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Aug 2020 · 34
Right or left
If in your shoes , I stand
What is right to you
Might be right to me too...

Distance  apart...
if against you I stand
What is right to you
Is not  to me all right ...

What be my right
What out to be left
No one knows
Unless in my shoes
You stand !!

Never judge others..
From where you stand !!
Aug 2020 · 26
Two sides of a coin
Sea shells on seashore
Shine under bright sun
Stray dogs walk and bark
Few with pieces of bones mouthful
coloured umbrella house two heads
One on the other ready to fall
Steam flying peanuts
Surrounded by kids and matured
Striplings walk like on moon
with boundless joy
Far from other side vibrant tide
Rushes to cast its cheer on all....
Happiness all over....

Few faces on sand gaze fixed
on sky and stars
Few eyes shed tears blended to waters of sea
Painful mind set sight perched to the evolving tide
Some inclined to end breath along with roaring waves...
Darkness spreads.....
Two sides of a coin....
Aug 2020 · 59
Crying heart ..
Fuming mind
Steaming eyes
Absorbing mask...
Seen by none....
The crying heart!!
Aug 2020 · 86
Out on beach together..
We sat intact ,alone on the corners of benched sand dunes
Far away from tantrums of the beach and dwellers
Chatted long of the past present and future..
With no voice overheard, any eyes unnoticed
Perched together with hand in hand
Heart on heart facing head to head
Viewed ocean's happy and furious tides
Thrilled people with rhythms of waves
But silently in a world our own
Cherished our intimacy....
Embraced our lively lovely togetherness
Me and my loneliness !!
Aug 2020 · 135
Speak and write
When I speak
You hear my mind's voice
When I write
You see my mind's voice
Both reflect what's in my mind
No diverse in and out !!..
Aug 2020 · 41
Bridled  with jungled thoughts
In missing your words and acts
feel lost, irrecoverable strange sort
Unknown hustling bustling world
never know the pain held in depth ...
Does whistling wind whirl around world?
Make you realise me and my pain.!!
Aug 2020 · 85
Disappointments... Nothing new to me
As befriended me since age small
Along with me still though grown tall
Packed so tight as priceless trove
As taught lessons so complete each time
To face all odds and walk ahead...
To disappoint all disappointments !!
Jul 2020 · 33
What you think me of...

I'm made up of..
Jul 2020 · 96
Definition ..
What and who.... I'm to you
Is defined by the  way
How you are to me  ..!!
Jul 2020 · 311
Known to each other ..
And seen each other..
Before the world had seen them
And even their originators had seen to know them... !!

Such is their bonding...
For promised they have to each other
While sharing the space of their mother's womb together ..
To stand as strength  and support
Firm as pillar to one another
Not just in time of need
But ...always and ever...!!

No words require to be uttered
For each to know other's mind
A look into eyes and expression  on face
Will do the the best !!

For they are  twins...
Bound with fondness for each other
Walking hand on shoulders carefully
In every step towards a future seen so infinitely bright .. ...!!
Long live the brother sister duo
With all the blessings of THE ALMIGHTY!!
Inspiration to write are jhanvi and prahlad  ,the twins of my friend harini ..the bond they share is amazing !!
Jul 2020 · 72
Vacations of childhood
In a dream home, a palace stood,
Ruled by love and riches, understood.
Children and grandchildren were showered
With lavish blessings, their lives empowered.

The Emperor and his queen, my grandparents dear,
Their presence to me, forever clear.
Childhood vacations, moments of glee,
Clashes and laughter, a family spree.

Lessons of life, from nature and kin,
Each day a new learning, deep within.
Ripened mangoes and crushed tamarind,
Seeking tastes unique, a joy we'd find.

Games played in scorching summer heat,
No care for the sun's relentless beat.
Monsoon rains brought joy untold,
Together we'd dance, drenched and bold.

Steamy tapioca, tea to beat the cold,
Rain watched through windows, stories unfold.
Watery roads, drenched trees in view,
The mesmerizing rain, a picturesque hue.

Years passed, togetherness rare,
Kinsfolk scattered, distant to share.
The Emperor and his queen, now at rest,
The house still stands, memories etched in its chest.
Jul 2020 · 94
To be a full moon
If only darkness is felt
In and around you....
Hard work and patience
have a say... and pay..
To make you glow like a full moon
From being a no moon !!
Jul 2020 · 31
You are my pillar..
To lean on
To hold on...
To support
To stand firm !!

You are my life
My love
My breath
My heart
And it's beat !!

You are my sun
Whom I rotate around
You are my days
You are my nights..!!

You are ...
My treasure
To be Proud of
For myself !!

You are mine for me...
But you are not mine!!
That's the irony
For me!!
Jul 2020 · 215
Even shadow....not mine !!
Nothing in the world is mine
Not even my own shadow
For I try to hold my shadow
It either moves away...
Or disappears .....!!

Why then...
Talk about the one I love
Pretty well...knowing...
He will never be mine..!!
It's again ...
Nothing in the world is mine ..!!
Jul 2020 · 124
My dad. .
Thank you,  my dad..
For presenting me this beautiful world
And allowing me to inherit
Your qualities and principles, always heard.....
" Stand with truth and stand for truth without any fear"..
Which I dearly and sincerely follow
With a firm promise never to unfollow..!!

You have  given me the identity
And owe it to you for what I'm today
and the person I'm every day..!!
With pride and as protection
I carry your name as a part of mine
Till my Doom's day !!
Jul 2020 · 124
A smile ....a day !!
A smile of your's
Makes some one's day. ..
So why not smile
To make it their day ..
And a day good to you too
With the smile..

Smiles are ...
Invaluable visible treasures
That we hold to offer..
At cost free. ..
Jul 2020 · 41
Love for silence
I love those ones
Who love silence
I always admire silence ..
As silence speaks a lot .....
If understood ...!!
Jul 2020 · 133
What's in my name..
KAVITHA ....that's my name
And I do love my name..
For it has given me fame.
And I thank my parents for the same !

As I do write what my name is..
And in short, I'm what my name is
KAVITHA....a poetry
KAVI....a poet....!!
In my mother tongue Malayalam kavitha means poetry and kavi means poet... I'm rarely called with my name in all my dear ones call me in short name every time I'm called, I feel I'm called what I'm..
Jul 2020 · 36
I write... my mind
I like to write my mind
For through that I live my life,
In the world of infinite  words and dreams
Created to live the way , a life of my likes ....!!
Jul 2020 · 25
Without doubt..
Don't know if
I'm one and  only of  your's  
Or one of the many of your's !!

But ...

For me ....forever
You are the one , only for me
And the only one , for me !!
Jul 2020 · 338
Love of Lily
I have a pond, a tiny one
With crystal like water so little
Each day Lily blooms
And it's a beauty to see it blossom
so elegant...

As sun rises, Lily nudges out
Face to sun standing tall..
And goes stumped down
When Sun gets to set...

With disappearance of sun
My Lily drowns into water
Feeling sad , for seems gone
The one for whom she lives
Each day...and every other day..

Having adored  and wondered
Her love for sun...
My restlessness inquired her...
She just smiled and blushed..!!
With a meaning hidden ...
That I could read....
Every one's love has a reason behind..
inexpressible words !!
Lily in my pond...I have always felt
Jul 2020 · 76
Deeply rooted
Deeply rooted in me and my thoughts
As charming embodiment of innocence
Peaking with adorable mischievousness
Making faces when angry on trifle things
Fading my anger with a gleaming smile
Gleefully jumping as dance to music
Hugging me around with tiny hands
Kissing my cheeks with drooling lips
Deepening in my thoughts
My tiny tot…..
Whom I love a lot…..
Just like her name implies ……
“Deeply rooted” in me
My  NITHARA……!!!
Jul 2020 · 23
Ocean of tears
In the compassionate look of your's
Jul 2020 · 35
I love myself
You call me selfish ?
No bother...
It's self love...
If I don't love me...
Who else will??
Will you???
Jul 2020 · 133
Where you are
I'm there !!

Where you are
I will never be there !!
Jul 2020 · 29
Fear of night...
Freightening sound of night
Dark tight without light
Sends shivers bones straight
And my mind moans outright
But then,
There you come as knight
Landing me in delight
To enjoy the beauty of night
Holding you firm with no fear in sight.....
Rhyming words are my weakness
Cup your cheeks
rub on your lips
Get pricked by beard
Rest on your chest
And lose my every sense !!

I want you to love me....
And me love you!!
Jul 2020 · 26
Absence of
Your presence always
Hurts !!
Jul 2020 · 36
What is it??
Inexpressible something
Hurts  me so deeply
Able to do nothing
Than cry meekly
This happens every week
Leaving me so weak
Is it my feeling of loneliness??
Or feeling of emptiness??
Jul 2020 · 65
I stand there....
I stand there
Where you left me....

Untouched ....
From then...
Till now ...

Spending my days and nights
Dreaming to  merge with you....
Like a river that keeps flowing
To merge with the ocean...
Jul 2020 · 47
I want freedom
I want freedom
Freedom to fly
Freely like a bird
On the wings of my dreams
To the destinations I most like
With no questions asked
No answers to be told
To how when where and why..

I want freedom...
Freedom to be my self...
I'm walking away......
I'm walking away from negativity
I'm walking away from atrocious vibes
I'm walking away from jitters
I'm walking away from obscurity
I'm walking away from all that makes me who I'm not...

I'm walking towards light
I'm walking towards prosperity
I'm walking towards hope confidently
I'm walking towards the right path
To be who I'm !!
Jul 2020 · 31
Standing alone
Stood alone
In the wilderness of the darkened  thoughts
That ravaged my peace of mind
With sight of light no where near
With none of my friends so dear
And family for whom I'm dear..
Alone I stood
Like the sky
Without the stars, moon and the sky
All alone darkly clouded...

Waiting for light..
to set everything right!!
Jul 2020 · 38
I  dream  ..
Ever, it remains a dream !!
Seem born yesterday...
With innocent charming adorable look
Blithely joyous in their own world
Today, Grown up to face challenges of life and world…

Pillars to hold, children are to their parents and world
Doubtlessly the future, for the future world.
Have built their base determined, with strong, high and great marks
To stand tall with vision on their mission accompanied by a bright sparkle...
To themselves  and for whom they are descendants !! each of the little souls !!!
Prayers ,wishes on their way for  achievements many more...
In all their endeavors henceforth..
With infallible firm walk seeking success glory and fame
In realisation of dreams and goals
Making parents smile with pride
A return gratitude for their strive
In making a better person of their child...

Best wishes to the young adults in their journey to future ....!!!
Jul 2020 · 53
Beyond words ..
I miss you
Is beyond words
to express !!

You won't know
Even if I express!!
Jul 2020 · 42
Burning in the heat
in the heat
of your heart ..

Jul 2020 · 25
Behind the woods
Beside the shrubs ..
Waiting for the rain drops
To dance nonstop
feathering out its beauty
Making us call it naughty.

But ...for the peacocks
It's a way to attract their mates
And pair it as soul mate !!
Jul 2020 · 44
Beneath my ..

Fancy dresses
Designer jewellery
Coloured smiles
Beauty make ups and
Gorgeous Make overs....


A Burning heart
And a paining mind !!
Jul 2020 · 55
Your reactions
I gave you my mind
Left as never mind.
I lived my life for you
Found no value
I took you as my world
Never observed it
I had You  in my dreams
Dismissed as crazy
I mended my ways for you
Discovered unwanted
I tried to read your heart
But then  realized its absence there..
I searched for your heart everywhere
But found it somewhere
With someone else .....
I loved you so much
But you gave me pain that much
Still love you
Bearing all the pain without you ..
For my love is unconditional......
Jul 2020 · 32
Wishes to a friend
Seen always with pleasant smile,
Inspires others too to smile…
Strictly follows school motto
Heads anything good “Suo moto”

Love and peace loving person
In every season for every reason
Will make it to his mission
To become a politician
And we wait to present our petition
For problem solution

Simplicity and affability is you trade mark
Backing you in your pragmatic embarks
Wishing you best to reach your goals
Outstandingly in chief minister's role
Running the race slowly
Yet winning the race steadily...
Jul 2020 · 84
The knight of Kochi
Blessed with eternal Bliss
This BOY bestows the blessed bliss
For self and souls surround
Since many years around....

Characterized as a person in  guise
Of eighth incarnation of the divinity his name carries..
Passionate look and appealing charm
Spiked many a hearts...
Had to resist and desist many romantic arrows aimed to his heart..

Several arrows of passion  emanated
from his heart's bow...
At divergent angles .. different zones
Some hit straight , some went low
But finally hit "Bindu" getting bonded
And the game of arrows ended..

Enthusiastic warrior...still wages wars on cricket fields
Bringing laurels to him and teams
Passionate about fashion and style
Yet heads trusts to help those suffer in real..

The knight of Kochi....
wish always remain The ageless knight.....
Blessed with eternal bliss!!
Jul 2020 · 34
Mind's voice
decision is my choice
You are my mind's voice
Jul 2020 · 36
I'm taking your pain
Come...let me give you a hug
To take your pain as mine
For I can't see you burn in pain...
Jul 2020 · 38
Silence....a solution
Fought with you for a reason so trifle
I cried meekly, then loudly
Burst out with tiny whispers
Led it out hysterically
Flung out not just alone utensils
But all that came handy...

You remained a silent spectator
To all my spectacle…
Thus again provoking me for no reason
But you remained still silent to the core...
Might, you felt come what may ready to bear….

Tired of all the drama...
Dispersed all feelings of melodrama
Took to set right all things flown
Eliminated the clouds over grown …
Set Surrounding and emotions all clear...

With a realization crystal clear….
Silence sometimes is the best solution
To many a problems.....
Jul 2020 · 97
Don't believe anyone
You believe they are yours
For them you put in your life
As you think they and you
Are no different….
You feel they are your world
but believe, you are not even in their world… and least welcome!!
Do they deem you their own ?
As you regard them as your own ?!
No, they are their own selves
Only you belong to yourself.
Jul 2020 · 26
What am'I to do ??
Should I

Your answer decides!!!
Jul 2020 · 34
How to treat you...
Treat yourself well
As you deserve it so well
For you are an original one
With shadow of none !!
Jul 2020 · 20
Scurrying thoughts
I lay on the bed
Literally dread
Accompanied by the darkness of night
With no ray of light.

 Thoughts scurrying over my mind
With tears my eyes sensed blind
Past memories hit me a thunder
For coming out of it is wonder.

Reminisce of the Wonderful days
Together with dreadful days
Disconcerted the offended mind
Leading  tears ..tears behind
Dancing to the velocity of thoughts in mind till ....Sleep abides!!
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