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Jules Sep 2015
"Bring your gumboots and rain coat, we're going on an adventure"

Lost, going around in circles; embarrassing.
Rainy, sick, "Let's go".
Pizza! Closed... cue more embarrassment.

Car rides along the main street, soft music playing
"Can I borrow that towel for my hair?"
Picks place to eat.
"Let's become humans again"

Dry hair, deodorant, changing shoes.
Horn blaring.
"This looks weird. Windows fogging, horn going, scraggly hair"
Awkward belly laughs.

Best avocado burger and aioli chips ever.
Need practise on being spontaneous
Sep 2015 · 478
Jules Sep 2015
Happy Father's Day, Dad*

One day of the year, a thousand emotions
Never pin pointing one
Anger, sadness, frustration, I love him, guilt for not loving him, confusion
Confusion above all for not knowing which to choose

18 years and still not knowing...
My heart aches for him,
My heart aches because of him
Apr 2015 · 813
Break Free
Jules Apr 2015
Going to rip the chains from my body,
Run wild,
Fly high,
Stand back up,
Chains broken,
~ Year 12 thoughts about the future ~
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
Loud Noise
Jules Apr 2015
Thoughts bustle left and right,
Pulling limbs from every direction,
Taunting voices swirling around and around,
Never one louder than the rest,
All loud noise,
Never settling,
An endless static buzz consuming every bone in my body,
Not knowing where to turn,
Forever dizzy,
210 days until still silence
~ Term 2 of year 12, 210 days until graduation.  ~
Apr 2015 · 571
Strip Me Back God
Jules Apr 2015
God, strip me back,
Cast all my demons back to the shadows,
Then mould me, shape me,
Into the person I know, deep down, you created me to be
Hold my hand for the journey is far,
Hold it tight and never let me go,
I need you, God, I can't do it on my own,
Make me vulnerable, make me feel every hurt, let me fall
But drag me up and let your love pour in like floods,
Fill me up,
God, strip me back and create the daughter you destined me to be
Sep 2014 · 1.3k
"It's a Love Hate Thing"
Jules Sep 2014
I loathe the fact that a boy I don't even know can fill me with so much insecurity.
Jules Aug 2014
We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life.

But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for. To quote from Whitman, "O me! O life!... of the questions of these recurring; of the endless trains of the faithless... of cities filled with the foolish; what good amid these, O me, O life?"

Answer: that you are here; that life exists, and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?
RIP Robin Williams <3
Jules Apr 2014
You're honestly the most phenomenal human I've ever met and I wish we could be best friends because you're like the guy version of me and it'd be so much fun to have super awesome sleepovers and get ice cream and shove it in each other's faces and play guitar in candlelight in the living room

2 problems.

You're scared of me because I oogle at you because you think I'm perving on you
If only you knew that all those little glances you caught were me just admiring you being your wonderful self....

And I don't have esteem issues but if I'm going to be honest, you're really incredible in that way that I don't know how to describe you and that's sort of intimidating
Every teenager, boy or girl can relate.
Jules Apr 2014
You hear it all the time
Jesus died for our sins, isn't He great!
Yeh yeh, that's pretty amazing, thank goodness for that

But actually think about it
Just a regular person.... a person who feels physical pain, emotional pain
He let people make fun of Him for claiming to be, basically, magical
No matter how much He proved them wrong, He was still a fraud
Then after all He has done for them, He got nails stuck into Him

Just think about that for a second
He didn't just get cut with nails, they were stabbed through Him
Do you think He wasn't feeling some sort of hatred towards us?
Of course He was
But the point is, He was looking at something greater

He got nails stabbed through himself because He knew we were destined for greater things
He didn't want us to suffer like He had
He wanted us to be able to go and live with His Dad, who we love so dearly for creating this world and everything in it
Even though after all we've done against God, we clearly don't deserve to go and live with Him
We were given a second chance

Now you may just think, He chose to die and got made fun of, big deal
But that isn't it at all
He endured so much more
He went through His entire life being the outcast, being the ******
Everything that came out of His mouth was a lie
Well that's what everyone thought

And even when he physically showed proof, He was still looked down on
And then He goes to save all the people who did this to Him?
What a guy.

Granted, God sent Him down to earth to do this and it wasn't necessarily His idea, Jesus still agreed to do this, despite everything He had been through
He could've easily turned His back on His father and think about it, not sure how many people would agree to such a thing
But He still did it.

So next time you hear of Jesus and how He died for our sins
Don't think it's some old story that doesn't involve us at all
Because it actually does
When Jesus was hanging on a piece of wood with nails in His hands
He was doing it for every person who lived and was to be born
Not just the people who were watching, laughing at Him

He did it for everybody
He did it for you.

Jesus is the most selfless man in history and we should strive to act the way He acted and spoke the way He spoke and He should be our model

And we definitely need to remember everything He did for us :)
Not quite a poem but it's just a little reminded to all Christians out there of how much you're loved and how awesome Jesus is! And hopefully spoke to any non-believers? :D If it did, I encourage you to delve deeper because personally, being a part of Christianity and having the creator or the world as your best friend makes life definitely a whole lot more satisfying and a lot less lonely too! <3
Jules Mar 2014
I want to go to the circus with him and fail at the tricks at home
I want to dance in the rain with him and jump in puddles in gumboots
I want to climb trees with him with binoculars and look over the lake
I want to build a pillow fort with him, with Disney movies and chocolate

Something took a hold of me right in the moment
I accidentally got lost in those eyes first time looking into them
His smile made so happy and I think he noticed because he smiled more
I literally felt sparks and a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart

I didn't plan on this happening, far out
I swore to only fall inlove with myself
Too much pain and love is so overrated
But it was beyond my control

And then cupid's arrows kept hitting me
Just a moment in the pouring rain
I saw myself and a billion adventures together in him
A deep urge to hug him came over me

He's so dorky and cute and sweet and innocent
He wears a big clunky watch and is good at maths and computers
He does acoustic covers of Of Monsters and Men songs
He runs around like a maniac in PE and bashes up his friends playfully

There is no definition and there aren't any rules for love
If you think a person is just the bee's knees, that's love
I'm only young but I know an awesome person when I see one
And God will always hold my heart but man, this human... I adore him

I feel stupid for letting another person contain some of MY own joy
I feel so scared that I fell for just the idea of him like I have once before
But ugh, words can't describe how content my heart is
I refuse to say he erased my pain, because let's not be naive, but wow

One day I hope we get to conquer the world in our pillow fortress

Oops, I fell inlove. Just a reminder to Christians though. Never let someone else other than God have your heart. His love cannot compare to anybody else's in this universe. Let God always be the number 1 man in your life. Don't place your happiness in another person, ever. God will love you every second of the day and you can always count on Him. Thank Him for the blessings He puts in your life but don't take them for granted <3

— The End —