I can't escape what I've done.
Watching them stare straight into my soul
Looking right through me as though I'm not even whole.
Running running running
But where to go

When I'm trapped in this mirror maze
Wandering in a daze
"Have I been here before? Did I already see this?"
Is there even an exit, why is it so ****** easy to miss.
I glance down at ruby red paint

Paint? Is that why I feel faint?
It's dripping to the floor.
Maybe this can help me find the door!
The cold eyes that stare into my soul
Realizes things I do not know
Hears sounds that do not register in my brain.

Metal clinks hitting floor, light reflecting off of red and glass, "why am I in pain"
Hands shaking, trying to regain control
I didn't cross a bridge why do I have to pay a toll
A shockwave washes over my undead corpse
Breathing is equivalent to being plunged into freezing water, trying to take deep breaths while my head is pounding with force

Am I even alive?
If I jumped off the Empire State would I learn how to fly
Falling falling falling
The people in the windows I soar by are bawling?
Do they know I'll be fine
If I just slowly land on the line

Is time accelerating or slowing to a halt
Someone's screaming "It's all my fault!"
No it's not?
I'm hanging in open air, suspended above the parking lot
Everything is frozen and yet my adrenaline is pumping
My body shakes like a house in an earthquake, rhythmically thumping

The hustle and bustle of the city is deafeningly silent
My mind can't think, there's a hole in my head, it's just a dent.
Pecking pecking pecking
Two birds with one stone
Just the woodpecker and me.
Or me alone

Is the woodpecker real?
Does it cause the pain I feel?
Is that even real?
My mind is hazy
My world goes black
I'm falling, falling, falling
I can't fly but can I take a nap?

Electricity crackles in the open air
Is that a breeze?
Dust looms over my nose and I sneeze. Rubbing my eyes like a kid on christmas day
How did I get saved?
The maze of mirrors holds an open door.
Skid marks are left on the floor

Sneakers squeaking
Eyes are leaking
I can see MY OWN reflection as I dash past.
None of them or her or anyone else
Only me alone.
And I'm ready to go home.
Jul 2017 · 850
Sun-kissed scent
Alec Jul 2017
Red hot glory
Is what I see in the morning
Inner halo of angelic light
Or perhaps a phoenix in flight
Feathers ablaze
Leaving a trail of grass covered in a fiery glaze.
Dimly lit fingers beckoning out
Reaching toward those filled with self-doubt.
A shooting star
A landed wish to end the universal war?
Surrounded by its family
An asteroid belt that impacted softly in the soil upon landing?
A family of blazing light
And morning's glory
That's meant for soaring
The very inspiration for what the Sun's got
Looks so out of place in this parking lot.
Jul 2017 · 389
Seeing a freeway
Alec Jul 2017
Look at all the people.
People just like me.
Look at the cites that are up to the stars type of full.
A-glow with their own universe of stars.
and love only compared to the embrace of two hearts.
and the strength of the animal trampling the one who grabs its horns. For they are but a red blanket in the eyes of the bull.
The cities that thrive and pulse with life, so much so that trying to take them down amounts to null.
But keep looking around, what other treasures could there be?
Do you see?
The grassy seas that roll and crash around our world
Look at the sparkles and stripes
Look at the lights
Look at the swirls of the sky
The paint mixing in with the setting sun
Look at all the different blue, orange, red, and purple dyes.
Seek the see-through walls of the surrounding metal boxes that weigh "so many" tons.
What do you see in the eyes of the people inside?
What are their secrets? What do they hide?
Are they agents or members of a cult or the so-called perfect family?
Watch them and your minds eye will begin to soar
Just from a little bit of staring past a car door.
Making them characters and you the creator of their stories
******* you through the vortex, forgetting all your worries
On the road
Heading to or from home
A smile snakes it's way onto your lips
From the worlds you can create when your mind un-zips.
Alec Jul 2017
Eyes wide open, but refuse to see.
Why not a smile?
In it I can taste the bile.
Why not tears?
Or saying cheers?
You would watch me. Make sure I'm safe and sound.
But my eyes are hollow underground.
The surface shows what I decide
But underneath, I am me, hollow. But I have already lied.
Can you take back something you aren't truly sorry for?
Or will those same demons come back, begging for more?
No. DEMANDING for it
And I just watch, while I idly sit.
I always thought myself a fighter.
But you can't burn a match without a lighter.
Here I am in the crowd
Watching from the upside down.
Feeling a presence but how to communicate
Or by the time I say something, will it be too late?
Just a hollow look, portraying a hollow soul.
If no one wants me to follow them, perhaps I won't fall down a rabbit hole.
I'd rather be seen as empty and hollow
Than be used and abused by those I know.
I may be empty to the world
But am I truly empty to me?
Jul 2017 · 236
Rose-covered steel
Alec Jul 2017
I crave it's feel
The devil and I might even make a deal
To worship it, I kneel.
The smooth and cold steel
Enhances the danger it brings
As if a siren luring men to their death it sings.
Sharp and beautiful like a rose
Red colors blossoming and ******
Flowing down to the sink that it's flooding
The steel is red and dripping
My mind is slipping
I worship the steel that hurts me
But keep my scars hidden to the world, unseen
But after every slice and dice why am I still unhappy?
Perhaps because the steel that I love will never love me
Jul 2017 · 596
A Look
Alec Jul 2017
What is this feeling?
Is this, something new?
What is this feeling?
I'm singing a strange tune.
What is this feeling?
That's taking over me,
It works unseen.

What is this feeling?
That rattles my bones
What is this feeling?
Like the warm embrace of home
What is this feeling?
That's teaching me somehow
Why am I learning this, right now?

What is this feeling?
That brings me to life
What is this feeling?
Like a burning hot knife.
It stabs into me,
But I can feel no pain.
At least, not now.

What is this feeling?
With its magical math
What is this feeling?
It's forging its own path
What is this feeling?
Why doesn't 1+1= 2,
What is this feeling?
My mind is ablaze.
What is this feeling?
I'm getting the shakes.

What did I eat?
Am I high?
Up in the sky?
Or did I leap
Into the waters
To me.
What is this feeling?
I'm plunged in cold water
What is this feeling?

My adrenalines high,
My minds in the sky,
I'm not coming down,
I don't think I know how.

What is this feeling?
Like wolves of wind trampling through grass.
Unseen, and unheard, but still known.
What new path is being shown?
What is this feeling?
This ambrosia to be
What is this feeling?
It's liquid gold to me.

What is this feeling?
My heart is aghast
What is this feeling?
Im getting up oh so fast
What is this feeling?
After a moment just like that,
My head is swinging
Like an acrobat.

And like a cheetah
Chasing a gazelle,
My heart is racing.
What a tale this will be to tell,
Someday soon.
What is this feeling?
I've been struck by a harpoon,
Being reeled out of the sea.
Do you see?

In just a moment,
Something's happened to me.
I could swear I saw a divine
In their eyes.
For just a fleeting moment,
I saw my opponent.
In this game,
And an arrow took its aim.

What is this feeling?
Propelling me forward.
All that I know is,
They aren't running to the door.
And for a moment
This feeling makes me complete,
It tastes so sweet.
Like candy to my heart and soul,
Will I achieve my goal?

Where is this hope from?
What has this feeling done to me,
How do I plea?
When my heart is set.
Pulling its strings
I'm just the marionette
Following its commands,
Holding out my hand.
And they seem glad.

What is this feeling?
It came roaring like thunder.
What is this feeling?
I'm being pulled right under.
What is this feeling?
After just a moments look...

Is that all, it took?
To make me fall.
A fleeting moment,
Became an eternity to me
Words flowing out of my heart that I don't understand.

Even if it's to end in tragedy
That fleeting moment,
And the feeling that soared through my soul,
As two pairs of eyes met,
Becoming half of a whole.
This feeling,
Meant everything to me.
Jul 2017 · 399
Alec Jul 2017
it doesn't matter how smart I am
it doesn't matter that solve sudoku on the sand
it doesn't matter that the gears in my head turn constantly
it doesn't matter that I try to be as fair as I can be
it doesn't matter how hard I try
it doesn't matter that I know it's manly to cry
it doesn't matter that I have so many people who care about me
it doesn't matter that I need glasses to see
it doesn't matter that I go to the gym
it doesn't matter that I've technically never broken a limb
it doesn't matter that I've set up my life goals
it doesn't matter that I wear out my shoes until there's holes in the soles
it doesn't matter that I don't believe in a god
it doesn't matter that I don't know a guy named Todd
it doesn't matter that I like grapes
it doesn't matter that ripped paper gets taped
it doesn't matter if I'm in love
it doesn't matter that I saw a pretty dove
it doesn't matter that I got hit by a car
it doesn't matter that a 3 hour time difference seems far
nothing matters to you
nothing matters to sue
nothing matters to me
nothing matters so there's nothing to see
there is no outside as long as you are trying to get out
you want to find an exit but you will begin to doubt
they tell you it's there and that you just need to find it
but it's much easier to just sit
enjoy the fleeting moments of sanity
WARNING! they may or may not be filled with vanity
watch as your world is turned upside down
wonderland, you have found
yes Alice made it out
but she was young and knew not to pout
maybe we are all a little mad
that's why we're all a little sad
or stuck in our minds
chained up or restrained by binds
there is a door
somewhere past all the horror
but we cannot see it
we create the maze where we sit
we keep ourselves from the door
because to leave would truly take our sanity forevermore

— The End —