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Lela Feb 2020
You don't destroy the person that you love.
Lela Dec 2019
It makes me sick that you've made me write so many poems about you

And they're not even good
It's just expressing how mad I am at you
Lela Dec 2019
Our relationship was too good to be true and I've finally realized that.
You broke the way I see the world with your sweet nothings hugs and love.
I focused on you and only on you, forgetting to have other friends
You were my rock, you were my star
Now it's hard for me to build a relationship with anyone else

You were too good to be true
Hope you'll come back to the fairyland you came from.
For now leave me alone.
Lela Mar 2019
They say I’m too young to feel that way
They say that there’s no way I’ve ever felt pain
But what am I supposed to say, when I feel that way everyday?

I guess I’ll see how it is
But for now, I’m still missing a piece
Of myself

For now I’m still hurting
With no one to comfort me

But I guess I’m okay
That’s... what they say
You’re never too young to feel pain
Lela Dec 2019
This is going to be so hard for me but I know it's the right thing to do
It's time to cut you off and let myself be me and let you be you
I wanted to be your last
I wanted our relationship to last
Guess forever doesn't mean anything
Lela Apr 2019
A year went by
In what feels like a day

My hands are still cold
Soul I don’t know where

You’re still by my side
In What feels like nowhere

I’m glad you’re alright
I still have to get there
I’m really happy to see you smile but please wait for me I’ll get to you in a moment
Lela Feb 2020
Isn't it sad that we're so broken inside that we're suspicious of everything that makes us happy?
Lela Nov 2019
My problem is that I stick to things that make me smile
Just for a while
Just for a minute
One breath of fresh air
One decent memory and I'm already lost inside those things
or poeple
Mostly people if i come to think of it

I cling to people who I think I need
But turns out I really don't need them as much as I think
But I tell mysef that they help me to grow and spread my wings and teach me to just go with the flow
They take me high
But then there's the fall

They don't help you grow
They make you feel high
They make you smile

But drugs aren't good for you my darling
You'll get addicted
And those ******* falls...
They already make you feel so low

Why do you crave a second of happiness even though you know that later you'll regret it all?
I really am addicted to moments that I'll regret later
Lela Dec 2019
So many lyrics running through my head, but why do I even try when I know nobody cares?

I mean, I kinda know why I haven't given up yet.
It's because the hope that's in my heart still holds my hand.

At this point I'm surprised I still even have hope.
My brain has failed but the beating in my chest says enough.
I keep trying. I really do.
Lela Apr 2019
I have so many things I want to do
So many things I want to get through

I want to travel around the world
Do what I want and what I love

So many wants so many needs
I really want to be someone big

But yet still I’m laying in my bed
incapable of getting up and starting a new day
My mental health is holding me back and I hate it
Lela Dec 2019
Why the **** do you keep hurting yourself?
You know the consequences, you know you’ll be in pain.
Why do you still crave that piece of happiness that will last less than a blink? I genuinely do not understand how someone can be so stupid.
So selfish! You only think about the present you, forgetting about the pain that your future self will feel.
I love hurting myself apparently
Lela Dec 2019
It's just the fact that I can't listen to sad songs anymore
You took that away from me

And I couldn't be more happy about it
I lost music but now I have you
Lela Mar 2020
I'm selfish!
I want the whole world to myself!
I want to hold it in my arms and never let go.
But don't you worry, I'll take good care of it.
I will keep it warm and safe.
And trust me when I say: It'll be happy with me, I swear!
No tears will be shed. And even if, I'll wipe them away.
Lela Jan 2020
Sometimes you find a person and you immedlately click.
You think it's for life.
They tell you they won't leave you, that they love you, so you just ignore all the times when they hurt you. You think they're using you, but that's just how relationships work, right?
They make you feel so low. You start to think that there must be something wrong with you, that it's YOUR fault.

Well, I'm here to tell you that it's not. Nothing is your fault. You tried, but you can't keep trying to fix a person that just doesn't want to get fixed. You deserve better than to be treated like you're worth nothing. You deserve someone who will love you for who you are. All your flaws. All your mistakes. That person will make you feel safe. And you won't need to beg on your knees to get a little bit of love.

You deserve  to be happy.
Lela May 2019
You are the light of my life
My morning sun and my evening moon
I want to reach you and stay by your side
Too bad you’re just “not in the mood”
Too bad “you have better things to do”
Because the only thing I do
is think of you

I dream
of you thinking about me too
Sometimes we want to be cared about by the wrong person
Lela Dec 2019
It's time I understand  you're not worthy of my love
And I need to let you go
And and the funniest thing is
You won't even remember they way we kiss
And unfortunately for me
I'll take this moment to my grave.
Honestly go to hell
Lela Dec 2019
I'll put it in the simplest way possible
I am
In love

With you
But without you
Lela Dec 2019
I'm sorry
It's hard
It's hard for you to keep me alive

I'm sorry
I know
I know that you don't want to leave me alone

I'm sorry
Don't call
Don't call me to tell me you'll stay with me through it all

I'm sorry
Just leave
Just leave me to die alone in the dark

I'm sorry
Goodbye to you, the love of my life
Forget about me and move on
Lela Dec 2019
I guess I was okay when the pain felt good
I got used to getting used, used to getting choked
And you’ve changed the way I am
You taught me how to get used to the pain
And I hate to say
It feels awful, but I’m too scared to run away

It hurts to love you
But letting you go would hurt more
I dont even know
Lela Mar 2019
I hate you
But you're a part of me and I don't know what to do

I love you
But you don't make me feel good

I want to leave you behind
And stay strong by myself for once

It's been 6 years
Please give me a chance
Don't know if I would be happy to see you go
Lela Dec 2019
You're like a 1000 pages long book to me
And you won't even let me see what you keep
I want to open you up and study your feelings all day and all night
But I guess you're more like a diary
Or maybe that's what you want me to think
maybe you don't trust me enough
Maybe you don't want me to get scared and run

Please just let me see
I can be your next chapter that's not so mean
Maybe I can help you with your story
Please, don't even worry
Because, you see
I love reading And I'll keep your secrets in my private library
Lela Mar 2019
I saw you smile today, and boy I have to say
that your smile could be mine if you'd let me stay inside for a while

Cuz your smile makes my life turn from gray
to even slightly better than okay

Butterflies when from my tummy to my head
and I don't know if that's okay
but let me in and I'll try my best
to make you smile more than once or twice a day.
:)))))) kind of silly but why not

— The End —