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I want to go back
To when I didn't feel used
I try so hard to show my love
There once was a time when you did too

I wish for romance and flowers
Surprises around every corner
A fairytale life

I've always dreamed of magic and adventure
Always longed for something bigger

There once was a time you made me feel the magic
There was love around every corner
Hope kept knocking at my door

Nothing is the same anymore
I miss the way we used to be
but still I love the way you breathe

I will always love you the same
Don't let the spark die out
I wish you still sent me cute late night text

I dream of magic and romance
Flowers and happiness
A surprise around every corner
I dream of a fairytale life
Sometimes I have to wonder if he still feels the same... Love is such a wonderful complicated thing
I want the taste of your lips in my mouth.
I want to feel every last part of you.
I want you here with me.
In my bed.
Or maybe I should be there with you.
In your bed.
It doesn’t matter.
I just want you.
I want all of you.
I want you know.
I long for the day when you’ll be inside me.

Explore my skin with your lips.
Make me tremble in pleasure.
I’ll return the favor.
I want all of you.
I want you now.
I want you forever.

Come kiss me.
Leave your mark.
Hold me close.
Never let the fire run out.
Come love me with all your soul.
Tell me “I’m yours.”
Don’t ever let my insecurities grow stronger than you.
And love me with all your soul.

I want your touch.
I want it now.
I want the feel of your skin on my skin.
I want to love you with all that I have.
I want to feel you in the most intimate of ways.

I want you in bed with me.
Your place or mine, It doesn’t matter.
I want to lay there.
Your arms around me.
Holding me close.
I can see our life.
I want know one else.
There is only room in my heart for you.
I want you.
Only you.
For eternity.
Take me by the heart
Take me by the hand
Lead me to a distant land
A land where dreams will never fade
A land where joy will never gray

Mysteries and dreams will never end
In this magical world in my head
The skies are so blue when the clouds are away
Sometimes it can rain for days

Take me by the heart
Take me by the hand
Lead me to a very distant land
A land where we will forever stay whole
A land where we will never grow old

Love and lust are welcome here
Care and trust is what we hold dear
Intimacy shared by us
A love that will never end
Take me to the magical world in my head

Take me by the heart
Take me by the hand
Lead me to a distant land
A land where we can rule our own
A land where we will forever be bold

This land holds treasures untold
The treasure is a heart of gold
Loyalty and peace reign in this land
Across the ocean it’s mighty castles stands

Take me by the heart
Take me by the hand
Lead me to a distant land
A land where nothing can keep us apart
A land where love is the best kind of art

My land is a very distant place
Protected by magic no one can mistake
A land where love rules us all
A land where pain has no call

Take me by the  heart
Take me by hand
Lead me to a distant land
A land that calls to both of our hearts
A land where we will never have to part

This land knows not of the cruel injustice of today
This land is innocent
Free from pain
This is the land that owns my heart
A land that only exist in the greatest of art

Take me by the heart
Take me by the hand
Lead me to a distant land
A land that only exist for us
A secret place
No one can touch

In this land there is only love and trust
Intimacy and lust
Loyalty and peace
Innocence nothing else
Take me to this land that knows no pain
Forever ours it will remain

Take me by the heart
Take me by the hand
Lead me to a distant land
A land that only we can reach
A land that knows only peace
A secret kept between us two
Take me to our magic place

Take me by the heart
Take me by the hand
Lead me to a distant land
Time is moving slowly
About as fast as grass grows
The heart of love drops below the ground
Time goes slow
The feeling of fear spreads everywhere
An icy grip covering the world
Oh my sun, Come back
Spread your love and warmth on me
Don't go away
Please... Don't leave me

The icy fear slowly creeps along
Deepening the cold in that dropped heart
Oh my sun, Won't you come back to me now?
Comfort my heart
Warm my freezing faith
Replace it with love

Time is moving slow
My fear grows
Leaving everything around me frozen
Maybe time has completely stopped
But the cold grows on and on
Maybe it will never end
Unless, maybe, you, my sun will return
A gap had grown between me and my love. It's starting to close now but I still wanted to post
If you really love someone
A love true all the way through
Love will never die
It doesn't fade away
If it's a real love
You will love them for all of time
Long after you die
Your love will live on

Love is a mystery
Hard to hold
Sometimes you think its love
When really it's a joke
You'll know when it's real love
Because it makes your past love look like an elementary school crush

Love isn't about words
It's actions
If you love someone
Show them

Love will last through all the ages
You can't get rid of love
Emotions make us who we are
Embrace your love
And who you love
Your love will last for all of time
**Because love will never die
inspired by love don't die- The Fray
To all my "friends"
I want you to know
I want you to know that from now on You're alone.
Don't cry to me for help
Don't **** up to my face
I know to you I'm just a mark you'll erase

To all my "friends"
I want you to know
I'm not a toy you can use
You can't pick me as you please
Just because you're favorite toy is missing
I'm no one's second choice

I gave you guys my all
You just let me fall
There is no trust here
Just rotting walls
What do you say behind my back
On second thought, I don't give a crap.

To all my "friends"
I figured out you're game
And guess what?
I'm done playing

To all my "friends"
I want you to know
I used to live you so much
But people change
Time moves on
Its time for us to go our separate ways
tired of being used by the ones I love
Laying with him
His skin on my skin
I pictured us older, living together
I can see it clearly
While laying with him
I envision our life
How we'll act
Who we'll be
The house sometimes change
We're always the same

Dancing and cleaning
Laughing and smiles
Lazy movie nights
Occasional dates and making love
I see it all while laying with him

I like to think of of living together
No boundaries to hold us apart
One of my biggest dreams
Is sleeping in his arms

I see us making plans
Compromising what we want
I see us together clearly
Forget the rest of the lot
I can see our future
while laying with him
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