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 Jul 2014 Liz
SE Reimer
searching he finds her, wounded daughter, his wife

there on a wind-punished coast

at the edge of an ocean, some call “despair”

bruised and torn, lost and alone

heart at the edge of eternity’s precipice

he calls to her as she lay

only lifting her head, too feeble to rise

he kneels at her battered side

her dress is in tatters, 

with soil and blood spattered
he reaches gently to touch her cheek

his smile reassuring

like harbor to her storm-tossed ship

voice quiet and soothing

he beckons her weary soul

strong arms now surrounding

cradles her heart pounding

love, his potent elixir 

fuels her smoldering lantern

the light of his spirit

enveloping, warming her

healing, transforming her

breathing life into her darkness

stirring her soul

kindling a fire long cold

his life-giving water 

he whispers, gently calls her

refreshing, awakening, re-fueling

she drinks deeply as he pours himself out

then slowly he gathers her into his arms

"you’ve been sleep walking, my love

let me hold you, my dove"

he carries her back to their bed

where murmuring softly she says

"dark i’ve been dreaming

i awoke myself screaming 

i was lost and alone, 

all bruised and torn"

drawing her close, he’s stroking her hair

*"i know, darling, he whispers
i was there"
to my love, my only, forever and always!!

— The End —