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Jul 2020 · 153
jaz Jul 2020
a sculptor is seated
in front of a mold

clay takes the shape of
a woman’s figure

grooves the size of fingers
make indents over
her frame

she contains no head, arms, legs

gaping holes where clay
has been stolen
makes her existence

the viewer is asked to
take without refrain

the viewer is asked
to own every piece

the viewer is asked
to dispose of what
is deemed unsuitable
Jun 2020 · 136
if i could
jaz Jun 2020
im imagining you as a staircase
suspended in space
an object defined by gravity
in its loosest sense

the ambiguity, a pull of its own
draws me closer
though i doubt my ability
to capture light between my fingers

you are dripping
through a galaxy
i have been stitched into

a compositional enigma
dark matter
there are questions that
the universe cannot ask itself

and still
space is your canvas

there are dimensions that
materialize when you speak

i kindly ask:
would you whisper

into me
jaz May 2020
stop thinking
about how rays of light
always seemed to
meet his eyes and
made them
gleam a golden amber
that reminded
you of honey

forget that his voice
dropped from his lips
like honey too

imagine how it was
before his presence
made you feel like
you were water
changing state

let go of feeling
his hand painting
your body
turning it into

remember yourself
crumbling under his grip
and the way he didnt even look down
when pieces of you littered
the floor

remember how much
she looks like you
before you were a collection
of broken promises
im ******* feeling it y'all
May 2020 · 120
a past
jaz May 2020
we fell in love in the evening
as the night time overtook the sky
and the sun was collapsing

i think the stars could feel us falling too

back whenever my hair
was always falling in my face
i can still feel the touch of your skin
brushing over my forehead

i was a mess then
and i'm a mess now
but at least in that moment
i was yours
May 2020 · 140
jaz May 2020
in quarantine
but my body has
always felt like
a prison
May 2020 · 155
jaz May 2020
i stared at her picture
for what felt like forever

i tried to make out something wrong
desperately searching for an imperfection
a flaw
something that could beckon a mistake

and you said that it was all in due time
something you predicted

i wonder if you were waiting
for her
while you were
with me

its strange,
i can't stop thinking about how
my phone's still connected to your car's blue tooth

and you didnt even have
the decency to unfollow me on twitter

i wrote about you a little after
i regret putting more energy into
your memory than what you deserve

i hate that you continue to occupy space in my mind

admittedly shes fine, normal, completely beautiful
maybe its satisfying to you
the wait is over
it wasnt even a breakup
Apr 2020 · 188
exit sign, singing to me
jaz Apr 2020
my thoughts brought me back to france

i havent heard your voice for a year
and some

kinda funny how i only remember what it sounds like
because of how you'd say
i was in love once
Jan 2019 · 218
distance (1)
jaz Jan 2019
i have started collecting your words
and planting them
like flowers in a meadow

sometimes i pick them out
     "i'm crazy about you"

and twist them between my fingers
      "they'll write movies about us"

or pull at the petals
     "i like to know that somewhere in this world there's you"
in a game of love me, love me (not), love me

and, god, i hope spring never ends
is this it????
Nov 2017 · 244
a shit show at the in-n-out
jaz Nov 2017
im enamored by the bare bones hanging from your gums

they remind me of the time my body lost its skin
whenever my veins and organs and such slipped through its cage

its been a while since ive thought of the monster hiding underneath my - non-social media - persona

excuse me while i check my twitter

oh yes,

forget the instrumental tone of the paper bag holding your fast food crumbling beneath your grasp because it is
what is behind this smile
the (arguably) faster food
that fills empty hearts, minds, lives

but who are you without these bare bones?
is it reason alone that compels me to stop staring-
or the fact that i just got a new notification

excuse me while i . . .
this can also be titled modern Romance,
a ~satire~
Nov 2017 · 1.4k
jaz Nov 2017
i have studied how men
have ensnared women
and called it love

to those who cannot fathom
a woman beyond womanhood
or a woman  beyond man

she was never yours to understand
she belongs to the deity of her own creation
she belongs to the eve who bit the apple and never apologized
Apr 2017 · 283
ocean 2
jaz Apr 2017
you jumped into my salt waters because you knew you'd float.

im composed of whats drowning me
but, love, how i refuse to let you sink.
sometimes you dont get over it
Nov 2016 · 319
jaz Nov 2016
when you decide to come back
i'll be where I normally am

waiting for you
inspiration from a friend,,,,,,,i like this a lot
Apr 2016 · 390
if it even matters
jaz Apr 2016
its over
but sometimes whenever
i listen to
our song
in the car
i swear i can feel you
swaying next to me
feeling the beat
move through your body
sort of like
the way you moved
through me
I guess some things
even when they no longer
maybe its just me who cant let go
Mar 2016 · 293
jaz Mar 2016
i am a fish out of water
watch me dance on the land

watch as the life seeps out

watch as i
fade, fade, fade away

I dance free of music
I dance longer than my legs can handle
Dec 2015 · 938
jaz Dec 2015
is there growth in decay?
all I've learned from pain
is how heavy it feels
to be so empty
I think I've hit rock bottom
Nov 2015 · 418
jaz Nov 2015
a glorified version of yourself
sets in, close quarters

you quiver at the thought

maybe you've  peeled far too much
of your aged scabs,
wounds of perpetual disappointment

in an attempt to forget

still your scars are a reminder
the past is not a friend
but a nasty truth
waiting to bleed out
the minute you slit it open
Sep 2015 · 284
jaz Sep 2015
to be a single note within a harmony
of angelic music
and linger sweetly in your ear

to be the reminder that
not everything beautiful
is seen
nor solitary
I am so in love with you. there is no one else for me.
Aug 2015 · 310
jaz Aug 2015
darkness stretches across a foggy sky
lamps flicker illuminating hazy dreams
an Isolated street
a distant past
Mar 2015 · 330
A copy
jaz Mar 2015
how can anyone
in a world filled with
ever be an
Excerpt of a something, excerpt of a nothing
I don't know anymore
Jan 2015 · 366
jaz Jan 2015
I could yell out
To the cold
hear nothing
In return
Claw at the very
In my soul
And it would still
Be more than
That could ever
Jan 2015 · 318
jaz Jan 2015
I've got this disgusting mentality that I have to be interesting for someone to actually give a **** about me
Sep 2014 · 1.0k
jaz Sep 2014
(you once described me as an ocean)

an oceans
current is constant
its waves flow
pulled by the moon
while the stars watch
it grabs the sand
and lets it free with every fluid motion
never letting go of anything in its wake
you can caress its nature
but you cant grasp
the depth of life
that lives in the core
of its cave
in the darkness only its natural creatures
can understand

(and i understand
why you left)
this is not about you
Jul 2014 · 2.3k
jaz Jul 2014
He saw tesellations. I drew scribbled lines.
i once saw an activity for writers on the internet to create tension using only two sentences. this is what i came up with

— The End —