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 Jul 2014 Liz
Joe Wilson
 Jul 2014 Liz
Joe Wilson
The love that binds our sensitive hearts
Has powers so full of magic
Upsetting its delicate balance
Can cause damage so often tragic.

With all your heart you must work at love
Stay the course, don’t falter
The heart responds to kindness
For true love not to alter.

The heart is such a mighty thing
It will guide you through your day
Its steady beat sustaining life
As your emotions find their way.

Look after your heart, follow its lead
And you may yet find love
It’s as sure to be about you
As there are the stars above.

©Joe Wilson – Heart 2014
 Jul 2014 Liz
Joe Wilson
They set out together a long time ago
there was a keenness to their gait
whatever was going to be thrown at them
they’d take in their stride and then leave to fate.

They made many new friends along the way
with hearts so stout and true
and some friends are with them still today
’cause they’re good people through and through.

Their journey took them far and wide
it has been one hell of a ride
there were hardships aplenty along the road
but they never left each other’s side.

And now they are here in the twilight years
the journey’s not over for them yet
the gait is less keen and they have their fears
but they've got plenty of mileage in them yet.

©Joe Wilson – Keep going…2014
 Jul 2014 Liz
Rivers of love flow from her letters
I bathe in her words such beautiful weather
All that I am and all that’s to come
I promise her love, my living life sum

She appeals to my senses like a basket of flowers
Love raining down like a gentle spring shower
A star in the night just south of the sky
A stairway to Eden in her sparkling eyes

The sweetness of honey, the dew of the mist
The warmth of the noon sun found in her kiss
She’s an early spring thaw, she’s a midsummer night
She’s a fresh autumn breeze and a wintry delight

To the innocent she’s a princess who guides and protects
To the broken she’s a maid who cleans up the mess
To the fallen she’s an angel forgiving all sins
Her mercy is proven, her compassion no end

She’s all of these things and so much more
She’s obviously the one that I adore...
Traveler Tim
re to 12-17
This is dedicated to all you HP poetess who warm my ever frozen heart.
All thoughts, all passions, all delights,
Whatever stirs this mortal frame,
Are all but ministers of Love,
And feed his sacred flame.

Oft in my waking dreams do I
Live o’er again that happy hour,
When midway on the mount I lay
Beside the ruined tower.

The moonshine stealing o’er the scene
Had blended with the lights of eve;
And she was there, my hope, my joy,
My own dear Genevieve!

She leant against the armed man,
The statue of the armed knight;
She stood and listened to my lay,
Amid the lingering light.

Few sorrows hath she of her own,
My hope! my joy! my Genevieve!
She loves me best, whene’er I sing
The songs that make her grieve.

I played a soft and doleful air,
I sang an old and moving story—
An old rude song, that suited well
That ruin wild and hoary.

She listened with a flitting blush,
With downcast eyes and modest grace;
For well she knew I could not choose
But gaze upon her face.

I told her of the Knight that wore
Upon his shield a burning brand;
And that for ten long years he wooed
The Lady of the Land.

I told her how he pined: and ah!
The deep, the low, the pleading tone
With which I sang another’s love
Interpreted my own.

She listened with a flitting blush,
With downcast eyes and modest grace;
And she forgave me, that I gazed
Too fondly on her face!

But when I told the cruel scorn
That crazed that bold and lovely Knight,
And that he crossed the mountain-woods,
Nor rested day nor night;

That sometimes from the savage den,
And sometimes from the darksome shade,
And sometimes starting up at once
In green and sunny glade,—

There came and looked him in the face
An angel beautiful and bright;
And that he knew it was a Fiend,
This miserable Knight!

And that, unknowing what he did,
He leaped amid a murderous band,
And saved from outrage worse than death
The Lady of the Land;

And how she wept, and clasped his knees;
And how she tended him in vain;
And ever strove to expiate
The scorn that crazed his brain;—

And that she nursed him in a cave;
And how his madness went away,
When on the yellow forest-leaves
A dying man he lay;—

His dying words—but when I reached
That tenderest strain of all the ditty,
My faltering voice and pausing harp
Disturbed her soul with pity!

All impulses of soul and sense
Had thrilled my guileless Genevieve;
The music and the doleful tale,
The rich and balmy eve;

And hopes, and fears that kindle hope,
An undistinguishable throng,
And gentle wishes long subdued,
Subdued and cherished long!

She wept with pity and delight,
She blushed with love, and ****** shame;
And like the murmur of a dream,
I heard her breathe my name.

Her ***** heaved—she stepped aside,
As conscious of my look she stepped—
Then suddenly, with timorous eye,
She fled to me and wept.

She half enclosed me with her arms,
She pressed me with a meek embrace;
And bending back her head, looked up,
And gazed upon my face.

’Twas partly love, and partly fear,
And partly ’twas a bashful art,
That I might rather feel, than see,
The swelling of her heart.

I calmed her fears, and she was calm,
And told her love with ****** pride;
And so I won my Genevieve,
My bright and beauteous Bride.
 Jul 2014 Liz
Amitav Radiance
Rip off the masks
Veiled remarks are scathing
Speak from the heart
The words that do not hurt
Come with true identity
To instill faith in humanity
 Jul 2014 Liz
eunsung aka Silas
I awoke with fatigue and pain,
but my soul lifts with renewed hope
as Love floods my heart, cleansing it
 Jul 2014 Liz
eunsung aka Silas
O beloved, Your love is not a drug,
a substance that keeps me bound and trapped.

In my experience,
Love is not a compulsive impulse,
but a feeling of coming home.

In being loved and loving,
I become a little more free to
once again be the little boy that loves freely

Your love is not addictive, because
no drug can free me from the ******* of self

Beloved, my love for You grows from mutuality and commitment
A love that frees
 Jul 2014 Liz
all around
 Jul 2014 Liz
i try to move on
but you're in every place i look
you're the flowers in the garden
you're the pages in my book

i try to move on
but i see you everywhere
you're the bluebird in the birdbath
and i feel you in the air

i try to move on
but there's really no escape
you're the coral in the ocean
you're the fish found in the lake

i try to move on
but i fear that it's too soon
you're the ticking of the clock
and the peeling paint that's in my room

i try to move on
but i feel you in the night
you're the words i can't choke out
and you're the shadow to my light

you're the daisy chain i made
you're the glasses that i lost
and it really is a shame
because i loved you quite a lot

not a whisper, not a sound
but i feel you all around
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