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Mae Dec 2016
thank you
for the air we breathe, water to drink

for the strength to go against the current
and get lost in a sea of fish

for parents who love selflessly
for friends who became family

for someone who filled the gap
of a heart missing a piece

for mistakes that make us grow
for lessons that we now know

for all the questions and tears
in the meaning of things

for doubts and failures
for still moving forward

for laughter
a good enough reason to live

thank you

for it may not be the best year
but it still paves way for another year
Welcoming 2017 with gratitude and hope! Happy new year to all! :)
Mae Sep 2016
Great things do happen when you least expect it. Today was a good
day. A very good day. I can't believe the joy that a stranger can give without him really knowing it. That simple act of kindness lifted my spirits. I haven't felt this much joy in a very long while. Thank you. Thank you, stranger. Realization has dawned that one can greatly affect another person's life in a positive way. And this feeling made me excited about what the future has in store. I will forever treasure this memory. This unexpected memory.
(an attempt to prose poetry)
Mae Aug 2016
I never imagined we would be this close
That we could exchange crazy, deep thoughts
Things concerning oneself, future, faith
Time, relationships, and adversities
          Just everything under the heat of the sun

I've always admired
Your twisted sense of humor
Your artistic skills
Your brilliant mind
          Especially on how you marvel at life

You've got so much to offer
That the world is not yet ready for
So just sit tight mah brotha
Your time for excellence will soon come
          And I'll be there cheering at the top of my lungs

You are a blessing to the people around you
That you deserve all the happiness
The world has to offer
Happy happy happy birthday, my dear friend
          May God bless you more and more each day
Thank you for being you! <3
Mae May 2016
Everyone thinks they live a happy life
A roller coaster that only goes up
But don't you know?
Behind the cheers and the laughter
The loudest and happiest people
Just put on a show
For others to enjoy
To tell the world
It hasn't got the best of them
Yet deep inside
They've lost
Defeated by their own demons
Thoughts, feelings
All in their heads
Poisoning them
Nonetheless they continue
To live
To laugh
To try
Until the happiness they show
Will actually be genuine someday
Mae Oct 2016
I just badly
need to know
**Was it enough?
I really can't afford to fail another one..
Mae Sep 2016
ask me why
or what or how
do I feel

because honestly
i crave for your

just a little bit of
would have been nice
I've been lost for a while now..
Mae Jul 2016
"You are the way you are
because that's the way
you want to be.
If you really wanted
to be any different,
you would be
in the process of
changing right now."
-Fred Smith
Mae Jun 2016
Letting people down
I guess that's
The only thing
I'm good at
But something
I should be
Really bad at
I'm so sorry..
Mae Jul 2016
the silence was deafening
i could hear our minds scream
Mae Oct 2016
it seems so nice
how very few people
just get you

the way you talk
the way you think
the way you feel

no filters
no walls up
they just *get you
There are people, even strangers, that we just connect to easily. And that connection is so heartwarming :)
Mae Oct 2016
amazing how a
fifteen minute phone call
can change your mood
from rock bottom
to over the moon
A friend just called and she doesn't know how talking to her just lifted my spirits a thousand fold
Mae Jul 2016
you're so caught up
with your own problems
you forget to
count blessings instead
so get up
go out there
crawl if you must
just don't let the darkness
take the best of you
trying hard to still be optimistic
Mae Aug 2016
Six years ago
You entered my room
You were so hurt
That you just cried

Seeing you like that
Broke my heart into pieces
Tears rolled done my cheeks
And I cried with you

Ever since
I couldn't forgive my brother
The person who
Caused you so much pain

But a while ago
You entered my room
For the same reason
I hated him

I can't believe I did this
Disappointing you so much
I hate myself for making you cry
I hate myself for giving up

Ma, I'm so sorry
I hope I can make it up to you
I will make it up to you
I just pray it's not too late
Mae Sep 2016
momentary happiness
was all i needed
to feel
alive again
Mae Jul 2016
Of being so messed up
Of not trusting me
Of not trusting you
Of pressure
Of expectations
Of all the demands
Of giving up
Of all the *******
Of chasing happiness
Of feeling this way
*So. *******. Tired.
Mae Nov 2016
is Prince Charming really out there
or am I waiting for no one
am I a damsel in distress
or just looking for reasons
not to save myself
Mae Jul 2016
take me back
to when life was oh so simple
when all we did was laugh over the little things
not because of how messed up things are

can't anyone hear our cries for help?
or are they also dead deep down
ha ha, funny how maybe everyone feels like ****
when all we need is a hand to grip
Mae May 2016
Mae Sep 2016
Talking to you always
Gives me pleasure
Maybe we were meant
To meet each other
No wonder why that
Instant click from the start

Wishful thinking
One might say
But I yearn for the day
For that chance
To spend more time
With each other

Knowing you now
Gives me hope
That I still can be happy
With everything that
Has gone wrong

— The End —