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 Jul 2017 Brittany Zedalis
"Sometimes I tire
of poems
about poets,"*

said the poet.
You're the cement on which I walk
and the language that I talk.
You're the chalk in the dark tunnels
and the door on which I knock.
You're my summer breeze
and my winter solstice.
You're the smile on my face
and my depression soulless.
You're an empty canvas
And I'm A broken paintbrush
You're waves crashing against the shore
and I'm an impatient surfer real bored.
You couldn't care less
and I sacrificed more.
I lost three loves to you
and I love you squared.
I love you, and it's not fair
And you're my everything anywhere.
This is my first attempt at a 10-word poem. I hope to have a collection of ten 10W poems starting with this one, soon!
Where are you?
I've looked for you in the allies and the hills,
Where the rivers meet,
But you've disapperaed somewhere along the way.

The place where my heart blossomed,
And the flowers opened their petals for each other,
The warm springs,
The constant coolness of the wind,
Have you blown with the wind too?

I miss the beating of your heart,
Your soft whispers at night,
Your fragile lips whwen they touch mine,
I miss the sweet soft essence of your hair.

You've slipped away from my hands,
And you flew where the wind went,
Setting yourself free,
Into the light,
Where you are nothing but a memory in my head,
And the place we've built together will always be known as Roseland,
And your name will forever live in the cosmos.
It sent water
Gushing down
My  c h e e k s
Lacks integrity:
A loved one
Being kidnapped. .
Taken away in an
E n v e l o p e,
And I can't remember how
I am crying
Over a paper.
Yeah, my love one was kidnapped in my dream. And I cant understand how a love one could be a paper I'm crying all over for. A human paper? -_-

This drean is from a minute ago
Once I had a friend
    and soulmate,
we were dreamin’
we could fly away
    with the wind;
    but knowing
wings are for angels,
we stood transfixed
  beneath the light
  a sky full of stars

hanging onto a dream      
we clutched so tightly,
      perched high
      on the edge
      of the world,
wondering how far
     and how high
the great wide open
     sky blue skies

believing the power
  of kept promises ―
you said you’d forever
   catch me if I fall ―
letting go of the fears,
 blindfolded hope
clinched so deeply,
    hanging onto
a wing and a prayer

I guess I wanted it
     far too much
     reaching out
  like a thirsty fool
grasping for a mirage ―
teetering on the brink
    unspoken love,
   a vast unknown
  threshold beyond

with eyes wide open
throwing caution afar ―
   in a leap of faith
I reached ― out of reach
   into the mystic wind ―
    believing in dreams,
      in destiny's tease:
       I’d learn to fly
         before I hit
        the ground

but now I’m perpetually
          free fallin’
  I see the empty space
   all around me pass
a fleeting lifetime lost ―
   still  you’re nowhere
       to be found ―
    and I remember
what’s been forgotten:

       how far down
  rock bottom befalls
  when your spinning
    round and round
      like dust eddies
        in a fog bank
      lost in the wind                             .
March 31st 2017 — words in the wind

"And I see losing love
Is like a window in your heart
Everybody sees you're blown apart
Everybody sees the wind blow"
― Paul Simon
We were born
before the sighs
of surrender

before the twilight
whispered crescendo

before the sad sound
of the wind ―

Ere the raw truth
that tells a story
"eyes that are
the windows
   of the soul" ―

We were born
with eyes wide
     with tears
    that well up
of truth unspoken,

  love arising
a budding flower,..

of fertile heart ―

The wheel of life
turns unbound
an outgoing tide

   as certain as
       abides ―
an unbroken lariat
  until the knot
  comes untied

A lonesome dove coos
  perched upon
deserted garden gate;
its gentle plea segued
into a silent prayer ―

Seasons change;
   supple buds
of forlorn love
― wither,

unsure if we’re alone
         or if
we’re alone together (?)!

                                                  ­  ­    ­         .

"Through a foggy window in the rain
When you thought no one was watching,
Going through your memories
Like so many prisons to escape
And become someone else
With another face
And another name" excerpt from :
"Through The Window" by Chris Cornell
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