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And there in, so much spoken
In a world ruled by the broken
Aloud, and silently, we scream
I prefer not reality, but the dream
Here, in this world, apart
The norm, is to bury ones heart
The echoes, of the burdened, so loud
And I, I would stay in the clouds
My heart honestly, is non-existant
And reality, I keep, at a distance
Time, bares no weight with me
All of it consumed, by a forgetful sea
Memoirs, of a time long since past
I remember, Forever, never lasts....
Preserve your heart for someone who’s eager’
To make a home in the flesh of your heart,
Someone who’s eager to swim in your skin,
Someone who’s eager to have you completely,
Someone who’s eager to love you deeply,
Save your heart the broken!

By: Nida Mahmoed.
Write with me

I want to hurt you
Mark your skin
My territory
My personal sin

Lock me up
Put me away
I'll let you order me
Like room service, as you say

I want to inject you
Directly into my vein
My new drug
Beautiful pain

Be my straight jacket
Hold me down
Be the addiction
To which I'm bound

Please finish, Sir,

"You asked me to finish it
Dare I say, I cannot
I'd need you beside me,
Screaming when to stop

I'm not sure where I begin
Or when or if, you ever end
Time is but an icicle,
After reading what you send

So grab those silver bracelets
And lock me into place
You can throw away the key
So long as I see your face

I'd crush the states between us
Set fire to all the land
If it meant bringing you closer
To my trembling, Cold hands

Warm me up?
Not a question
But my demand"

And thus, I quiver
Far beyond shake
Just the thought of your skin
Causes the earth to quake

Cold hands?
Please, let me heat them up
And when I'm filled with you
Over fill my "cup"

Spill yourself
Deep inside
What's left of me

Do with me
As you please,
Because for you,
I'd stay on bent knees
A collaboration with Sir WCA. His words are in quotation. Mine are not. Isn't he great?
Silence teaches you how
to be afraid of your thoughts
to love the voices
to hear static
to enjoy the crackle
to be sinister.

Silence teaches you how
to welcome pain
to inflict pain
to be perverse
to poison.

Silence teaches you how
to lose yourself
to feel the snaps
and the booms
to harm
and to tap and shiver.
Well hell,
Its nearly that day again
Ain't it swell?
All the pretend happy couples
Holding hands and lying to one another
Spending ridiculous amounts of money on candy in fancy boxes
Diabetes wraped beautifully,
Fat *** at no extra charge
Ah and the flowers,
That will sit in a vase and die in four days tops
Then be thrown in trash
And all the given faux or real jewelry
Shiny ****, to deflect from the dullness of the lies spread about like fertilizer, manure
Stinking, much in the same way

Happy Valentine's Day
 Feb 2017 Livia-savage Reign
While the sun melts in daughter shades of marble,
My feet daring to touch the very bottom of this enveloping blue,
And the day howls alive with its elements clean,
Curtains of sand are spilling their secrets anew.

Skipping stones, what remained were the same hands,
The same lifelines illuminated in rivers of green,
A memory carried under the weight of two eyelids,
An unkempt heart stealing a breath of where it's been.

So when the brilliance of emerald fades in flakes of brutal gray,
An untouched moment of serenity will somehow stay.*

● ● ●
hanging by threads
from the core
her trapped heart
with a hurting soul

blades of lies
penetrates digging holes
of deep darkness
leaving emptiness within

her clawed face
and sadden soul
she fears death
covered in tears

worry lingers through
her confused brain
staining her mind
black with pain

her heart echos
the false love
the promised illusion
and poisoned temptation

dripping wet eyes
filled up with
tears of hesitation
crying for solitude

hung in sorrow
chained against walls
of dark depression
reflecting yesterday's rain

around her neck
a tightened noose
coated with barbwire
hurt and pain

left all alone
with no mask
concealing the shadows
choking her soul

leading her through
a loneliness maze
loosing the shape
of her whole

the lost young
girl she was
has completely vanished
into thin air

now she is
a confused woman
living in her
own garden's hell
Inspiring image --
Put your arms around me
Pull me in close
Surround my soul with your love
Drive me into an overdose
Your skin is my drug
And I can't get enough
Your lips, your tongue
The epitome of my dreams
Your mouth, your hands
Simply touching me
Is all that need
To feel the depths of ecstasy

I'm lost in your world
In your eyes
You've taken control of me
A destiny I cannot deny
I'm yours
Your dreams
Your future
Your happy place
And in your heart
I've found my home
A resting zone for my soul
More exciting than anything I've known
Yet, my most peaceful place to go

Your touch, your eyes,
Your soul and your heart
All of yours entangled with mine
And we shall never part
Dedicated to the love of my life, DaSH.
She sees heaven in his eyes
He sees a hell in her heart
Too many times she's been hurt
and torn all apart
He sees her suffering
She sees that he's trying
But something inside her
Feels like she's dying
She knows it's worth fighting
He knows how much she's struggling
Struggling with pain versus time
Never knowing if she'll make it through
Like she's blind, walking a twisted path
He guides her towards the truth
She falls behind, she's just too tired
He turns around, sees her lying on the ground
Adrenaline kicks in
He has to carry her out of this place
A heavy load to bare, he struggles through
He takes the weight on his shoulders
Pain, sorrow and a lifetime of despair
Knowing she's his one saving grace
He pushes on until he sees the light up ahead
The final stretch, but he feels heaven on his side
Wondering if he'll make it after how much he's bled
And how much he's cried
The bright light awakens her
She holds on tight, crying tears of joy
With a kiss and a laugh they move on together
Cause love is something even hell can't destroy
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